General Science Questions for Railway 2018:
Dear Students,
Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notification from Railway offering a good number of vacant seats to the multitude aspirants. But the current year 2018 brought a pleasant surprise with almost 90,000 seats to be filled by the valid candidates. Opportunity is here but you have to welcome it with a provident strategy. The exam will be conducted in the months of April and May 2018.
Q1. Fathometer is used to measure:
फाथोमीटर का उपयोग __________मापने के लिए किया जाता है
(a) Earthquake / भूकंप
(b) Rain / वृष्टि
(c) Depth of sea / समुद्र की गहराई
(d) Sound intensity / ध्वनि तीव्रता
Q2 Which instrument is used to measure sound under water ?
पानी के नीचे की ध्वनि को मापने के लिए किस उपकरण का उपयोग किया जाता है?
(a) Hygrometer / हाइग्रोमीटर
(b) Hygroscope / हाइग्रोस्कोप
(c) Hypsometer / हाइपोमीटर
(d) Hydrophone/ हाइड्रोफोन
Q3. Diffusion of light in the atmosphere takes place due to:
वायुमंडल में प्रकाश का प्रसार_____ के कारण होता है:
(a) Carbon dioxide / कार्बन डाइआक्साइड
(b) Dust particles / धूल कणों
(c) Helium / हीलियम
(d) Water vapours / जल वाष्प
Q4. The energy of wind is-
हवा की ऊर्जा है-
(a) Only potential / केवल संभावित
(b) Only kinetic केवल गतिशील
(c) Electrical / विद्युतीय
(d) Potential and kinetic both / संभावित और गतिशील दोनों
Q5. When a mirror is rotated by an angle θ, the reflected ray will rotate by:
जब एक दर्पण को कोण θ द्वारा घुमाया जाता है, तो परिलक्षित किरण____घूमती है:
(a) 0
(b) θ/2
(c) θ
(d) 2θ
Q6. The safest temperature for keeping food fresh in a refrigerator is
एक रेफ्रिजरेटर में खाना ताजा रखने के लिए सबसे सुरक्षित तापमान कितना है
(a) 4°C
(b) 8°C
(c) 0°C
(d) 10°C
Q7. Which instrument is used in submarine to see the objects above sea level ?
समुद्र तल से ऊपर की वस्तुओं को देखने के लिए पनडुब्बी में कौन सा उपकरण उपयोग किया जाता है?
(a) Pykometer / पायकोमीटर
(b) Polygraph / पॉलीग्राफ
(c) Photometer / फोटोमीटर
(d) Periscope / पेरिस्कोप
Q8. Why does food cook faster in a pressure cooker?
प्रेशर कुकर में खाना जल्दी पकाया जा सकता है ऐसा क्यों -
(a) The increased pressure increases the boiling point. / बढ़ता दबाव उबलते बिंदु को बढ़ाता है
(b) Does not waste steam. / भाप बर्बाद नहीं करता है
(c) The food is cooked quickly by steam. / भोजन भाप द्वारा जल्दी पकता है
(d) The water boils at constant temperature. / पानी लगातार एक ही तापमान पर उबलता है
Q9. Force of attraction between the molecules of different substances is called
विभिन्न पदार्थों के अणुओं के बीच आकर्षण की शक्ति को __________कहा जाता है
(a) Surface tension / भूतल तनाव
(b)Cohensive force / संयोग बल
(c) Adhesive force / चिपकने वाला बल
(d) None of above / उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं
Q10. A biotechnique in which ultrasonic sound is used-
उस बायोटेक्निक का नाम बताईए जिसमें अल्ट्रासोनिक ध्वनि का उपयोग किया जाता है-
(a) Sonography / सोनोग्राफी
(b) E.C.G / ई.सी.जी.
(c) E.E.G / ई.ई.जी.
