General Awareness Questions for SSC CPO & Railway Exam 2018: 01st May

May 1, 2018    

Dear Readers, GA section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on sscadda website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. DNS is networking term that refers to
DNS एक नेटवर्किंग शब्द है जो किसे संदर्भित करता है
(a) Domain Name System
(b) Digital Network Service
(c) Disk Numbering Sequence
(d) Data Number System
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Sol.The Domain Name System is a hierarchical decentralized naming system for computers, services, or other resources connected to the Internet or a private network.

Q2. Telephone exchange was invented by?
टेलीफोन एक्सचेंज का आविष्कार किसने किया था?
(a) Tivadar Puskas/ तिवादार पुष्का
(b) Joseph Priestley/ जोसेफ प्रिस्टली
(c) Petrache Poenaru/ पेट्राचे पोएनारू
(d) James Leonard Plimpton/ जेम्स लियोनार्ड प्लिमटन
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Sol.Tivadar Puskás de Ditró was a Hungarian inventor, telephone pioneer, and inventor of the telephone exchange. 

Q3. Scurvy (bleeding of gums) is caused by the deficiency of which vitamin?
स्कर्वी (मसूड़ों का खूनना) किस विटामिन की कमी के कारण होता है
(a) Vitamin K/ विटामिन K
(b) Vitamin B2/ विटामिन B2
(c) Vitamin C/ विटामिन C
(d) Vitamin A/ विटामिन A
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Sol.Scurvy happens when there is a lack of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. The deficiency leads to symptoms of weakness, anemia, gum disease, and skin problems. This is because vitamin C is needed for making collagen, an important component in connective tissues.

Q4. Achras sapota is the scientific name of
अच्रस सपोटा किसका वैज्ञानिक नाम है
(a) Custard Apple/ सीताफल
(b) Gulmohar/ गुलमोहर
(c) Tamarind/ इमली
(d) Chiku/चीकू
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Sol. Sapodilla or sapota (chiku) is a tropical fruit belonging to Sapotaceae family.

Q5. Prawn belongs to the phylum
झींगा किस फाइलम से संबंधित है
(a) Arthropoda/ आर्थ्रोपोड़ा
(b) Cnidaria/ निडारिया
(c) Echinodermata/ एकीनोडरमाटा
(d) Chordata/ कोर्डेटा
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Sol.Prawn is a common name for small aquatic crustaceans with an exoskeleton and ten legs (i.e. a member of the order decapoda), some of which can be eaten.Prawn belongs to  Arthropoda phylum.

Q6. What does a catalyst do in a reaction?
एक उत्प्रेरक प्रतिक्रिया में क्या करता है
(a) Changes potential energy of reactants/ प्रतिक्रियाओं की स्थितिज ऊर्जा बदलता है
(b) Changes kinetic energy of reactants/ प्रतिक्रियाओं की गतिशील ऊर्जा बदलता है
(c) Changes potential energy of products/ उत्पादों की स्थितिज ऊर्जा बदलता है
(d) Changes activation energy/ सक्रियण ऊर्जा बदलता है
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Sol.Catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change. 

Q7. Adding which substance gives green colour to glass?
कौन सा पदार्थ ग्लास को हरा रंग देता है?
(a) Calcium oxide/ कैल्शियम ऑक्साइड
(b) Iron oxide/ आयरन ऑक्साइड
(c) Chromium oxide/ क्रोमियम ऑक्साइड
(d) Manganese oxide/ मैंगनीज ऑक्साइड
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Sol.Chromium Oxide Ceramic Grade Chromium oxide gives green under most conditions. Amount upto 1% disperse and dissolve fairly easily and give bright greens in alkaline glazes, drab green in boron glazes and yellowish green in lead glazes.

Q8. Ellora Caves is in
एलोरा गुफाएं कहाँ स्थित है?
(a) Karnataka/ कर्नाटक
(b) Madhya Pradesh/ मध्य प्रदेश
(c) Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट्र
(d) Rajasthan/ राजस्थान
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Sol.Ellora located in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India, is one of the largest rock-cut monastery-temple cave complexes in the world, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, featuring Buddhist, Hindu and Jain monuments, and artwork, dating from the 600-1000 CE period.

