Interview Experience 2017 -16 (Abhishek Srivastava)

February 16, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

IBPS PO is one of the most sought-after Government Sector job these days. Personal Interview is the final round of IBPS PO 2017-18 Recruitment. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment, and types of questions that are asked in IBPS PO 2017-18 Interview Round. Here is the interview experience of  Abhishek Srivastava.

Qualifications: Btech( Mechanical Engineering)
Date: 3rd Feb 2018
Time: 8:30 am
Venue: Hotel Grand JBR, Lucknow
Panel: 1

Reached the location at 8 am. Document Verification followed by biometric, everything went smoothly. I was allloted no. 11 in the interview sequence.

At 11am my turn came. I entered the room with a gentle smile and seeked permission and thanked.

Total members: 5 (4 M and 1 F)

Good morning Ma'am and Good morning sir
(eye contact with each panel member)

M1: introduce yourself (Family background, qualifications, and extracurricular activities)
Me: introduced!

M1: Do you play any national sport?Since you have good personality, you must be a Footballer!
Me: Thanks for the compliment sir but I don't play national sport though I am fond of Cricket.

M2: By your appearance, you seem to be working somewhere!( discussing among themselves that I have got a dominant personality)
Me: I have worked in a Tech support company that I got through campus placement.

M3: Why did you leave?
Answed my reasons!

M1: What have you come prepared in banking?  I have tried to cover almost everything, you may ask and I'll try answering.

M1: Types of cheques?

F1: Elaborate bearer and order cheque and what do those transverse lines indicate?

Answered with confidence.

M1: What is Endorsement?

M3: Why is the cabin of a manager kept separate?
Elaborated but they were expecting some other response.

M4: IBPS stands for?
Very confidently answered Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.

M1: Why is your preferred bank different from the bank in which you hold your savings a/c?
My preference is Allahabad Bank since it is the oldest joint stock bank( 150years old), it's tagline fascinates me.

M1: If you have any issues with the bank what step you take?
Told about Banking Ombudsman scheme.

M2: What did you observe on the notice board while your last visit in a bank?
Business hours, various schemes etc

Ok thank you, we are done with you!

Overall  a very good experience. I inferred that few qualities such as confidence, basic banking awareness, how you carry yourself etc matter!

All the best to the aspirants!!

Mail your IBPS PO Interview Experience at

All the Very Best for IBPS PO Interview.

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Interview Experience 2017 -16 (Abhishek Srivastava) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 16, 2018 Dear Aspirants, IBPS PO  is one of the most sought-after Government Sector job these days. Personal Interview is the final round of ...

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