(d) X-ray / एक्स-रे
Q11. A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to –
एक पत्थर को लात मारने पर एक व्यक्ति को________के कारण चोट लगती है
(a) Inertia / जड़ता
(b) Velocity / वेग
(c) Reaction/ प्रतिक्रिया
(d) Momentum / संवेग
Q12. For a body moving with non-uniform acceleration –
गैर- समान त्वरण के साथ बढ़ते शरीर के लिए
(a) Displacement-time graph is linear / विस्थापन-समय ग्राफ रैखिक है
(b) Displacement-time graph is non-linear / विस्थापन-समय ग्राफ गैर-रैखिक है
(c) Velocity-time graph is non-linear / वेग-समय ग्राफ गैर-रैखिक है
(d) Velocity-time graph is linear / वेग-समय ग्राफ रैखिक है
Q14. The colour of the star is an indication of its:
तारे का रंग इसकी _______का एक संकेत है
(a) Distance from the earth / पृथ्वी से दूरी
(b) Temperature / तापमान
(c) Luminosity / चमक
(d) Distance from the sun / सूर्य से दूरी
Q15. Power of sunglass is-
धूप के चश्में की पावर है-
(a) 0 Dioptre /
(b) 1 Dioptre
(c) 2 Dioptre
(d) 4 Dioptre
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Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notification from Railway offering a good number of vacant seats to the multitude aspirants. But the current year 2018 brought a pleasant surprise with almost 90,000 seats to be filled by the valid candidates. Opportunity is here but you have to welcome it with a provident strategy. The exam will be conducted in the months of April and May 2018.
रेलवे बोर्ड अपने उम्मीदवारों के लिए भव्य और प्रतिष्ठित कार्य पदों की पेशकश करता है. और हर साल ऐसा नहीं होता है कि हमें रेलवे की ओर से अधिसूचना मिलती है. लेकिन वर्तमान वर्ष 2018 आपके लिए बहुत सुखद वर्ष है क्योंकि इसमें लगभग 90,000 सीटों को वैध उम्मीदवारों द्वारा भरा जाएगा. आपके पास बहुत अच्छा अवसर है और आपको इसे एक बेहतर रणनीति से प्राप्त करना होगा. परीक्षा अप्रैल और मई 2018 के महीने में आयोजित की जायेगी.
Q1. Fathometer is used to measure:
फाथोमीटर का उपयोग __________मापने के लिए किया जाता है
(a) Earthquake / भूकंप
(b) Rain / वृष्टि
(c) Depth of sea / समुद्र की गहराई
(d) Sound intensity / ध्वनि तीव्रता
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Sol. Fathometer is an instrument used to determine the depth of water or a submerged object by means of ultrasound waves.
Sol. Fathometer is an instrument used to determine the depth of water or a submerged object by means of ultrasound waves.
Q2 Which instrument is used to measure sound under water ?
पानी के नीचे की ध्वनि को मापने के लिए किस उपकरण का उपयोग किया जाता है?
(a) Hygrometer / हाइग्रोमीटर
(b) Hygroscope / हाइग्रोस्कोप
(c) Hypsometer / हाइपोमीटर
(d) Hydrophone/ हाइड्रोफोन
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Sol. A hydrophone is a microphone designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound
Sol. A hydrophone is a microphone designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound
Q3. Diffusion of light in the atmosphere takes place due to:
वायुमंडल में प्रकाश का प्रसार_____ के कारण होता है:
(a) Carbon dioxide / कार्बन डाइआक्साइड
(b) Dust particles / धूल कणों
(c) Helium / हीलियम
(d) Water vapours / जल वाष्प
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Sol. Sunlight is the mixture of different colours. When it passes through the atmosphere it is scattered by the air molecules, particles of dust and other subtle materials which are present in the pathway.
Sol. Sunlight is the mixture of different colours. When it passes through the atmosphere it is scattered by the air molecules, particles of dust and other subtle materials which are present in the pathway.
