Gr8 Topic of the Day - Should Cell phones be banned from Colleges ?

April 12, 2018    

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Dear aspirants, we are very happy to introduce a new initiative of Gr8AmbitionZ, "Gr8 Topic of the Day". This will help you to brush up your knowledge on current affairs and will help you to improve your English writing skills.

Daily, we will post a current topic, with the basic details of it. You just need to pick a side and express your views in the comments section below.

For example if we say the topic "Chinese Goods vs Indian Goods", you just need to pick either Chinese Goods or Indian Goods and say your version supporting your version.

Do some research before sharing your thoughts. Just note down a few points which you feel important. Use your own examples or quotes to support your argument. Write a small synopsis with 5-10 lines using these points and post it.  If there are  grammatical errors, admins or other members will correct you.
If someone want to oppose with the points mentioned by you or want to correct you, they will respond to your comment. If you want to say anything against it, you can reply to them, or simply agree with the version posted by that person.

Rules :
  • If you find some grammatical error, point it politely. Don't make fun of it.
  • Respect the other candidates. Please don't use abusive language. 
  • None of you are allowed to share or ask any personal details here.
  • Don’t write stuff like “You are getting repetitive”, “Your English is not good” or “Will you do fraandship with me ?” etc.  We are here to learn, please don't forget it.  
  • Please keep in mind that we are doing this to improve our knowledge and English writing skills. Nobody is perfect. So, don't hesitate to write whatever you feel is correct.
Hope we made everything clear. Now let's have a look at today's topic. 

Today's topic - Should Cell phones be banned from Colleges

The age group that uses cell phone most in India are, 18 to 24 and almost every citizen these days own a cell phone or a smartphone.  Cell phones are cheap and affordable, when utilized in a proper way they educate and improves knowledge.

But in some people say allowing cellphones to college would be equivalent to giving an open invitation to distraction. This is because with so many activities in a single gadget, students are bound to be tempted to indulge in them, hence deviating from the main objective of coming to college. Their concentration towards studies would deteriorate as they would be busy fiddling with their cellphones. Some people use them for illegal activities and to harass girl students.

In most of the colleges and educational institutions cell phones are not allowed and also most of the people think that cell phone has alot of disadvantages and in colleges cell phones are the cause of disturbance. So what's your take on this issue ?

Points in Against the Ban

  • Cell phone helps communication goes on
  • Depends on the person's character. Limited use doesn't cause any problem.
  • If there is any problem is home, parents can contact him / her immediately.
  • If used correctly they can diminish interruptions.
  • Mobile phone use as a subject in colleges as computer is there.
  • There could be emergencys and it's their own choice.
  • They can be used as a tool.
  • They Can Be Used Educationally.
  • Yes, it should be allowed for the case of emergency.
  • Yes, to some degree
Points in Favor of the Ban
  • Camera phones are used to harass students
  • No, because students will be distracted
  • No, the colleges have phones, the students can use those.
  • People are spoiling their lives with fatal attractions by using various chat applications and social networking sites like whatsapp and facebook. 
  • They can be used to cheat on tests.
Now we want you to share your views on this issue. What do you say ? Should the Cell Phones be banned from Colleges ? Is it a good move ?

Please keep in mind that you can get your information from any source. But should present it in your own words. All the Best :)
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Gr8 Topic of the Day - Should Cell phones be banned from Colleges ? 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 12, 2018 sponsored links Dear aspirants, we are very happy to introduce a new initiative of Gr8AmbitionZ, " Gr8 Topic of the Day ". Thi...

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