General Science Questions for Railway 2018:
Dear Students,Railway Board offers opulent and revered job posts to its aspirants. And it is not every year that we get the notification from Railway offering a good number of vacant seats to the multitude aspirants. But the current year 2018 brought a pleasant surprise with almost 90,000 seats to be filled by the valid candidates. Opportunity is here but you have to welcome it with a provident strategy. The exam will be conducted in the months of April and May 2018.
Railway Exam pattern includes General Science Section as a pivotal part and there is a particular General Science Section adjoining Physics, Chemistry and Biology questions in a perplexed way. Gird up your loins to master this section where 15 questions will be provided in form of a well designed quiz on daily basis.Attempt this quiz and prepare yourself flawlessly. We wish you good luck for the upcoming Exams.
Q1. What is the SI unit of atmospheric pressure?
वायुमंडलीय दबाव की एसआई इकाई क्या है?
(a) Pascal/पास्कल
(b) Knot/क्नॉट
(c) Joule/जूल
(d) Ohm/ओम
Q2. The absorption of ink by blotting paper involves
काग़ज़ को ब्लोटिंग करके स्याही के अवशोषण में शामिल है-
(a) Viscosity of ink/ स्याही की चिपचिपाहट
(b) Capillary action phenomenon/केशिल क्रिया घटना
(c) Diffusion of ink through the blotting/ब्लोटिंग के माध्यम से स्याही का प्रसार
(d) Siphon action/सिफ़ोन क्रिया
Q3. The smallest unit of length is-
लंबाई की सबसे छोटी इकाई क्या है -
(a) Micron/माइक्रोन
(b) Nanometre/नैनोमीटर
(c) Angstrom/ऐंग्स्ट्रॉम
(d) Fermimetre/फर्मीमीटर
Q4. What is measured by manometer?
मैनोमीटर द्वारा क्या मापा जाता है?
(a) Air pressure/हवा का दबाव
(b) Pressure of gas/गैस का दबाव
(c) Density of liquids/तरल पदार्थ का घनत्व
(d) Pressure of oil on the surface/सतह पर तेल का दबाव
Q5. ‘Pyrheliometer’ is used for measuring:
‘पाइरेलियोमीटर’ क्या मापने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है:
(a) Sun spots/सूर्य के धब्बे
(b) Solar radiation/सौर विकिरण
(c) Air temperature/हवा का तापमान
(d) Temperature of plants/पौधों का तापमान
Q6. Spherical form of raindrop is due to-
वर्षा की बूंदों का आकार गोलाकार किसके कारण होता है -
(a) Density of liquid/ तरल का घनत्व
(b) Surface tension/सतह तनाव
(c) Atmospheric pressure/वायुमण्डलीय दबाव
(d) Gravitational force/गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल
Q7. Pressure inside a soap bubble is-
एक साबुन के बुलबुले के अंदर दबाव है -
(a) More than atmospheric pressure/वायुमंडलीय दबाव से अधिक
(b) Less than atmospheric pressure/वायुमंडलीय दबाव से कम
(c) Equal to atmospheric pressure/वायुमंडलीय दबाव के बराबर
(d) Half of atmospheric pressure/वायुमंडलीय दबाव का आधा
Q8. Fish can survive in a frozen lake because-
मछली एक जमी हुई झील में जीवित रह सकती है क्योंकि -
(a) Fish are warm blooded animals/मछली गर्म खून वाली जीव हैं
(b) Fish hibernate in ice/मछली बर्फ में शीतस्वाप में होती है
(c) Water near the bottom does not freeze/तल के पास का पानी नहीं जमता है
(d) Ice is a good conductor of heat/बर्फ उष्मा की सुचालक है
Q9. The colour of light is determined by its
प्रकाश का रंग किसके द्वारा निर्धारित किया जाता है
(a) Amplitude/आयाम
(b) Wavelength/तरंग दैर्ध्य
(c) Intensity/तीव्रता
(d) Velocity/वेग
Q10. The sun is visible to us a few minutes before the act sunrise because of:
किसके कारण वास्तविक सूर्योदय होने से कुछ मिनट पहले हमें सूर्य दिखाई देता है:
(a) Scattering of light/प्रकाश का फैलाव
(b) Diffraction of light/प्रकाश का विवर्तन
(c) Total internal reflection of light/प्रकाश का कुल आंतरिक प्रतिबिंब
(d) Refraction of light/प्रकाश का अपवर्तन
Q11. The concept of expanding universe is based on-
ब्रह्मांड के विस्तार की अवधारणा किस पर आधारित है -
(a) Doppler effect/डॉपलर प्रभाव
(b) Stark effect/बिल्कुल प्रभाव
(c) Zeeman effect/जीमन प्रभाव
(d) Raman effect/रमन प्रभाव
Q12. The hand burns more by steam comparatively to boiling water, because-
उबलते पानी की तुलना में भाप से हाथ अधिक जल जाता है, क्यूंकि-
(a) The steam has latent heat/भाप में अव्यक्त गर्मी है
(b) Steam sneaked into the body/भाप शरीर में घुस जाती है
(c) The steam has more power/भाप में अधिक शक्ति है
(d) Steam is gig/ भाप हल्की होती है
Q13. The heat required in calories to convert one gram of ice at 0 °C to steam at 100°C is approximately
0 °C पर एक ग्राम बर्फ को 100°C पर भाप में बदलने के लिए लगभग कितनी कैलोरी ऊष्मा में आवश्यक है?
