Dear Aspirants,
The interview round of Canara and Syndicate bank PO 2018 is about to be held soon, and this will be your final exam before you could secure your place in this banking recruitment. Yes, after this phase of Personal Interview, you could be among those who will secure their seat as Probationary Officer in Canara and Syndicate bank.
The interview round of Canara and Syndicate bank PO 2018 is about to be held soon, and this will be your final exam before you could secure your place in this banking recruitment. Yes, after this phase of Personal Interview, you could be among those who will secure their seat as Probationary Officer in Canara and Syndicate bank.
When you are to appear for PI round, there must be many questions in your mind as “how should you dress up?” Or “what to prepare and what to expect in a personal interview?” Well, you must now start to prepare answers for the general questions that your interviewer will ask you. First and foremost, requirement in an interview is your attire, i.e., how you dress up. You must be in a formal attire, neatly dressed up. This will be your first impression on the panel. Next, be confident throughout the interview. Eye contact and greeting to the interviewers in interview panel are also very important. Your confidence is reflected from your tone of voice and eye contact along with the manner in which you are sitting. Small things make big differences in the interview process and everything is interlinked in this process when it comes to grades. You must present all your answers confidently and you should prove them that you are the best candidate worthy of this job.
Usually the first question is about you. The questions that follow may arise from your answers. Before you start preparing, you should give a thought on possible cross questions that may be asked. For example, a candidate while giving an introduction about himself / herself mentions that he / she has done B. tech in Computer Science. The interviewer puts next question –
Ok, so what makes you join the banking sector when you could have had a great job with an attractive package and you invested so many years just in preparing for a government job?
You must prepare a convincing answer to this question telling him that you prefer this job not only because of the job security but you would like to grow with this organization. Questions can also be asked related to your Academic Background. Prepare at least 3-4 subjects from your stream and tell the examiner that you have a better knowledge of these subjects.
Now, next question can be related to your family? For example, if you say that your father works in IOCL, then the examiner can put up questions about the head of IOCL, its headquarters etc, so be prepared with such type of cross questioning.
Apart from these type of questions, they can also ask you some questions related to banking and finance. So, prepare this subject well. you can study from the notes provided in the following link given below:
Stay updated with the latest Current Affairs. The interviewers want an employee who is updated with the latest happenings especially related to the banking sector. Many questions can be asked related to the current affairs so prepare these well. You can read the monthly current affairs from our monthly Hindu reviews. The link is provided below.
It is very important for you to be humble in all your responses. Many good candidates are left out because probably they were too overconfident; you can use some keywords while answering " Sir, as I am an aspirant, and from my humble point of view I would like to say..." In interview process candidate's attitude matters a lot, and it will be beneficial if you practice with mock interviews and read interview experiences.
“It takes ten seconds to form the first impression and it takes another four minutes for the impression to undergo a change of 50% towards the positive or negative side. Mantra for good impression is Smile, eye contact, energy, confidence.”

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