Yes, now no more browsing the net to collect study material and then wonder about its authenticity, all your worries related to the preparation of Static GK is covered by Adda247 in this eBook which will help you to prepare General Awareness for various competitive exams. The chapters will be provided as weekly updates to help you in having a steady pace to study Static General Awareness.
1. Wildlife Sanctuary
2. National Parks
3. Power plants in India
4. Dams in India
5. Cabinet Ministry
6. Cities on River
7. Solar Power Plant
8. Governor of States
9. Organisations (National and International)
10. Banks Headquarter (Indian and Foreign Banks in India)
11. Full Form of Banking Terms
12. Government Scheme
13. Capital
14. Currency
15. Festival in India
16. Dance in India
17. CM’s of India
18. Awards
19. Summits
20. Economic and Budget terms
21. First in India
22. Military Exercises
23. Largest/ Smallest India and World
24. Stadiums (National / International)
25. Airports (National / International)
26. Ports in India
Study anytime and anywhere and prepare for your competitive exams in an easy, cost-effective and efficient manner.
Learning is a process that continues throughout our lives and when it comes to govt. job preparation it can certainly be a never-ending one. From one year to another, from one examination to other as the time progresses so does the difficulty level and introduction of new types of questions. Many aspirants are not able to enroll in a full-fledged classroom program due to their schedule. You need not worry now, as now you can study where ever you want with Adda247 eBooks.

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