Error Detection for SBI Clerk Prelims: 8th May 2018

May 8, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Reading Comprehension for SBI Clerk Prelims Exam: 28th April 2018

Today is the Day 17  of the SBI Clerk 60 Days Study Plan. This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. Sometimes, even those who can communicate very well in English, fail to perform to the best of their ability in the banking exams. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz on Error Detection being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions.
Direction (1-15): In each of the questions given below a sentence is given which is then divided into five parts out of which last part is correct. There are errors in three out of four remaining parts and therefore only one of the parts (other than the bold one) is correct. You must choose the grammatically correct part as your answer.

Q1. Paddy and sugarcane are India’s the most water-guzzling crops — using up over half(A)/ of the country’s total irrigation water(B)/ resources — but procuring policies and(C)/ water and power subsidies are skews(D)/ profitability and distorting crop decisions(E).
(a) D
(b) B
(c) C
(d) A
(e) None of these

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S1. Ans.(b) Sol. Paddy and sugarcane are India’s most water-guzzling crops — using up over half of the country’s total irrigation water resources — but procurement policies and water and power subsidies are skewing profitability and distorting crop decisions.
Part(A): 'the' will be removed as here, we are talking about the India's most water-guzzling crops Part(C): noun 'procurement' will replace the verb 'procuring' 
Part(D): 'skews' will be replaced by 'skewing' 
Thus, option (B) is the correct alternative.

Q2. As cancer therapy rely on increasing(A)/ the oxidative stress till(B)/ a critical point, the time of(C)/ internal rhythms in reactive-species(D)/ production is crucial(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) None of these
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S2. Ans.(d) Sol. As cancer therapy relies on increasing the oxidative stress beyond a critical point, the timing of internal rhythms in reactive-species production is crucial.
Part(A): 'relies' will replace the 'rely'
Part(B): 'till' will replace the 'beyond' 
Part(C):'timing' will replace the 'time' 
Thus, option (D) is the correct alternative.

Q3. By just change(A)/ the timing to drug(B)/ administration, the researchers could(C)/ reprogrammed internal rhythms of(D)/ reactive-species production(E).
(a) C
(b) D
(c) A
(d) B
(e) None of these
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S3. Ans.(a) Sol. By just changing the timing of drug administration, the researchers could reprogram internal rhythms of reactive-species production.
Part(A): 'changing' will replace the 'change' 
Part(B): preposition 'to' will get replaced by 'of' 
Part(D): 'reprogrammed' will replace 'reprogramme' 
Thus, option (C) is the correct alternative.

Q4. Such trade diversification for relatively less labour-intensive(A)/ sectors to value-added industrial products(B)/ would in turn leads to(C)/ sustaining economic(D)/ growth and employment generation(E).
(a) A
(b) C
(c) B
(d) D
(e) None of these
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S4. Ans.(c) Sol. Such trade diversification from relatively less labour-intensive sectors to value-added industrial products would in turn lead to sustained economic growth and employment generation. Part(A): 'from' will replace 'for' 
Part(C): 'lead' will replace 'leads' 
Part(D): 'sustained' will change to 'sustaining' 
Thus, option (B) is the correct alternative.

Q5. Deeper regional integration require(A)/ not only the dismantling(B)/ to border tariffs, but also(C)/ the elimination to non-tariff(D)/ barriers such as poor infrastructure(E).
(a) D
(b) A
(c) B
(d) C
(e) None of these
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S5. Ans.(c) Sol. Deeper regional integration requires not only the dismantling of border tariffs, but also the elimination of non-tariff barriers such as poor infrastructure.
Part(A): 'require' will get replaced by 'requires' 
Part(C): 'of' will replace 'to' 
Part(D): 'of' will replace 'to' 
Thus, option (B) is the correct alternative.

Q6. But they could strived harder(A)/ to upheld democratic rights(B)/ and constitutional principles at home(C)/. That is critical in(D)/ promote sustainable development(E).
(a) A
(b) C
(c) D
(d) B
(e) None of these
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S6. Ans.(b) Sol. But they could strive harder to uphold democratic rights and constitutional principles at home. That is critical to promote sustainable development.
Part(A): 'strive' will replace 'strived' 
Part(B): 'uphold' will replace 'upheld' 
Part(D): 'to' will replace 'in' 
Thus, option (C) is the correct alternative.

Q7. The agreement with Mehta was towards(A)/ ‘partial assignment of the rights to made records(B)/ in gramophone and in talkies and no other(C)/ sound produced broadcast device’ for a lump sum(D)/ of Rs. 450 and a royalty of one anna per record sold(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) None of these
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S7. Ans.(a) Sol. The agreement with Mehta was towards ‘partial assignment of the rights to make records in gramophone and in talkies and any other sound producing broadcast device’ for a lump sum of Rs. 450 and a royalty of one anna per record sold.
Part(B): 'made' will replace 'make' 
Part(C): 'any' will replace 'no'
Part(D): 'producing' will replace 'produced' 
Thus, option (A) is the correct alternative.

