SSC CHSL Last Minute Tips

February 28, 2018    

Dear Students,

In this modern era, being self-dependent is as important as breathing itself. And a government job carries everything, an individual is looking for to have a secure career. SSC Exams bring the opportunity every year but due to the absence of an apt strategy, only a few can grab these opportunities. SSC CHSL exam is one of those prestigious exams conducted by SSC which has the tendency to offer you a fulfilled career post. So you have the chance to make an inception of your dream job with this opportunity.

For some of the candidates, it might be their first attempt while for some the number of attempts would be more than one. What matters the most is your comeback utilizing your efforts in an effective way. Now only a few days are remaining for SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam to be held and to make the most of this short period of time, ADDA247 is here as a pioneer to train you to move in a right direction which will help you in recognizing the importance of time management, proper study plan and your strengths & weaknesses regarding particular subjects under an optimum week wise planned strategy. Revise all the important topics form all the four sections viz. General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language. Each section will be containing 25 questions holding 2 marks for each question concluding the exam for 200 marks. 

The CHSL 2017 Exam (Tier-I) will be conducted from 04.03.2018 to 26.03.2018 in  Computer Based Examination System. The tentative Date of Tier-II Examination (Descriptive Paper): 08.07.2018. So students, now that you are left with a short period of time to give the final touch to your preparations, here, in this article, we will be discussing the essential points that you need to have all grasped for this SSC CHSL 2017 Exam. Vacancies: 3259. Tentative vacancies for the posts of LDC/ JSA, Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant and DEO are 898, 2359, 2 and Data Entry Operator Grade”A”- Nil, respectively.

CHSL 2017 Exam Pattern 

SSC CHSL Tier-I (Objective type)

Section Subject No of Questions Max Marks Exam Duration
General Intelligence and Reasoning 25     50 60 minutes
General Awareness
Quantitative Aptitude
English Comprehension 25     50
Total 100    200

First, SSC CHSL aspirants need to strategize a sophisticated revision plan suiting with their time availability. And then stick to their guns at any cost to taste the success. Second, know what subjects you are good at and where you lag. Do not stick to a single question if you are not able to solve it. Move forward with the questions that you are able to solve easily, without wasting much of your time on them. Keep yourself relaxed all throughout the last days of your preparations because getting anxious will do no good at all. 

It will be beneficial for you to test or analyze your progress with the online speed tests and thereby revising the topics you think still need to be given a final touch. Sleep properly before the real examination so that you do not exhaust yourself up pulling all-nighters and fail to perform to the best of your ability in the real examination. If a devoted aspirant follows these last minute tips on a stern basis all through these last days of preparations, no one can stop her/him from achieving her/ his dream job. Have a positive attitude, be the owner of your destiny. Bring out your best version to get what you will cherish forever in life and be proud of.

All the very best for SSC CHSL Examination!!

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