Important Current Affairs Questions for RRB ALP/Technician Exam 2018: 21st March

March 21, 2018    

Dear Readers, SSC CHSL examination & Railway Exam both will be conducted in online mode. GA on current affairs section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on sscadda website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. The first National workshop on POSHAN Abhiyan involving all the states and union territories was held recently in _____________.
सभी राज्यों और केंद्र शासित क्षेत्रों को शामिल करने वाले पोषण अभियान की पहली राष्ट्रीय कार्यशाला हाल ही में _____________ में आयोजित की गई थी.
(a) Pune/पुणे
(b) Bengaluru/बेंगलुरु
(c) New Delhi/नई दिल्ली
(d) Chennai/चेन्नई

Q2. Indian government and the European Union (EU) have recently signed an agreement on ___________.
भारत सरकार और यूरोपीय संघ (ईयू) ने हाल ही में ___________ पर एक समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं.
(a) Providing loans for Educational development in India/भारत में शैक्षिक विकास के लिए ऋण उपलब्ध कराना
(b) Cooperation in Defence Sector/रक्षा क्षेत्र में सहयोग
(c) None of the given options is true/दिए गए विकल्पों में से कोई भी सत्य नहीं है
(d) Sharing Earth Observation Data/पृथ्वी का अवलोकन डेटा साझा करना

Q3. Name the Indian Badminton Player who has won the Women’s Singles (Under-19) title at the Israel Junior 2018 Badminton tournament held in Israel.
इज़राइल जूनियर 2018 में बैडमिंटन टूर्नामेंट में महिला एकल (अंडर -1 9) का खिताब जीतने वाले भारतीय बैडमिंटन खिलाड़ी का नाम बताइए.
(a) Aman Farogh/अमन फारॉग
(b) Purva Barve/पूर्वा बर्वे
(c) Alap Mishra/अल्प मिश्रा
(d) Pallavi Boruah/पल्लवी बोरुआह

Q4. Name the cab aggregator with which railway PSU IRCTC has announced a partnership with an aim to providing first-and-last-mile connectivity by giving commuters an option book taxi on its app.
कैब एग्रीगेटर का नाम बताइए, जिसके साथ रेलवे पीएसयू आईआरसीटीसी ने यात्रियों को अपने ऐप पर ऑप्शंस बुक टैक्सी देकर पहला और अंतिम मील को कनेक्टिविटी प्रदान करने के उद्देश्य के साथ साझेदारी की घोषणा की है.
(a) Ola/
(b) Uber/
(c) Meru/
(d) Mycab/

Q5. The United Nations has recently celebrated the International Day of Happiness on ________________.
संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने हाल ही में ________________ को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्रसन्नता दिवस मनाया.
(a) 10th March
(b) 12th March
(c) 15th March
(d) 20th March

Q6. Renowned Hindi poet and critic Kedarnath Singh passed away at the age of 83. He won the ____________ in 2013.
प्रसिद्ध हिंदी कवि और आलोचक केदारनाथ सिंह 83 वर्ष की आयु में निधन हो गए. उन्होंने 2013 में ____________ को जीता था.
(a) Sahitya Akademi award/साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार
(b) Padma Award/पद्म पुरस्कार
(c) Jnanapeeth award/ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार
(d) Padma Bhushan Award/ पद्म भूषण पुरस्कार

Q7. Name the Mumbai-Headquartered-Bank that had opened a representative office in Sharjah, UAE to better serve its customers in the emirate.
मुंबई स्थित बैंक का नाम बताएं जिसने शारजाह, संयुक्त अरब अमीरात में अपने ग्राहकों को अमीरात में बेहतर सेवा प्रदान करने के लिए अपना प्रतिनिधि कार्यालय खोला.
(a) ICICI bank/आईसीआईसीआई बैंक
(b) HDFC Bank/एचडीएफसी बैंक
(c) SBI/स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया
(d) Axis Bank/ऐक्सिस बैंक

Q8. State-run power equipment maker BHEL has commissioned 1st unit of 110 MW of the Kishanganga hydroelectric project (HEP) of NHPC in Jammu and Kashmir. Kishanganga is the tributary of which of the following river?
राज्य द्वारा संचालित विद्युत उपकरण निर्माता भेल ने जम्मू-कश्मीर में एनएचपीसी की किशनगंगा पनबिजली परियोजना (एचईपी) की 110 मेगावाट की पहली इकाई का आरंभ किया. किशनगंगा निम्न नदी किस नदी की उपनदी है?
(a) Chenab/चिनाब
(b) Jhelum/झेलम
(c) Indus/सिंधु
(d) Ganges/गंगा

Q9. What was the theme for International Day of Happiness 2018?
विश्व प्रसन्नता दिवस 2018 का विषय है -
(a) Share Smile/
(b) Keep your Smile Alive/
(c) Keep Others Happy/
(d) Share Happiness/

Q10. During the first National workshop on POSHAN Abhiyan, the Ministry of WCD has launched five e-ILA courses and two ECCE software modules. What does ILA stands for?
पोषण अभियान पर पहली राष्ट्रीय कार्यशाला के दौरान, डब्ल्यूसीसी ने पांच ई-आईएलए पाठ्यक्रम और दो ईसीसीई सॉफ्टवेयर मॉड्यूल लांच किये. ILA से क्या तात्पर्य है?
(a) Incremental Learning Appreciation/
(b) Increased Learning Apprehension/
(c) Increased Learning Approach/
(d) Incremental Learning Approach/

