"If you can Dream it, you can Do it": Nishant Raj (IBPS RRB Clerk, Baroda UP Gramin Bank)

April 9, 2018    

Name- Nishant Raj
Exam Qualified:- RRB Office Assistant (Baroda UP Gramin Bank)
RRB Scale-1 Officer- Reserve List
Place- Chapra, Bihar

I have appeared in the following exam:

ICICI PO- Not Cleared 
IBPS PO 2016 - Pre not cleared(Got only 33 marks)
RRB Scale1 Officer 2016 - Pre cleared (Got 50.25 marks) but mains not cleared (Got only 88 marks)
RRB Assistant 2016 - Pre cleared(Got 68.5 marks) but mains not cleared (Got 113 marks)
IBPS Clerk 2016 - Pre cleared (Gor 70 marks) but mains not cleared (Got 45.81)
IPPB Scale1 2016 - Pre not cleared
Syndicate Bank PGDFM - Not cleared (Got only 52.25 marks)
IDBI Bank PGDFM - Not cleared (Got only 46.5 marks)
NIACL Assistant - Pre not cleared (Got only 56 marks)
SBI PO 2017 - Pre not cleared (Got 43 marks)
IBPS PO 2017 - Pre not qualified (Got 47.75 marks but could not secure sectional cutoff of 
English by 0.25)
After back to back 10 failure, I thought that I have to change my plan not the goal and I changed and also got success.

The exam which I qualified:

RRB Scale1 Officer 2017:- Pre-qualified (Got 65 marks) and also cleared mains
(Got 89.5 marks) I am in waiting list by 0.3 marks In RRB Scale1 
RRB Assistant 2017:- Pre-qualified (Got 62.5 marks) and also mains qualified (Got 120.14 
marks) and allotted Baroda UP Gramin Bank
IBPS Clerk 2017:- Pre-qualified (Got 71.5 marks) and waiting for mains result

Now I am happy because I have got a govt job but my journey starts from here. I will not tell you how to study and you should do like that........

I will say one thing that believes in yourself and doesn't copy other's scheduled because the atmosphere in which you are living will be different from mine and as well as others. The second thing is that according to me HARD WORK is not the key of success,SMART WORK is the key of success. It doesn't matter that how many hours you study. If you are on the right path then you will definitely get success and never lose hope.

I am very thankful from my bottom of my heart to my parents and my elder brother and sister and special thanks to all my special friends (Alisha Alpi, Smita Anand, Smita Bharti, Sudhanshu, Mukesh, Avinash, Abhishek) and all Bankersadda team.


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"If you can Dream it, you can Do it": Nishant Raj (IBPS RRB Clerk, Baroda UP Gramin Bank) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 9, 2018 Name- Nishant Raj Exam Qualified:- RRB Office Assistant (Baroda UP Gramin Bank) RRB Scale-1 Officer- Reserve List Place- Chapra, Bi...

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