Q4. The energy of wind is-
हवा की ऊर्जा है-
(a) Only potential / केवल संभावित
(b) Only kinetic केवल गतिशील
(c) Electrical / विद्युतीय
(d) Potential and kinetic both / संभावित और गतिशील दोनों
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Sol. The kinetic energy in the energy in moving objects or mass. The kinetic energy of the wind (wind energy) can be converted into electrical or mechanical energy.
Sol. The kinetic energy in the energy in moving objects or mass. The kinetic energy of the wind (wind energy) can be converted into electrical or mechanical energy.
Q5. When a mirror is rotated by an angle θ, the reflected ray will rotate by:
जब एक दर्पण को कोण θ द्वारा घुमाया जाता है, तो परिलक्षित किरण____घूमती है:
(a) 0
(b) θ/2
(c) θ
(d) 2θ
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Sol. If a plane mirror is rotated through a certain angle, then the reflected ray rotates through twice of that angle. So if a mirror is rotated by an angle θ, the reflected ray will rotate by 2θ.
Sol. If a plane mirror is rotated through a certain angle, then the reflected ray rotates through twice of that angle. So if a mirror is rotated by an angle θ, the reflected ray will rotate by 2θ.
Q6. The safest temperature for keeping food fresh in a refrigerator is
एक रेफ्रिजरेटर में खाना ताजा रखने के लिए सबसे सुरक्षित तापमान कितना है
(a) 4°C
(b) 8°C
(c) 0°C
(d) 10°C
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Sol. Refrigerator temperatures do not destroy pathogenic or spoilage microorganisms. The lower temperature slows the growth of microorganisms already in the food. According to international standards, the recommended temperature of the refrigerator is 36°F to 38°F (1.7°C to 3.3°C). Thus option (a) is correct.
Sol. Refrigerator temperatures do not destroy pathogenic or spoilage microorganisms. The lower temperature slows the growth of microorganisms already in the food. According to international standards, the recommended temperature of the refrigerator is 36°F to 38°F (1.7°C to 3.3°C). Thus option (a) is correct.
Q7. Which instrument is used in submarine to see the objects above sea level ?
समुद्र तल से ऊपर की वस्तुओं को देखने के लिए पनडुब्बी में कौन सा उपकरण उपयोग किया जाता है?
(a) Pykometer / पायकोमीटर
(b) Polygraph / पॉलीग्राफ
(c) Photometer / फोटोमीटर
(d) Periscope / पेरिस्कोप
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Sol. A periscope is an instrument for observation over, around or through an object, obstacle or condition that prevents direct line-of-sight observation from an observer's current position
Sol. A periscope is an instrument for observation over, around or through an object, obstacle or condition that prevents direct line-of-sight observation from an observer's current position
Q8. Why does food cook faster in a pressure cooker?
प्रेशर कुकर में खाना जल्दी पकाया जा सकता है ऐसा क्यों -
(a) The increased pressure increases the boiling point. / बढ़ता दबाव उबलते बिंदु को बढ़ाता है
(b) Does not waste steam. / भाप बर्बाद नहीं करता है
(c) The food is cooked quickly by steam. / भोजन भाप द्वारा जल्दी पकता है
(d) The water boils at constant temperature. / पानी लगातार एक ही तापमान पर उबलता है
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Sol. The trapped steam increases the atmospheric pressure inside the cooker by 15 pounds per square inch (psi), or 15 pounds above normal sea-level pressure. At that pressure, the boiling point of water is increased from 212°F to 250°F. This higher temperature cooks food faster.
Sol. The trapped steam increases the atmospheric pressure inside the cooker by 15 pounds per square inch (psi), or 15 pounds above normal sea-level pressure. At that pressure, the boiling point of water is increased from 212°F to 250°F. This higher temperature cooks food faster.
Q9. Force of attraction between the molecules of different substances is called
विभिन्न पदार्थों के अणुओं के बीच आकर्षण की शक्ति को __________कहा जाता है
(a) Surface tension / भूतल तनाव
(b)Cohensive force / संयोग बल
(c) Adhesive force / चिपकने वाला बल
(d) None of above / उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं
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Sol. Adhesive forces are the attractive forces between unlike molecules.
