Don't Rely On SSC CGL Only: Apply For Various Govt Jobs

March 17, 2018    

Dear Readers,

We are living in a country where population is on its peak and the youth population participation is the highest. But the lack of demanding jobs, satiable job posts and privileged opportunities is gut-wrenching situation in itself. Competition has raised to the beyond of one’s thinking. With so many people applying for a limited number of jobs, employers have no choice but cull the herd.

Individually working on one’s skill, remaining updated with the opportunities, never quitting aptitude, a competitive zeal to grapple in order to come out as a winner, smart routine and devoted study hours is the only Hobson’s choice to get the life you have dreamt of as we can’t control other adverse factors. The modus operandi of SSC seems to be helter-skelter after the misconduct of exam or the malfunctioning in its procedures that resulted out in an active protest by thousands of victimized SSC aspirants. Our heartily support is with every devoted SSC aspirant who feels to be affected in any way and to be on a wild goose chase.

But at the same time, it is a perfect time to study hard and prepare yourself for the ongoing govt exam viz. Railway Exam with ALP/Technician posts, Group D posts, SSC CPO Exam which is certain to be held in upcoming months and other pristine exams. So to waste all your precious time sitting at a place whole day and mourning over the past is not a fruition for your career. Aspirants blessed with astute mind may have the efficiency to recover the loss but those who need an ample time to work hard must not waste their time relying on a single exam. SSC will continue to conduct its various exams like it is already conducting SSC CHSL Exam and then SSC CPO is the next opportunity. So be a part of competition whenever you can be.
How to deal with the situation and utilize the time: 

1. If you are unsatisfied with any move of the staff and want to contribute your time in protesting, do it peacefully, keep yourself energetic enough for study hours. There are helpline numbers, officers phone numbers, particular websites to speak out your sincere demand and queries. So be a part of contribution in a smart way.

2. Do not let your study hours suffer the loss you are taking risk for. Make time for online studying if you can’t be available at home.

3. Keep an eagle eye on various govt job vacancies and prepare accordingly. Do not let the excuses roam around you. Everyone has got the same number of hours in a day as you have. So divide the time in order to get a productive outcome.

4. However, SSC might have disappointed you during past last months but career comes the foremost. Do not stop practicing, preparing and applying for the posts it offer in future.

5. In the current time, apply for other govt exam posts and work hard enough to celebrate your success. Hard work never goes in vain. It will pay you back all you have given this far. Be optimistic and remain persevering. 

Below is the list of 2018 Govt Jobs Vacancies you can apply for: 

Total Number of Vacancy: 98,459

Exam Qualification Vacancies Last Date Details
NPDCL Recruitment 2018 for Telangana 10th Class + I.T.I. Total - 2553 19.03.2018
(Till 11: 59 PM)
CISF Recruitment of Constable 2018 10th Standard Total - 447 19.03.2018
(Till 05:00 PM)
Karnataka Bank PO Recruitment 2018 Different Qualifications for Different Posts Not Declared Yet 20.03.2018 Notification
Bihar Police Recruitment 2018 for Constable 10+2 Total - 1669 23.03.2018 Notification
Rajasthan Recruitment for Computer Operator 2018 Graduation in Particular Subject  Total - 400 27.03.2018 Notification
Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation Recruitment 2018 Different Qualifications for Different Posts Total - 386 27.03.2018
(Till 11: 59 PM)
Railway Recruitment 2018 for ALP, Technicians2018 Different Qualifications for Different Posts Total - 26502 31.03.2018 Notification
Railway Group 'D' Recruitment 2018 Different Qualifications for Different Posts Total - 62907 31.03.2018 Notification
NABARD Recruitment 2018  - Total - 92 02.04.2018 Notification
SSC CPO Notification 2018 Different Qualifications for Different Posts Total - 1223 02.04.2018
(Till 05:00 PM)
Punjab PSC Recruitment 2018 Graduation Total - 207 03.04.2018
(Till 11: 59 PM)
Rajasthan Recruitment for Informatics Assistant Post B.Tech/ Diploma in Computer Science/ IT/ECE Total - 1302 06.04.2018 Notification
Pune Cantonment Board Recruitment 2018 Different Qualifications for Different Posts Total - 77 07.04.2018 Notification
UPSSSC Recruitment 2018 Graduation Total - 694 23.04.2018 Notification

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Don't Rely On SSC CGL Only: Apply For Various Govt Jobs 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 17, 2018 Dear Readers, We are living in a country where population is on its peak and the youth population participation is the hi...

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