How To Prepare for Govt Exams: Tips For Working Aspirants

March 14, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

To remain stick to the roots of success especially in this era where competitiveness has been a set standard to measure one’s efficiency, only being an eager beaver with persevered mindset and  productive utilization of Time Management at any cost make it possible. This world salutes to those who win the world with their determination, incredible ideology and effective actions. It is needless to say that everyone wants a job benefiting one in various possible ways and speaking of this kind of job, a government job rushes into our mind at the first place. Where lakhs of candidates apply for different government job posts every year, only those who give their all to make it happen are selected. There are a bunch of aspirants who are engaged in part time or full time private sector jobs or other such jobs due to financial crises or for the sake of not being idle but still carrying a dream of cracking prestigious govt jobs and banking jobs namely SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, IBPS PO, Railway, UPSC etc. and consider themselves run-of-the-mill participant of the aspiring job and thus become an impediment in their own path of success.

There are numerous successful stories of government job holding people who prepared for the desirable exams while working in long hour unfulfilled jobs. Quality is always appreciated and is pertinent than Quantity thus proving a fact that aspirants who study for 9-10 hours per day are still unsuccessful compared to those who only study for 2-3 hours routine wise. Fulfilling the need required by a working aspirant to crack any govt job, ADDA247 is here once again with the key steps which are promising for your fruition in cracking govt jobs.
1. Effective Plan and Strategy: Without planning, the preparation is futile and success a daydream. Every devoted aspirant needs to work on a plan first which suits his daily routine life where preference must be given to adequate number of study hours. Now because it is obvious for a working aspirant to submit 9-10 hours in office, make your strategy in a way where you can utilize your office free time in the most possible way. After office, you can manage to get 2 -3 hours in the late evening for studies. Usually office time ends at 8:00 P.M. So from 9.30 to 11.30 pm you have 2 hours for study. Just keep on following this time table sternly for at least two weeks and it will end up being in your one proficient habit. Allot this time for Quantitative Aptitude and start with understanding concepts, learning formulae and important tricks where you find it necessary otherwise apply your own concepts and methods. Then start solving as much as possible questions on each chapter every night at the same time. Mind to make some time for revision within 3 days of gap.

Develop a habit of waking up earlier so that again you can add 1-2 study hours in your Time Table. In the morning it is up to you what would you like to study whether English Language Grammar Rules and Vocabulary or Quantitative Aptitude Tricks so that you can make question related to them in office break time available at our app ADDA247 where we provide daily quizzes on all the mandatory subjects of various Govt Exam and Banking Exams.

2. Devote Weekends for Mock Tests:  During Weekends, firstly increase the number of study hours to add up practice session, revision and noting down the questions that bother you frequently. Later on, analyze your performance by appearing for online Mock Tests which are conducted every Sunday in Sunday Challenge and in Simple Mock Tests. But only appearing for Mock Tests is of no use until you recheck your performance after the exam and work on your speed successively.

3. Coaching Classes: Everyone has his own aptitude of learning things. Some are bounded to study in presence of a guidance. If this is the case with you, coaching classes batches are available in morning and night shifts as well. Career Power is a well established institution for coaching of Bank and SSC Exams with its branches widespread across the country including all prominent cities. As Coaching Classes provide an exam environment adjoined with compulsive study hours and provide latest pattern based study material, regular test series, doubt clearing classes and conduct online exams on daily basis with different time slots, to go for this option can be a prudent decision by you.

4. Using Office Time Smartly: The nature of job varies with the kind of jobs. If you are lucky enough to get free time in between of your projects, meetings or other formalities, utilize it smartly by solving quizzes available at ADDA247 App, reading important notes on various subjects in PDF forms at sscadda website where you can find pile of important notes and quizzes for SSC and Railway Exams. Using this time in learning vocabulary in your own way will be really beneficial. At SSCADDA website, bunches of vocabulary pdfs are available 24/7. Also we provide The Hindu Vocabulary where you can learn 10 important fancy words just in a single day. Continue this habit until your exam is nearby and you will find yourself burden free as you would have been learning for a long time already.

Also you can utilize your travelling time in learning theoretical subjects like General Awareness or English Language. Do it on daily basis after departing your office and keep your goal ahead of your eyes at any cost. Because where you just have 4-5 hours a day to prepare for your dream job, some are blessed with 10-12 hours and who knows how efficiently they would have been utilizing it. However, your priority is you and at the first place your competition is with you yourself.

Never Quitting Mindset: Last but not the least, a positive mindset, self-confidence and never quitting attitude is the combo of success guarantee. Average students have left many so called smart students behind in the race on the account of their strong willpower, dedication and hard work making it a fact that success does not get attracted towards skill only but these above said factors. If you are feeding every day with hard work, there will be a day when it will feed you with success. Only you are the designer of your destiny, only you are your competition and also only you can earn success for you. So, aspirants start preparing from now on. ADDA247 is always here to assist you.

Adda247 and Team, wish you all the best. Learn, share and succeed with Adda247.


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How To Prepare for Govt Exams: Tips For Working Aspirants 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 14, 2018 Dear Aspirants, To remain stick to the roots of success especially in this era where competitiveness has been a set standard to measur...

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