Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams

March 26, 2018    

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Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few words from an article published in Reputed News Paper.


India’s economy grew at 7.2 percent in October-December last year, the fastest quarterly growth in five quarters. The (1) euphoria is, however, premature. A complete recovery from the twin misadventures – demonetization and (2) hasty implementation of GST- is still (3)elusive. Let’s not forget that the country was growing at the rate of 8.2 percent in the year that preceded the demonetization (4) bump. Growth (5) decelerated to 7.1% in 2016-17. As per the latest projection, GDP rate will remain (6)subdued at 6.6% for the entire 2017-18, which is less than the 6.7% predicted by the RBI and 6.75 by the Economic Survey. The economy has a long journey before it could actually celebrate the (7) upturn. 

It is (8) tempting to claim the tag of the fastest-growing economy in the world as China is left behind for one quarter. But India is far behind China in absolute terms. No doubt, the Indian Economy is on the path of recovery but the onward journey is full of challenges.
The first major challenge is to strengthen the Indian banking system, which is plagued by rising cases of bank frauds. It is feared that most of the borrowers would turn (9) rogue like Nirav Modi. The second challenge is to revive the (10) disruptions-hit informal sector to solve unemployment issues. The third task is to encourage private investments, particularly in exports.

1. Euphoria (noun)=उत्साह
Meaning: a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.
Synonyms: ecstasy, elatedness, elation, exhilaration, paradise, rapture, rhapsody, bliss, blissfulness, delight.

2. Hasty (adjective) =त्वरित
Meaning: done with excessive speed or urgency; hurried.
Synonyms: cursory, headlong, hurried, overhasty, pell-mell, precipitate, precipitous, rash, rushed.

3. Elusive (adjective)=परिहारकारी
Meaning: difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
Synonyms: evasive, fugitive, inaccessible, inconvenient, unapproachable, unattainable, unavailable, unobtainable, unreachable.

4. Bump (noun)=अचानक
Meaning: a light blow or a jolting collision.
Synonyms: bang, bash, collide, crash, hit, impact, impinge, knock, ram, slam, smash, strike, swipe.

5. Decelerate (verb)=धीमा करना
Meaning: reduce or cause to reduce in speed.
Synonyms: brake, retard, slacken, slow, encumber, hamper, handicap, hinder, hobble, hold back, hold up, impede, inhibit, obstruct.

6. Subdue (verb)=वश में करना
Meaning: to bring under control especially by an exertion of the will.
Synonyms: conservative, repress, restrain, sober, toned-down, understate, unflashy, unpretentious.

7. Upturn (noun)=चढ़ाव
Meaning: an improvement or upward trend, especially in economic conditions.
Synonyms: arise, ascend, aspire, climb, lift, mount, rise, soar, thrust, up, uprise, upthrust.

8. Tempting (adjective)=आकर्षक
Meaning: appealing to or attracting someone.
Synonyms: enticing, inviting, alluring, attractive, tantalizing, appealing, fascinating, captivating, fetching, pleasing, winsome.

9. Rogue (noun)=दुष्ट
Meaning: a dishonest or unprincipled man.
Synonyms: crooked, deceptive, dishonest, double-dealing, duplicitous, fraudulent, guileful, deceitful, deceiving, deluding, delusory, beguiling.

10. Disruption (noun)=व्यवधान
Meaning: disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.
Synonyms: derangement, dislocation, disturbance, upset, convulsion, unsettlement, upheaval.

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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2018/03/vocab-for-bank-exam-2018.html
Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 26, 2018 Dear Readers, Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as des...

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