Daily Vocabulary For SSC CGL And CPO Exam 2018: 11th May

May 11, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

In this modern era, everything seems incomplete without the involvement of English in our daily life. And no one can deny the importance of Vocabulary that is a momentous section to score up to the mark. SSC CPO And SSC CGL 2018 Exams are nearby opportunities where dealing with English Section may demand a grip over enticingly illustrious words.

We are providing prominent words for each day facilitated with synonyms, antonyms, their proper usage through examples which will surely ease your grapple of storing apt number of  words in your memory for longer time and in an effective way. It will be our pleasure to add up in your efficiency with each passing day leaving you well prepared for vying part of life.

1. Countenance: verb : अनुग्रह करना
Meaning: admit as acceptable or possible.
Synonyms: abet, condone, accept, applaud, approbate, accept
Antonyms: censure, criticize, deny, disagree, discourage, dissuade, hinder, obstruct, oppose

2. Veto: noun : निषेधाधिकार
Meaning: a constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a lawmaking body, refusal of permission
Synonyms: ban, denial, embargo, prohibition, declination, interdict
Antonyms: allowance, permission, approval, ratification

3. Pragmatic: adjective : व्यवहारमूलक
Meaning: dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
Synonyms: practical, realistic, sober, efficient, hardheaded
Antonyms: impractical, inefficient, irrational, unrealistic

4. Flimsy: adjective : कमज़ोर
Meaning: (of a pretext or account) weak and unconvincing.
Synonyms: frivolous, feeble, trifling, assailable, lame, baseless
Antonyms: efficient, convincing, plausible, sturdy, substantial

5. Muster:  verb : लोगो का इकठ्ठा होना
Meaning: (of a group of people) gather together.
Synonyms: assemble, congregate, convene, convoke, collect
Antonyms: destroy, dismiss, disorganize, disperse, dodge

6. Shoddy: adjective : तुच्छ
Meaning: badly made or done
Synonyms: inferior, shabby, shameful, gaudy, junky, run-down
Antonyms: respectable, noble, sophisticated, superior

7. Regurgitate: verb : बार बार दोहराना
Meaning: repeat (information) without analysing or comprehending it.
Synonyms: restate, recapitulate, reiterate, recite

8. Insularity: noun : मानसिक संकीर्णता
Meaning: ignorance of or lack of interest in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one's own experience.
Synonyms: bias, bigotry, prejudice
Antonyms: Fairness, tolerance

9. Intransigence: noun : हठ, कट्टरता
Meaning: refusal to change one's views or to agree about something.
Synonyms: inflexibility, obstinacy, contumacy, grimness, indomitability

10. Exorbitant: adjective : अतिव्ययी
Meaning: (of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.
Synonyms: extravagant, inordinate, outrageous, steep, unconscionable
Antonyms: cheap, moderate, reasonable, sensible

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- http://www.sscadda.com/2018/05/daily-vocabulary-for-ssc-cpo-exams.html
Daily Vocabulary For SSC CGL And CPO Exam 2018: 11th May 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu May 11, 2018 Dear Aspirants, In this modern era, everything seems incomplete without the involvement of English in our daily life. And no one can den...

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