Q8. Parliament’s recent approval in the redrawn(A)/ electoral constituencies has reinforce(B)/ allegations of gerrymandering(C)/ and unequal sizing to electoral districts(D)/ to benefit the National Front(E).
(a) B
(b) D
(c) A
(d) C
(e) None of these
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S8. Ans.(d) Sol. Parliament’s recent approval of the redrawn electoral constituencies has reinforced allegations of gerrymandering and unequal sizing of electoral districts to benefit the National Front. Part(A): 'of' will replace 'in' 
Part(B): 'reinforced' will replace 'reinforce'
Part(D): 'of' will replace 'to' 
Thus, option (C) is the correct alternative.

Q9.  However, the journalistic community which questions(A)/ the wisdom of people who indulged(B)/ in whataboutery cannot taken comfort in(C)/ citing the instances to getting(D)/ it right when someone points out a shortcoming(E).
(a) B
(b) A
(c) D
(d) C
(e) None of these
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S9. Ans.(b) Sol. However, the journalistic community which questions the wisdom of people who indulge in whataboutery cannot take comfort in citing the instances of getting it right when someone points out a shortcoming.
Part(B): 'indulge' will replace 'indulge' 
Part(C): 'take' will replace 'taken' 
Part(D): 'of' will replace 'to' 
Thus, option (A) is the correct alternative.

Q10. The past shaped the way we are(A)/ today — not only the world we grow out(B)/ in, where we struggled with(C)/ conflicts the seeds of whom(D)/ were sown long ago(E).
(a) B
(b) A
(c) D
(d) C
(e) None of these
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S10. Ans.(b) Sol. The past shaped the way we are today — not only the world we grow up in, where we struggle with conflicts the seeds of which were sown long ago.
Part(B): 'up' will replace 'out' 
Part(C): 'struggle' will replace 'struggled' 
Part(D): 'which' will replace 'whom' 
Thus, option (A) is the correct alternative.

Q11. The Committee has also make it clear that(A)/ the Central Government can acquire a bank(B)/ only when it failed to comply with the(C)/ directions of the Reserve Bank with regard to banking(D)/ policy and not in regard to procedural matters(E).
(a) C
(b) A
(c) B
(d) D
(e) None of these
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S11. Ans.(c) Sol. The Committee has also made it clear that the Central Government can acquire a bank only when it fails to comply with the directions of the Reserve Bank in regard to banking policy and not in regard to procedural matters.
Part(A): 'make' will replace 'made' 
Part(C): 'fails' will replace 'failed' 
Part(D): 'in' will replace 'with' 
Thus, option (B) is the correct alternative.

Q12. What is pertinent and merited deep reflection for its(A)/ corrosive implications is manner in(B)/ which the Indian military and its historical(C)/ track record are being invoking(D)/ for short-term electoral gain(E).
(a) C
(b) B
(c) A
(d) D
(e) None of these
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S12. Ans.(a) Sol. What is pertinent and merits deep reflection for its corrosive implications is the manner in which the Indian military and its historical track record are being invoked for short-term electoral gain.
Part(A): 'merits' will replace 'merited' 
Part(B): 'the' will come before 'manner' 
Part(D): 'invoked' will replace 'invoking' 
Thus, option (C) is the correct alternative.

Q13.  In the decades that has followed(A)/, the Army has retaining its institutional fidelity(B)/ to the Constitution and internalised the(C)/ principal of the supremacy of the(D)/ elected civilian government(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) D
(d) C
(e) None of these
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S13. Ans.(d) Sol. In the decades that have followed, the Army has retained its institutional fidelity to the Constitution and internalized the principle of the supremacy of the elected civilian government. Part(A): 'have' will replace 'has' 
Part(B): 'retained' will replace 'retaining' 
Part(D): 'principle' will replace 'principal' 
Thus, option (C) is the correct alternative.

Q14.  The democratic ecosystem is the best nurtured by(A)/ institutions that are fire-walled to(B)/ corrosive slander and disparaging(C)/ remarks that can had long-term(D)/ negative implications(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) D
(d) C
(e) None of these
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S14. Ans.(d) Sol. The democratic ecosystem is best nurtured by institutions that are fire-walled from corrosive slander and disparaging remarks that can have long-term negative implications.
Part(A): 'the' will be removed
Part(B): 'from' will replace 'to' 
Part(D): 'have' will replace 'had' 
Thus, option (C) is the correct alternative.

Q15.  I appreciates the fact that(A)/ through the levity and delectable nastiness(B)/ Wolf managed to touch on(C)/ most of major issues(D)/ Americans face today(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) None of these
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S15. Ans.(b) Sol. I appreciated the fact that through the levity and delectable nastiness Wolf managed to touch upon most of the major issues Americans face today.
Part(A): 'appreciated' will replace 'appreciates' 
Part(C): 'upon' will replace 'on' 
Part(D): 'the' will come before 'major' 
Thus, option (B) is the correct alternative.

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Error Detection for SBI Clerk Prelims: 8th May 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 8, 2018 Dear Aspirants, Today is the  Day 17  of the SBI Clerk 60 Days Study Plan.  This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. S...

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