Dear Readers, SSC CHSL examination & Railway Exam both will be conducted in online mode. GA on current affairs section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on sscadda website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.
प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने ___________ में 16वें अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ऊर्जा मंच की मंत्रीमंडलीय बैठक का उद्घाटन किया.
(a) Bengaluru/ बेंगलुरु
(b) Kochi/ कोच्चि
(c) New Delhi/ नई दिल्ली
(d) Chennai/ चेन्नई
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Sol. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated 16th International Energy Forum Ministerial Meeting in New Delhi. It is the largest gathering of Ministers from energy consuming, producing and transit countries. Hosted by India and co-hosted by China and Korea, the meeting aims to focus on how global shifts, transition policies and new technologies influence market stability and future investment in the energy sector.
Sol. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated 16th International Energy Forum Ministerial Meeting in New Delhi. It is the largest gathering of Ministers from energy consuming, producing and transit countries. Hosted by India and co-hosted by China and Korea, the meeting aims to focus on how global shifts, transition policies and new technologies influence market stability and future investment in the energy sector.
Q2. President Ram Nath Kovind has asked Indian Diaspora in Zambia to become the partner in India’s growth and asked them to take advantage of Overseas Citizen of India, OCI programme. How many MoUs were signed between the two countries?
राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविंद ने जाम्बिया में भारतीय डायस्पोरा को भारत के विकास में भागीदार बनने के लिए कहा है और उनसे कहा है कि वे भारत के विदेशी नागरिक, ओसीआई कार्यक्रम का लाभ उठाएं. दोनों देशों के बीच कितने समझौता ज्ञापनों पर हस्ताक्षर किए गए थे
(a) Three/ तीन
(b) Four/चार
(c) Five/ पांच
(d) Six/ छ:
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Sol. President Ram Nath Kovind has asked Indian Diaspora in Zambia to become the partner in India’s growth and asked them to take advantage of Overseas Citizen of India, OCI programme. Four MOUs were signed between the two countries which include, the establishment of Entrepreneurship Development Institute in Zambia, taxation, visa exemption on diplomatic passports and judicial cooperation.
Sol. President Ram Nath Kovind has asked Indian Diaspora in Zambia to become the partner in India’s growth and asked them to take advantage of Overseas Citizen of India, OCI programme. Four MOUs were signed between the two countries which include, the establishment of Entrepreneurship Development Institute in Zambia, taxation, visa exemption on diplomatic passports and judicial cooperation.
Q3. Indian shooter Om Prakash Mitharval settled for the bronze medal in the men's _______________ at the 21st Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast, Australia.
भारतीय शूटर ओम प्रकाश मिठारवल ने पुरुषों के _______________ में 21वें राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों में गोल्ड कोस्ट, ऑस्ट्रेलिया में कांस्य पदक जीता
(a) 10m Pistol Event/10मी पिस्टल इवेंट
(b) None of the Given options is true/ दिए गए विकल्पों में से कोई भी सत्य नहीं है
(c) Double Trap Event/ डबल ट्रैप इवेंट
(d) 50m Pistol Even /50मी पिस्टल इवेंट
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Sol. Indian shooter Om Prakash Mitharval settled for the bronze medal in the men's 50m pistol event at the 21st Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast, Australia. In the same event, Jitu Rai finished a disappointing 8th.
Sol. Indian shooter Om Prakash Mitharval settled for the bronze medal in the men's 50m pistol event at the 21st Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast, Australia. In the same event, Jitu Rai finished a disappointing 8th.
Q4. India and World Expo 2020 ______________ signed participants contract for India’s pavilion in the prestigious World Expo 2020 held once in 5 years.
भारत और विश्व एक्सपो 2020 ______________ ने 5 वर्षों में एक बार आयोजित होने वाले विश्व कप 2020 में आयोजित भारत के पवेलियन के लिए प्रतिभागी अनुबंध पर हस्ताक्षर किए.
(a) Riyadh/ रियाद
(b) Myanmar/ म्यांमार
(c) Saudi Arab/ सऊदी अरब
(d) Hong Kong/ हॉगकॉग
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Sol. India and World Expo 2020 Dubai signed participants contract for India’s pavilion in the prestigious World Expo 2020 held once in 5 years.
Sol. India and World Expo 2020 Dubai signed participants contract for India’s pavilion in the prestigious World Expo 2020 held once in 5 years.
Q5. Name the Board member of Wipro Ltd. who has been recently appointed as the Chairman of the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) for 2018-19. विप्रो लिमिटेड के बोर्ड के सदस्य का नाम बताइए, जिन्हें हाल ही में 2018-19 के लिए नेशनल एसोसिएशन ऑफ़ सॉफ्टवेयर एंड सर्विसेज कंपनी (NASSCOM) के अध्यक्ष के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया है.
(a) Saurabh Taneja/ सौरभ तनेजा
(b) Rishabh Nigam/ ऋषभ निगम
(c) Rishad Premji/ ऋषद प्रेमजी
(d) Pramod Sharma/ प्रमोद शर्मा
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Sol. Rishad Premji, Board member of Wipro Ltd. has been appointed as the Chairman of the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) for 2018-19. Premji has been a member of NASSCOM’s Executive Council and was the Vice Chairman for 2017. He succeeds Raman Roy, Chairman and Managing Director, who served as Chairman of NASSCOM for the year 2017-18.
Sol. Rishad Premji, Board member of Wipro Ltd. has been appointed as the Chairman of the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) for 2018-19. Premji has been a member of NASSCOM’s Executive Council and was the Vice Chairman for 2017. He succeeds Raman Roy, Chairman and Managing Director, who served as Chairman of NASSCOM for the year 2017-18.
