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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 17th May 2018. Happy reading :)
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Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Rupee rout: on the Indian currency's slide"
- Slide - a situation in which an amount becomes less
- Widening - to increase
- Trade deficit - a situation in which a country is buying more things from other countries than it is selling to them
- Dilemma - a situation in which you have to make a difficult decision
- Macroeconomic - relating to the economic system of a whole country or large region
- Threat - a situation or an activity that could cause harm or danger
- Expose - not protected from attack
- Grapple - to try hard to understand a difficult idea or to solve a difficult problem
- Sunk - to move to a lower level
- Crude oil - oil that is still in its natural state and has not yet been refined for use by chemical processes
- Amidst - if something happens amidst particular feelings or events, it happens while people have these feelings or while these events are happening
- Dwindling - to become gradually less or smaller over a period of time until almost nothing remains
- Obviously - in a way that is clear for almost anyone to see or understand
- Meanwhile - at the same time
- Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
- Depreciating - to become less valuable than before
- Merchandise - goods that people buy and sell
- Export - a product that is sold to another country
- Clock - to measure or record
- Decline - to become less or worse
- Consequently - as a result
- Import - the process of buying and bringing in products from other countries
- Sanction - an official order to stop communication, trade, etc with a country that has broken international law
- Hereon - from this point
- Emerging - just beginning to exist or be noticed
- Inflow - an amount of something such as money or goods that comes into a place
- Outflow - a movement of large amounts of money or large numbers of people from one place to another
- Scupper - to spoil someone’s plans or hopes of success
- Hawkish - preferring to deal with political problems by using military force instead of more peaceful methods
- Aggressive - used about plans or methods that are designed to do everything possible to succeed
- Yield - to make a profit
- Portfolio investment - a grouping of assets such as stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents
- Attributed to - to believe that something is the result of a particular situation, event, or person’s actions
- Headwind - a wind that blows in the opposite direction to the one in which you are moving
- Complacent - too confident and relaxed because you think you can deal with something easily, even though this may not be true
- Benchmark - an amount, level, standard etc that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are
- Exodus - a situation in which a lot of people leave a place or activity at the same time
- Inflation - an economic process in which prices increase so that money becomes less valuable
- Catalyst - someone or something that causes something to happen or change
- Unenviable - difficult and not at all enjoyable
- Taper tantrum - taper tantrum is the term used for the 2013 surge in U.S. Treasury yields
- Spur - something that encourages someone to do something
- Facilitate - to make it possible or easier for something to happen
- Swift - happening quickly or immediately
- Tariff - a tax that a government charges on goods that enter or leave their country
- Diversify - to develop new products or activities in addition to the ones that you already provide or do
- Toll - the total number of people who have been killed or hurt
- Precede - to happen or exist before another person or thing
- Embassy - a group of officials who represent their government in a foreign country
- Consequence - a result or effect of something
- Diplomatic - relating to the profession or skill of preserving or creating friendly relationships between countries
- Disputed - a disputed area is one that different countries claim belongs to them, so that there is a disagreement or war between them
- Campaign - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
- Trigger - to make something happen
- Mediterranean - relating to the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea, the people who live there, or their culture
- Strip - to take something away using force or authority
- Suffocatingly - making you feel that you are not free to do what you want
- Blockade - to prevent people or goods from moving from one place to another
- Urge - to advise someone very strongly about what action or attitude they should take
- Protest - something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc
- Crowd - a large number of people in the same place
- Disproportionate - if something is disproportionate, it is bigger or smaller than it should be in comparison to something else
- On the eve of something - on the day before an important event, or during the period of time just before it
- Anniversary - a date when you celebrate something that happened in a previous year that is important to you
- Eviction - the process of forcing someone to leave the place they are living in
- Protester - someone who publicly shows their opposition to something such as a law or policy
- Callous - unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people
- Disregard - the attitude of someone who does not respect something or consider it important
- Ceremony - a formal public event with special traditions, actions, or words
- Remorse - a strong sad and guilty feeling about something that you have done wrong
- Glorious - very beautiful in a way that makes you feel happy
- Provoke - to cause a reaction, especially an angry one
- Address - to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
- Worsen - to become worse, or to make something worse
- Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
- Status quo - the present situation, or the way that things usually are
- Manipulate - to skilfully handle, control, or use something
- Carnage - a situation in which there is a lot of death and destruction
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