I would first like to thank you for giving your precious time in reading this article and i would definitely love to share my experience and strategy which bagged success to me, hoping that it can also help a bit to the needful one.
First I , would like to brief a little about me,i was graduated in 2016 from then i had wasted my 3 months in roaming and deciding what to do for future. I had started preparing for these IBPS exam from October 2016 but had appeared in all the exams of 2016. Result of that i was unable to crack single prelims of any.
From there, I had started preparing with little different strategy from the crowd. In 2 months I had finished all the syllabus of reasoning and mathematics, from that time the only thing which I had does be regular mocks and quizzes of Bankersadda. Please, all of you make your mind that each day which passes brings you in more cutthroat competition scenario.
My suggestion to all who are starting their preparation is , first try to finish your syllabus within 2-3 months, thereafter please do mock regularly and solve all the quizzes of Bankersadda, it will help you a lot.
And one more thing plz do not set any benchmark that i had to score this much mark,it can take you in pressure and result can be affected .Just go through a simple philosophy that your tommorow's performance should be better than today,daily improvemenent is the need of the hour.
Below i am writing about the result of papers which i had appeared
In 2016
SBI clerk - 54 marks (Pre failed)
sbi po -27 marks(Pre failed)
ibps rrb po - 42 marks(Pre failed)
ibps rrb clerk- pre failed
ibps po-46.5(Pre failed)
ibps clerk-65(Pre failed)
In 2017
BOB - failed
NICL AO - failed
SBI PO - pre & mains cleared (out of merit list)
RRB OA - cleared both pre and mains
RRB PO - pre cleared but mains out
IBPS PO - pre cleared, mains out by.25
UIIC Assistant-selected
LIC HFL-written cleared,interview out
IT Officer-pre cleared ,mains out
ibps clrek-pre cleared &mains awaited
This can reflect that ,success comes with great patience and best strategies.
Majority of aspirants are more or less at same point of preparation,but a slight push with proper strategy can definitely shower success on you.
Thank you and all the best for future exams.

- http://www.bankersadda.com/2018/04/patience-and-proper-strategy-is-key.html
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