Q6. Ban Ki-moon, the Former UN Secretary-General has been elected chairman of 'Boao Forum for Asia' (BFA). He has replaced _____________.
बान की मून, पूर्व संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासचिव को 'बोओं फोरम फॉर एशिया' (BFA) का अध्यक्ष चुना गया है. वह ____________ के स्थान पर पद ग्रहण करेंगे
(a) Junichiro Koizumi/ जुनिचिरो कोइज़ुमी
(b) Yukio Hatoyama/ युकियो हातोयामा
(c) Naoto Kan/ नाओतो कान
(d) Yasuo Fukuda / यासू फ़ुकुडा
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Sol. Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has been elected chairman of 'Boao Forum for Asia' (BFA). He has replaced former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda. Founded in 2001, the BFA is a non-governmental and non-profit international organisation committed to promoting regional economic integration and bringing Asian countries closer to their development goals.
Sol. Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has been elected chairman of 'Boao Forum for Asia' (BFA). He has replaced former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda. Founded in 2001, the BFA is a non-governmental and non-profit international organisation committed to promoting regional economic integration and bringing Asian countries closer to their development goals.
Q7. Name the person who has been appointed the new Director General of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Secretary of the Department of Health Research.
उस व्यक्ति का नाम बताएं जिसे भारतीय चिकित्सा अनुसंधान परिषद (आईसीएमआर) के नए महानिदेशक और स्वास्थ्य अनुसंधान विभाग के सचिव नियुक्त किया गया है.
(a) Soumya Swaminathan/ सौम्य स्वामीनाथन
(b) Balram Bhargava/ बलराम भार्गव
(c) Neeraj Bhagwat/ नीरज भागवत
(d) Manoj Sharma/ मनोज शर्मा
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Sol. Balram Bhargava has been appointed the new Director General of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Secretary of the Department of Health Research.
Sol. Balram Bhargava has been appointed the new Director General of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Secretary of the Department of Health Research.
Q8. Jammu and Kashmir Bank has launched a special financing scheme named 'Add-on Working Capital GST' to help the state industry cope with the delay in reimbursement of GST under special tax relief. The Chairman and CEO J&K Bank is _______________.
जम्मू और कश्मीर बैंक ने विशेष कर राहत के तहत जीएसटी की प्रतिपूर्ति में देरी से निपटने के लिए राज्य के उद्योग को मदद करने के लिए 'ऐड-ऑन वर्किंग कैपिटल जीएसटी' नामक एक विशेष वित्तीय योजना शुरू की है. जम्मू और कश्मीर बैंक के अध्यक्ष और सीईओ _______________ है
(a) Jahan Nusrat Khan/ जहान नुसरत खान
(b) Omar Khalik/ उमर खलिक
(c) Sarfaraz Khan/ सरफराज खान
(d) Parvez Ahmed/ परवेज अहमद
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Sol. Jammu and Kashmir Bank has launched a special financing scheme named 'Add-on Working Capital GST' to help the state industry cope with the delay in reimbursement of GST under special tax relief. The Chairman and CEO J&K Bank is Parvez Ahmed.
Sol. Jammu and Kashmir Bank has launched a special financing scheme named 'Add-on Working Capital GST' to help the state industry cope with the delay in reimbursement of GST under special tax relief. The Chairman and CEO J&K Bank is Parvez Ahmed.
Q9. In which of the following state, the tenth edition of a biennial exhibition of weapons and military hardware - DefExpo India- 2018 has begun?
निम्न में से किस राज्य में, हथियारों और सैन्य हार्डवेयर की एक द्विवार्षिक प्रदर्शनी का दसवां संस्करण- DefExpo India- 2018 का आरम्भ है?
(a) Maharashtra/ महाराष्ट्र
(b) Tamil Nadu/ तमिलनाडु
(c) Karnataka/ कर्नाटक
(d) Telangana/ तेलंगाना
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Sol. The tenth edition of a biennial exhibition of weapons and military hardware - DefExpo India- 2018 has begun at Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu. The four-day long defence expo was formally inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Sol. The tenth edition of a biennial exhibition of weapons and military hardware - DefExpo India- 2018 has begun at Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu. The four-day long defence expo was formally inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Q10. Indian shooter Shreyasi Singh won the women's gold in a shoot-off after scoring 96 points to take India's gold medal tally at the 21st Commonwealth Games 2018 to 12.
21वें राष्ट्रमंडल खेल 2018 में भारतीय शूटर श्रेयसी सिंह ने ___________ इवेंट में 96 अंक हासिल करने के साथ स्वर्ण जीता, यह भारत के लिए 12वां स्वर्ण पदक है
(a) 10m Pistol Event/10मी पिस्टल इवेंट
(b) Double Trap Event/ डबल ट्रैप इवेंट
(c) 50m Rifle Event/50मी फायर पिस्टल
(d) 25m Rapid Fire Pistol/25मी रैपिड फायर पिस्टल
(a) 10m Pistol Event/10मी पिस्टल इवेंट
(b) Double Trap Event/ डबल ट्रैप इवेंट
(c) 50m Rifle Event/50मी फायर पिस्टल
(d) 25m Rapid Fire Pistol/25मी रैपिड फायर पिस्टल
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Sol. Indian shooter Shreyasi Singh won the women's double trap gold in a shoot-off after scoring 96 points to take India's gold medal tally at the 21st Commonwealth Games 2018 to 12.
Sol. Indian shooter Shreyasi Singh won the women's double trap gold in a shoot-off after scoring 96 points to take India's gold medal tally at the 21st Commonwealth Games 2018 to 12.
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