Q11. Name the US-educated economist who has been named the next governor of China's central bank, the People's Bank of China (PBOC).
अमेरिका से शिक्षित अर्थशास्त्री का नाम बताइए, जिसे चीन के केंद्रीय बैंक, पीपुल्स बैंक ऑफ चाइना (पीबीओसी) के अगले गवर्नर के रूप में नामित किया गया है.
(a) Cai Qi/कैइ क्यूई
(b) Li Qiang/ली क़ियांग
(c) Yi Gang/यी गैंग
(d) Lou Qinjian/लो क्विनजियन

Q12. Name the IFS officer who has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
डेमोक्रेटिक पीपल्स रिपब्लिक ऑफ कोरिया में भारतीय राजदूत के रूप में नियुक्त भारतीय विदेश सेवा अधिकारी का नाम बताइए.
(a) Umesh Nagwar/उमेश नागवार
(b) Saurabh Taneja/सौरभ तनेजा
(c) Shobhit Kasera/शोभित कासरा
(d) Atul M. Gotsurve/अतुल एम गोत्सुर्वे

Q13. World Sparrow Day is observed on __________ every year globally to create awareness about the protection of sparrows.
गौरैया की सुरक्षा के बारे में जागरूकता फ़ैलाने के लिए विश्व गौरैया दिवस विश्वभर में __________ पर मनाया जाता है.
(a) 30 March
(b) 27 March
(c) 20 March
(d) 25 March

Q14. NCAA project of the Ministry of Culture, has been certified as the world’s first Trusted Digital Repository as per ISO standard, granted by Primary Trustworthy Digital Repository Authorisation Body Ltd. (PTAB), United Kingdom. NCAA stands for _______________.
संस्कृति मंत्रालय के एनसीएए प्रोजेक्ट को आईएसओ मानक के मुताबिक दुनिया की पहली ट्रस्टेड डिजिटल रिपॉजिटरी के रूप में प्रमाणित किया गया है, जो प्राइमरी ट्रस्ट्स्टीबल डिजिटल रिपॉझिटरी ऑथराइजेशन बॉडी लिमिटेड (पीटीएबी), यूनाइटेड किंगडम द्वारा प्रमाणित है. NCAA से क्या तात्पर्य है.
(a) National Cultural Audiovisual Archives/
(b) National Council of Audiovisual Archives/
(c) National Council of Audio Architecture/
(d) National Council of Audio Archives/

Q15. What is the theme for World Sparrow Day 2018?
विश्व गौरैया दिवस 2018 का विषय क्या है?
(a) Sweat Sparrows/
(b) Make House for Sparrow/
(c) None of the Given options is true
(d) I Love Sparrows/


S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. The first National workshop on POSHAN Abhiyan involving all the states and union territories was held at Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra, New Delhi. The Ministry of Women and Child Development is organising the day-long workshop with participation from all the states/UTs.

S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. India and the European Union (EU) have signed an agreement that will enable them to share earth observation data from each other’s satellites. The pact was inked in Bengaluru.

S3. Ans.(b)
Sol. India’s Purva Barve has won the Women’s Singles (Under-19) title at the Israel Junior 2018 Badminton tournament held in Rishon LeZion, Israel.

S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. With an aim to providing first-and-last-mile connectivity, railway PSU IRCTC announced a partnership with cab aggregator Ola, giving commuters an option book taxi on its app.

S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated the International Day of Happiness (on 20th March) as a way to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. The theme for IDH 2018 is "Share Happiness" - focusing on the importance of relationships, kindness and helping each other.

S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. Renowned Hindi poet and critic Kedarnath Singh passed away at the age of 83. Prof. Singh was a recipient of the Jnanapeeth award in 2013. He won the Sahitya Akademi award in 1989 for his poetry collection Akaal Mein Saras.

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. Axis Bank had opened a representative office in Sharjah, to better serve its customers in the emirate and to expand its retail offerings to customers in the neighbouring northern emirates. The representative office is the third such Axis Bank office in the UAE after Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. State-run power equipment maker BHEL has commissioned 1st unit of 110 MW of the Kishanganga hydroelectric project (HEP) of NHPC in Jammu and Kashmir. Located on the river Kishanganga, a tributary of the Jhelum in Bandipora district, all the three units of the 340 MW project will generate 1,350 million units (MU) of clean electricity annually.

S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated the International Day of Happiness (on 20th March) as a way to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. The theme for IDH 2018 is "Share Happiness" - focusing on the importance of relationships, kindness and helping each other.

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. During the first National workshop on POSHAN Abhiyan, the Ministry of WCD has launched five e-ILA (e-Incremental Learning Approach) courses and two ECCE(Early Childhood Care and Education) software modules.

S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. US-educated economist Yi Gang has been named the next governor of China's central bank, the People's Bank of China (PBOC). Mr. Yi has been deputy governor of the bank since 2008.

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. Atul M. Gotsurve has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. World Sparrow Day is observed on 20 March every year globally to create awareness about the protection of sparrows. The theme for this year's WSD is 'I Love Sparrows'.

S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. National Cultural Audiovisual Archives (NCAA) project of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, implemented by Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) has been certified as the world’s first Trusted Digital Repository as per ISO standard, granted by Primary Trustworthy Digital Repository Authorisation Body Ltd. (PTAB), United Kingdom.

S15. Ans.(d)
Sol. World Sparrow Day is observed on 20 March every year globally to create awareness about the protection of sparrows. The theme for this year's WSD is 'I Love Sparrows'.

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