Sol. Adhesive forces are the attractive forces between unlike molecules.
Q10. A biotechnique in which ultrasonic sound is used-
उस बायोटेक्निक का नाम बताईए जिसमें अल्ट्रासोनिक ध्वनि का उपयोग किया जाता है-
(a) Sonography / सोनोग्राफी
(b) E.C.G / ई.सी.जी.
(c) E.E.G / ई.ई.जी.
(d) X-ray / एक्स-रे
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Sol. Sonography or ultrasonography is an important mean of clinical diagnosis. It is a diagnostic imaging technique based on the application of ultrasound. It is widely used in the field of medical science. It is mainly used to provide a variety of information about the health of the mother during pregnancy, and the health and development of embryo or foetus.
Sol. Sonography or ultrasonography is an important mean of clinical diagnosis. It is a diagnostic imaging technique based on the application of ultrasound. It is widely used in the field of medical science. It is mainly used to provide a variety of information about the health of the mother during pregnancy, and the health and development of embryo or foetus.
Q11. A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to –
एक पत्थर को लात मारने पर एक व्यक्ति को________के कारण चोट लगती है
(a) Inertia / जड़ता
(b) Velocity / वेग
(c) Reaction/ प्रतिक्रिया
(d) Momentum / संवेग
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Sol. A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to reaction. Here Newton third law of motion is applied which states that every action has equal and opposite reaction.
Sol. A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to reaction. Here Newton third law of motion is applied which states that every action has equal and opposite reaction.
Q12. For a body moving with non-uniform acceleration –
गैर- समान त्वरण के साथ बढ़ते शरीर के लिए
(a) Displacement-time graph is linear / विस्थापन-समय ग्राफ रैखिक है
(b) Displacement-time graph is non-linear / विस्थापन-समय ग्राफ गैर-रैखिक है
(c) Velocity-time graph is non-linear / वेग-समय ग्राफ गैर-रैखिक है
(d) Velocity-time graph is linear / वेग-समय ग्राफ रैखिक है
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Sol. For a body moving with non-uniform acceleration, the velocity -time graph is non linear.
Sol. For a body moving with non-uniform acceleration, the velocity -time graph is non linear.
Q13. Static science is associated with-
स्थिर विज्ञान(स्टेटिक विज्ञान) किसके साथ सम्बंधित है
(a) Dynamic situation / गतिशील स्थिति
(b) Situation of rest / आराम की स्थिति
(c) Mental situation / मानसिक स्थिति
(d) Data analyzing / डेटा विश्लेषण
स्थिर विज्ञान(स्टेटिक विज्ञान) किसके साथ सम्बंधित है
(a) Dynamic situation / गतिशील स्थिति
(b) Situation of rest / आराम की स्थिति
(c) Mental situation / मानसिक स्थिति
(d) Data analyzing / डेटा विश्लेषण
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Sol. Statics is a branch of mechanics associated with the situation or rest.
Sol. Statics is a branch of mechanics associated with the situation or rest.
Q14. The colour of the star is an indication of its:
तारे का रंग इसकी _______का एक संकेत है
(a) Distance from the earth / पृथ्वी से दूरी
(b) Temperature / तापमान
(c) Luminosity / चमक
(d) Distance from the sun / सूर्य से दूरी
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Sol. The colour of the stars reflects the age of stars. Colour is reflected from the temperature is high, then the star is young. The star will be blue during young stage which indicates high temperature. If star is red the temperature is low.
Sol. The colour of the stars reflects the age of stars. Colour is reflected from the temperature is high, then the star is young. The star will be blue during young stage which indicates high temperature. If star is red the temperature is low.
Q15. Power of sunglass is-
धूप के चश्में की पावर है-
(a) 0 Dioptre /
(b) 1 Dioptre
(c) 2 Dioptre
(d) 4 Dioptre
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Sol. The power of the sunglass is 0 dioptre.
Sol. The power of the sunglass is 0 dioptre.
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