Q9. __________ festival is celebrated on a full-moon day.
__________ त्यौहार एक पूर्णिमा के दिन मनाया जाता है
(a) Dussehra/ दशहरा
(b) Holi/ होली
(c) Christmas/ क्रिसमस
(d) Rakhi/ राखी
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Sol.Holi is celebrated at the end of winter, on the last full moon day of the Hindu luni-solar calendar month marking the spring, making the date vary with the lunar cycle. The date falls typically in March, but sometimes late February of the Gregorian calendar.

Q10. Balance of Trade is the difference between
व्यापार संतुलन किसके बीच का अंतर है
(a) Country’s Income and Expense/ देश की आय और व्यय
(b) Country’s Exports and Imports/ देश के निर्यात और आयात
(c) Country’s Tax Revenue and Expense/ देश का कर राजस्व और व्यय
(d) Country’s capital inflow and outflow/ देश की पूंजी प्रवाह और उत्प्रवाह
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Sol.The balance of trade is the difference between the value of a country's imports and exports for a given period. The balance of trade is the largest component of a country's balance of payments.

Q11. Which of the following gases if present in the atmosphere can be detected by its odour?
वायुमंडल में मौजूद निम्नलिखित में से किस गैस का उसकी गंध से पता लगाया जा सकता है?
(a) Ethane/ एटैन
(b) Sulphur dioxide/ सल्फर डाइऑक्साइड
(c) Hydrogen/ हाइड्रोजन
(d) Carbon monoxide/ कार्बन मोनोऑक्साइड
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Sol.Sulfur dioxide (also sulphur dioxide) is the chemical compound with the formula SO 2. It is a toxic gas with a pungent, irritating smell. It is released naturally by volcanic activity and is produced as a by-product of the burning of fossil fuels contaminated with sulfur compounds. 

Q12. The number of biogeographical zones in India are
भारत में जैव-भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों की संख्या कितनी है?
(a) 2
(b) 10
(c) 5
(d) 6
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Sol.Biogeographic classification of India is the division of India according to biogeographic characteristics. Biogeography is the study of the distribution of species (biology), organisms, and ecosystems in geographic space and through geological time. There are ten biogeographic zones in India.

Q13. The Article 343 of the Indian Constitution is about
भारतीय संविधान का अनुच्छेद 343 किससे संबंधित है?
(a) Number of seats for the Lok Sabha/ लोकसभा के लिए सीटों की संख्या
(b) Number of seats for the Rajya Sabha/ राज्य सभा के लिए सीटों की संख्या
(c) Hindi as official language/ आधिकारिक भाषा के रूप में हिंदी
(d) Special status to Kashmir/ कश्मीर को विशेष दर्जा
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Sol. Article 343 of the Constitution of India states "The Official Language of the Union government shall be Hindi in Devanagari script".

Q14. Where is the Head Quarters of International Cricket Council?
अंतरराष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट परिषद का मुख्यालय कहां है?
(a) New York/ न्यूयॉर्क
(b) Geneva/ जिनेवा
(c) Dubai/ दुबई
(d) London/ लंडन
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Sol. ICC was established in 1909 by the representatives of England, Australia and South Africa as "Imperial Cricket Conference". In 1965, it has been renamed as "International Cricket Conference", and finally in 1989 it was renamed as "International Cricket Council" (ICC). Its headquarter is located in Dubai.

Q15. Which among the following books is written by Nelson Mandela?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी पुस्तक नेल्सन मंडेला द्वारा लिखी गयी है?
(a) Long Walk to Freedom
(b) Economic Nightmare of Africa
(c) Dreams from My Mother
(d) 27 years of Jail
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Sol. Long Walk to Freedom is an autobiographical work written by South African President Nelson Mandela, and first published in 1994 by Little Brown & Co. 

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