Frequently Asked questions of Static Awareness for Banking Exams : 8th March 2018

March 8, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Frequently Asked questions of Static Awareness for Banking Exams

It is necessary to have a fundamental knowledge of history, geography, political and economic theories associated with the events that are happening around us. Unless one keeps himself abreast of the historical background or the geographical location of events reported, they will convey little of the value of importance. The questions on Static Awareness are related to countries, events or any such stuff that has been in news for a while. Following is the Adda247 Quiz on Static Awareness with the questions that are asked very frequently in the banking Examinations.

Q1. The city of Imphal is the capital of the Indian state of?
(a) Assam
(b) West Bengal
(c) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) Tripura
(e) Manipur

Q2. Life Insurance Corporation is an Indian state-owned insurance group and investment company headquartered in?
(a) Kolkata
(b) Mumbai
(c) Chennai
(d) New Delhi
(e) Hyderabad

Q3. Shongtong-Karcham Hydro-Electric Project (450 MW) a run-of-river scheme, on the river Satluj in District Kinnaur of which of the following state?
(a) Himachal Pradesh
(b) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Madhya Pradesh
(e) Uttar Pradesh

Q4. Bandipur National Park, an 874-sq.-km forested reserve in the southern Indian state of?
(a) Kerala
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Karnataka
(d) Telangana
(e) Andhra Pradesh

Q5. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is an international financial institution that offers loans to middle-income developing countries.IBRD founded in which year?
(a) 1922
(b) 1935
(c) 1913
(d) 1944
(e) 1960

Q6. Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa whose diverse landscape encompasses the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains and immense Lake Victoria. The capital city of Uganda is?
(a) Havana
(b) Kampala
(c) Berlin
(d) Mogadishu
(e) None of the above

Q7. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an Alliance that consists of 28 independent member countries. Who is present Secretary General of NATO?
(a) Roberto Azevedo
(b) Ban Ki-moon
(c) Christine Lagarde
(d) Margaret Chan
(e) Jens Stoltenberg

Q8. Central Bank of India, a government-owned bank, is one of the oldest and largest commercial banks in India. What is tagline of Central Bank of India?
(a) The Name you can Bank Upon
(b) Tradition of trust
(c) Central To you Since 1911
(d) Relationships beyond Banking
(e) Together we Can

Q9. Thiruvananthapuram (or Trivandrum) is the capital of the southern Indian state of?
(a) Telangana
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Karnataka
(d) Kerala
(e) Tamil Nadu

Q10. Parupalli Kashyap is a.............. player from India?
(a) Cricket
(b) Badminton
(c) Football
(d) Tennis
(e) Chess

Q11. When was the last telegram sent in India?  
(a) July 14, 2013
(b) August 1, 2013
(c) July 30, 2013
(d) June 14, 2013
(e) June 30, 2013

Q12. The Gandhara Art flourished during the period of  
(a) Guptas
(b) Mauryas
(c) Satavahanas
(d) Kushans
(e) Chola

Q13. The Headquarters of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) is at  
(a) New York
(b) Paris
(c) Geneva
(d) Rome
(e) London

Q14. Who painted the master piece “Hamsa Damayanti”?  
(a) Anjolie Ela Menon
(b) Abanindranath Tagore
(c) Amrita Shergill
(d) Nandlal Bose
(e) Raja Ravi Varma

Q15. It was decided to observe Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday October 2 as the  
(a) International Non-violence Day
(b) International Peace day
(c) International law day
(d) International Youth day
(e) None of these

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Frequently Asked questions of Static Awareness for Banking Exams : 8th March 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 8, 2018 Dear Aspirants, It is necessary to have a fundamental knowledge of history, geography, political and economic theories associated...

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