A year of efforts and toil ending up into an unfavourable result definitely will leave many frustrated and angry. Being just inches away from securing the spot that has been dreamt of for so long day and night can surely down the hopes of any sincere aspirant. But that’s the way things happen. You try for something and sometimes it happens that you are left just at the edge of threshold. While the probability of achieving does depend upon how much efforts and hard work have been put in, it is also imperative to have a smart and sound strategy for cracking the perplexing examination levels of the day.
“Use your struggles and frustrations today to motivate rather than annoy you. You are in control of the way you look at life. Be mindful”
What actually troubles at this juncture is the doubt in self-ability, the question that whether one should carry on the toil which possibly can end up in another failure. As the pressure from peers mounts up it is really difficult for any aspirant to carry on with the preparation after having to bear the frustration of missing the line just by a few points. A few more accurate questions? A few more attempts? What different was needed to be done? So many questions in mind that need to be answered. First of all, know that your efforts haven’t gone in vain but just has equipped you better for the next challenge you are going to face. Of course, a couple of things need to be worked upon once you realize what went wrong but there is time for that.
"Never give up.
Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow
will be sunshine."
For now, take a break for you deserve that. Spend some time with family, re-energize yourself as in the time to come you are going to put all that you have for one single purpose: “I will get what I desire!!”. Come back with a determined mind and a stronger will. Start with analyzing the areas you need to work on- Speed or Accuracy or Concepts or All. While it is imperative to have all bases covered still, one is the best judge of oneself and only you can know what is needful. Then, slowly but steadily with persistence work upon your shortcomings. Devise a sound strategy and a smart schedule for the opportunities to come. Since most of the examinations have a similar paper structure, making a common preparation plan will help. For those having additional constraints such as sectional timing need to be worked upon with extra effort.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

- http://www.bankersadda.com/2018/04/the-journey-will-go-on-for-i-refuse-to-quit.html
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