"Wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction" : G.SHIVA KUMAR (UIIC Asst.)

February 12, 2018    

“Till the full stop doesn’t come, the sentence is not complete”: Amrendra Kumar (IBPS RRB PO)

Hello guys. My name is G.SHIVA KUMAR and I have been preparing for bank exams since 2012 immediately after completing my engineering but was not very serious in preparation so obviously couldn’t succeed in them.

Like many graduates even I was in dilemma about my career after completing graduation like what to choose!! I went for GATE coaching but was not successful and software field was not my cup of coffee so one of my friends suggested me about bank exams which were providing a golden opportunity for all the graduates irrespective of their degrees and percentages. So I decided to join some banking institute but was very poor in choosing a good coaching center. That was my first failure. But still I gave all the exams and at that time exams were of an easy level and a person who seriously prepared could easily get through. In the process of giving those exams I missed every exam with either 1 or 2 marks in sectional or overall and as time was passing on there is increasing stress and chaos was created in me. Wherever I went only a single question was asked, “What are u doing? Still unemployed? Bla bla bla” which demotivated me a lot but somewhere inside I knew that someday My Success will be the answer to all of them. I always used to raise questions within me and tried to answer them which gave me loads of positivity and energy.

Simultaneously I attended many interviews outside like BPO/Software and got selected for BPO job and the pay was Rs.6500 but after joining I realized that the job was not of my choice so absconded. In the process of attending Interviews, many interviewers by looking at my resume suggested me to do postgraduation due to less percentage. But I never stopped giving bank exams in that process.

In 2014 I attempted ICET(MBA) and scored good rank and was allotted seat in one of the best colleges in Hyderabad. While pursuing MBA I learned many new things which shaped me in many ways like overcoming stage fear, participating in debates, etc. In the process of pursuing MBA temporarily, I put-off for bank exams and was successful in completing MBA with 65%(Osmania University). Immediately after my PG, I left for Banking Coaching Center but to my surprise, I witnessed real competition for Competitive exams over there.  Due to heavy competition and my overconfidence in 2016, I failed all prelims except IBPS Clerks(missed by 2marks overall).

I was losing all hopes by looking at the competition but somewhere I was strongly believing in me, with that confidence only I cleared Indian Bank PGDBF course in prelims, mains, and my interview was held in Chennai. An interview also went well but somehow I couldn’t manage to get in. I almost went into depression as my age was already 27 at that time and had many commitments. With Indian bank failure, I had to sacrifice my relationship too but didn’t feel like leaving bank exams. I started preparing seriously and was successful in clearing SBI PO prelims but in mains, I again failed. Meanwhile, I cleared Bank of India SO and attended an interview in Chennai and this time I really performed well in the interview but again ‘TIME tested MY Patience’ couldn’t get through it. I gave all the exams that were published n meanwhile I cleared RRB Clerk prelims, OICL AO prelims, IBPS PO prelims UIIC Assistant Prelims, SSC CGL tier-1.

OICL AO mains failed (marks yet to be known), IBPS PO mains (missed in sectional cutoff), RRB Clerk mains (missed with 1 mark) and finally succeeded in clearing United India Insurance company Assistant in prelims, mains, and LPT.

What gave me happiness is by seeing happiness in the eyes of my parents after hearing my success.

I would like to suggest my co-aspirants only one thing do not get disturbed or deviated or lose hope or lose self-confidence cuz they are the one which demotivates your confidence. Keep practicing until you reach your goal. Improve your capabilities, softskills continuously. I know most of us are afraid of only one section i.e; ENGLISH section. English is a problem even to me but I never failed in that section. In order to score good in English read magazines, newspapers, watch English movies which will help you in improving your communication only about 40%. Remaining 60% will cover only by speaking to others in English (It may seem foolish idea but it’s a true fact) Communicating in English will improve not only Your communication but also boast ur self-confidence and can overcome stage fear too. Believe me, you will definitely notice a change after following this step. There are many opportunities ahead. Stay calm Keep practicing Stay Focused Work Hard and Success follows...
 All the very Best for your Future Endeavors.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.” -- General Colin Powell

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"Wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction" : G.SHIVA KUMAR (UIIC Asst.) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 12, 2018 Hello guys. My name is G.SHIVA KUMAR and I have been preparing for bank exams since 2012 immediately after completing my engineering but ...

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