The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - 27th February 2018

February 28, 2018    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 27th February 2018. Happy reading :)

Note : There were no editorials in THE HINDU on 25th February 2018 (Sunday)
  • Term - a period of time during which a politician or other official holds their job
  • Era - a period of time that has a particular quality or character
  • Abolish - to officially get rid of a law, system, practice etc
  • Presidency - the job of being president, or the period of time that someone has this job
  • Thereby - as a result of this action
  • Beyond - further away than something else
  • Successor - someone who has an important position after someone else
  • Trigger - to make something happen
  • Speculation - the activity of guessing possible answers to a question without having enough information to be certain
  • Arguably - used when stating an opinion or belief that you think can be shown to be true
  • Socialism - a political system that aims to create a society in which everyone has equal opportunities and in which the most important industries are owned or controlled by the whole community
  • Apart from - except for someone or something
  • Predecessor - the person who had a job or official position before someone else
  • Accord - to treat someone or something in a particular way, especially by giving them power, respect, or status
  • Stature - the amount of public respect or popularity that someone or something has
  • Core - the most important or most basic part of something
  • Oversaw - to watch something in order to check that it works or happens in the way that it should
  • Geopolitics - the study of how a country’s position, economy, and population influence its politics, especially in relation to other countries
  • Pursue - to follow a course of activity
  • Assertive - behaving in a confident way in which you are quick to express your opinions and feelings
  • Massive - very large in amount or degree
  • Initiative - an important action that is intended to solve a problem
  • Amass - to collect a lot of something such as money or information over a period of time
  • Apparent - easy to see or understand
  • Ambition - something that you very much want to do, usually something that is difficult to achieve
  • Constitution - a set of basic laws or principles for a country that describe the rights and duties of its citizens and the way in which it is governed
  • Stint - a period of time spent doing something
  • Endorse -  to express support for someone or something, especially in public
  • Manoeuvre - an action or movement that you need care or skill to do
  • Reform - a change that is intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively
  • Amend - to make changes to a document, law, agreement etc, especially in order to improve it
  • Convention - a meeting that a lot of people belonging to a particular profession or organization go to in order to discuss things
  • Consolidate - to make the power, position, or achievements you already have stronger or more effective so that they are likely to continue
  • Rival - a person, team, or business that competes with another
  • Antithesis - the exact opposite of something
  • Impact - an effect, or an influence
  • Dynamic - the set of forces that exist in a situation
  • Succession - the process by which one person comes after another as a king, queen, or leader
  • Stability -  a situation in which things happen as they should and there are no harmful changes
  • Powerhouse - something such as a country or organization that has a lot of power or influence
  • Groom - to prepare someone for a particular job or activity by giving them special training and attention
  • Chaotic - happening in a confused way and without any order or organization
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Ms. India: on Sridevi's pan-India appeal"
  • Pan-India - All India (including all the peoples of India)
  • Appeal - a quality that something has that makes people like it
  • Debut - the first time that a performer or sports player appears in public
  • Packing into - to fit into a place
  • Sheer - used for emphasizing the amount or degree of something
  • Diversity - different types included in something
  • Linguistic - relating to languages
  • Territorial - relating to the land of a particular country
  • Pull off - to succeed in doing something that is difficult
  • Ease - the ability to do something easily
  • Contemporary - someone alive at the same time as a particular event or person
  • Wresting  to pull something away from someone using force
  • Fiefdom - an area or organization that someone controls completely
  • Apart from - except for someone or something
  • Significant - very important
  • Mentor - an experienced person who helps someone who has less experience, especially in their job
  • Complicated - difficult to do, deal with, or understand, especially because of involving a lot of different processes or aspects
  • Moving - making you feel emotional
  • Entrench - to place someone or something in a very strong position that cannot easily be changed or removed
  • Remake - to make a new film that has a story and title similar to an old one
  • Enormous - very large in size or quantity
  • Kitschy - art, decorative objects, or design considered by many people to be ugly, without style, or false but enjoyed by other people, often because they are funny
  • Versatility - having a wide range of different skills and abilities
  • Spontaneous - happening in a natural way without being planned or thought about
  • Outpouring - the act of expressing a strong emotion

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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary - 27th February 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 28, 2018 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated...

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