(a) 80
(b) 336
(c) 720
(d) 620
Q14. What is absolute zero temperature?
निरपेक्ष शून्य तापमान क्या है?
(a) The starting point of any temperature scale/किसी भी तापमान पैमाने का प्रारंभिक बिंदु
(b) Theoretically the lowest possible temperature/सैद्धांतिक रूप से न्यूनतम संभव तापमान
(c) The temperature at which the vapour of any liquid substance is condensed./तापमान जिस पर किसी भी तरल पदार्थ की वाष्प घनी होती है.
(d) The temperature at which all material in vapour form./तापमान जिस पर सभी सामग्री वाष्प रूप में होती है.
Q15. When ice melts, then-
जब बर्फ पिघलती है, तो -
(a) Volume increases/आयतन बढ़ता है
(b) Volume decreases/आयतन घटता है
(c) Mass increases/द्रव्यमान बढ़ता है
(d) Mass decreases/ द्रव्यमान घटता है
S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. The Pascal is SI unit of pressure.
S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. Capillary action phenomenon
S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. 1 Micron = 10^(-6) metre
1 Nanometre = 10^(-9) metre
1 Angstrom = 10^(-10) metre
1 Fermimetre = 10^(-15) metre
Thus, the smallest unit of length in the given options is fermi metre.
S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. Manometer is an instrument that uses a column of liquid to measure pressure, commonly referred as pressure measuring instrument.
S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. Mainly there are two types of devices that are used to measure solar radiations these are: (i) Pyrheliometer (ii) Pyranometer.
S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. The shape of a drop of rain is constrained by the surface tension, which tries to give it the shape for which the surface area is minimum for the given volume. The spherical shape has the minimum surface area. That’s why rain drops acquire spherical shape.
S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. Soap bubbles are large because when soap dissolved in water its surface tension is reduced. The pressure inside a soap bubble is more than atmospheric pressure.
S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. This is because of a phenomenon is known as winter stratification in water bodies. In the winter season, the water at the top layer of water bodies will be ice cold (0°C) and are gradually frozen. But still, the bottom layers will have liquid water and maintain a temperature (4°C) which supports the life there. Thus, fishes and other aquatic animals are saved from the frozen top layer of water.
S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. The color of light is determined by its wavelength. Different colors have different wavelengths. The wavelength of red colour is largest and violet colour has shortest wavelength.
S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. Due to the refraction of light, the sun is visible to us a few minutes before sunrise and a few minutes after sunset.
S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. The concept of expanding universe is based on Doppler effect. It was named after Christian Doppler, who first came up with the idea in 1942. Edwin Hubble used the Doppler Effect to determine that universe is expanding. Hubble found that the light from distant galaxies was shifted towards lower frequencies, to the red end of the spectrum. This is known as a red Doppler shift or a red-shift.
S12. Ans.(a)
Sol. Steam has more heat energy than boiling water because it requires Latent Heat of Vapourization for boiling water to change phase from liquid to vapour. Therefore our body comes in contact with more heat when exposed to steam than boiling water
S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. Latent heat of Melting = 80 calorie/gram
The heat required for ice at 0°C to convert in water = 80 calorie
Required heat to enhance the temperature of water from 0°C to 100°C = 100 calorie
Latent heat of vaporization = 540 calorie/gram
Hence the energy required to convert water into vapour at
100°C = 540 calorie.
Total heat required = 80 + 100 + 540
= 720 calorie.
S14. Ans.(b)
Sol. Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature at which point the atoms of a substance transmit no thermal energy. They are completely at rest. It is 0 degrees on the Kelvin scale, which translates to-273.15 degree Celsius.
S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. Elements such as cast iron, ice, antimony, bismuth, and brass when melts, their volume decreases. These type of solids floats in their own melted fluid.
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