SBI PO is not something which can be achieved in preparation of 15 days after the declaration of Preliminary result. So don’t Prepare for Prelims ,study like you have to give mains exam in July.
Below we have mentioned the latest exam pattern of mains with subject wise marks distribution along with allotted time.
SBI PO Mains Exam Pattern
Section | No of ques | Marks | Duration |
Reasoning and computer Aptitude | 45 | 60 | 1hr |
Data Analysis and Interpretation | 35 | 60 | 45 min |
General Awareness (Economy /Banking) | 40 | 40 | 35 |
English Language | 35 | 40 | 40 |
Total | 155 | 200 | 3hrs |
Descriptive : The descriptive exam bears 50 marks in which students have to type 1 essay and 1 letter each of 150 words in total time of 30 minutes.Three essays and three letters will be given as two different sections in exam out of which students have to choose one from each section.
Strategy for SBI PO MAINS
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude: The important topics from mains point of view are Puzzles, sitting arrangement, data sufficiency, input-output and Critical Reasoning. However, students have to cover topics like syllogism , Coding-decoding, computer Aptitude, Blood relationship, inequality, direction sense test, etc. as well to solve the questions of data sufficiency.Tips to Prepare :
- Cover the basics of each topic in next 15 days.
- Starts doing high level Puzzles and sitting arrangements .They are something which can’t be commanded in a day or two. You should solve 3 high level puzzles daily.
- Critical Reasoning Questions generally bears 2 marks each. Solve high level Questions from our platform as well as from previous year Questions of CAT examination. Do 5 Questions daily of this topic.
- Pattern of topics like syllogism, input output, coding decoding and even puzzles has changed.So practice both old as well as new Pattern Questions.
- Computer aptitude generally asks for 0 to 5 marks. You can prepare it after Preliminary exam also. Just Practice questions based on Previous year exam. Also don’t Confuse this section with Computer Awareness .In computer aptitude ,you have to cover number system and conversion, logic gates, etc.
- Data Analysis and Interpretation: Data interpretation based on Pie chart, Table Chart, Line graph, Mixed Graph , Caselet DI , Bar graph; Mathematical Inequality, Data Sufficiency and number series are some important topics of this section. However concepts of miscellaneous topics will be used while solving Data interpretation and data sufficiency questions, so one can’t leave miscellaneous topics as well.
Tips to prepare :
- Clear your basics of each topic in next 30 days.
- Solve 2 sets of High Level Data interpretation questions on daily basis .
- Last year Data interpretation based on time & work , boat and streams appeared in exam. So practice such Problems also.
- Solve 5 questions each of Data sufficiency, Inequality, Number series and 20 questions of miscellaneous topics on daily basis.
- English Language: Reading Comprehension, Error spotting, Para jumbles, double fillers, sentence improvement, Cloze tests , etc are some important topics which can be seen in Mains.
Tips to Prepare
- Cover basics of English Grammar in next 15 days.
- Read Newspaper daily, especially editorials.
- Give topic wise tests to command each section.
- Daily solve 1 Reading comprehension and 20 random questions of any topic mentioned above.
- Read as much as possible,it will really help in error detection as well as in Reading Comprehension.
- In IBPS PO, some new pattern questions appeared, Practice them too.
- General Awareness (Economy/Banking): This section includes three parts.
- Current affairs of last 6 months
- Banking Awareness - both static as well as dynamic .Generally includes history of banking system in India ,Banking terminology , Policies of RBI, loans , schemes ,NABARD policies,budget,etc.
- Static general Awareness contains questions based on Airports ,Dams ,Rivers ,Popular towns, Cabinet Ministers, Temples, culture ,etc.
Tips to prepare
- Read current affairs and makes notes of them on daily basis.
- Cover static general awareness as well as static banking awareness from articles given on this platform. Alternatively you can give topic-wise tests also, as it doesn’t demand deep knowledge of the subject.
Descriptive : Read editorials daily. Learn the format of Letter well .Type one article on hot topic and one letter collectively in 30 min on weekly basis.
Happy Learning 😊
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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2018/05/how-to-prepare-for-sbi-po-mains.html
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