Interview Experience 2017 -12 (Srinath Chowdary)

February 15, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

IBPS PO is one of the most sought-after Government Sector job these days. Personal Interview is the final round of IBPS PO 2017-18 Recruitment. Interview experiences can help you get an insight of the difficulty level, environment, and types of questions that are asked in IBPS PO 2017-18 Interview Round. Here is the interview experience of  Srinath Chowdary.
DATE: 03-02-2018



Reached the venue by 12 p.m. and I was the first person to get my biometric and certificate verification done, it went cool. They were friendly. My serial no was 17, so thought it would take around 6 pm to complete my interview, but luckily they called, not by serial no. but by some random order and I was given no. 4.

My turn came exactly at 3 p.m. Entered the room, smiled and wished them.

Total members: 5 ( 4 Males, 1 Female)
I wished them, they offered to sit, I thanked them and sat. I was about to introduce myself to all the staff members as I had prepared but then M1 asked.

M1: So, what's your name?
Me: Srinath Chowdary

M1: Qualification?
Me:  Electrical and Electronics Engineering

M1: So, did u prepare banking awareness?
Me: Yes sir, I did (he then asked M3, the person in the center to take on)

M3: After demonetization, though initially there were some problems like money shortage and all, it settled and everyone feels comfortable. What's the reason?
Me: It was then when digital wallets took on and our PM introduced BHIM app and stressed on digital banking, online banking, mobile banking etc.

M3: Whats BHIM app, explain it.
Me: Explained and said it works on UPI.

M3: What's UPI?
Me: Explained.

M3: What's mobile banking?
Me: Explained, but he asked what one should require for it, I said MMID.

M3: Oh MMID! Doesn't it require Aadhar number?
Me: I was embarrassed as I felt like it was sarcasm and said I don't know exactly sir, but I read it as MMID.

M3: Ok, what are the major exports and imports of India?
Me: This was the question that scared me as I had no idea about it and the mistake I did made was taking time of 30 secs or more to think and finally saying sorry sir I don't know.
I could have said it without wasting time. I said crude oil is in import and exports, I've no idea.

M2: Tell me some currencies?
Me: Dollar, Franc, Bhat, Krone and I couldn't recall many in that tension though I knew many more.

M3: Krone? Which country's currency is it, I haven't heard till now!!
Me: I laughed inside and said, sir, its Denmark's.

M2: Why are you saying small currencies, you haven't said UK, Japan, China currencies.
me: Sorry sir, I couldn't recall at that time and answered those 3 currencies correctly and they felt ok, good.
F1: She wasn't asking just observing me.

M4: He seemed like asking questions, like now and then, just once I think that too was not a question, he was just supporting the other panel members' questions.

M1: He gave me a water bottle and asked to market it.
Me: Little annoyed, but did my best.

M1: These days PO is no less than sales executive. So, I have asked you to market it, most of you people know a myth that Bank PO is just a desk job like we can work simply sitting in
 a bank.
Me: Smiled. ( I felt my interview was just ok ok till then and then got my favorite question from M1)

M1: So, tell me about your hobbies!
Me: I actually waiting for this question and replied reading books.

M1: What sort of books, any genre?
Me: Nothing like that, any book which interests me I read.

M1: explain a book u read!
Me: I explained the super book for financial beginners,"RICH DAD POOR DAD"

Panel: Laughed at the title, and asked in a friendly way like which dad is better rich are poor?
Me: Explained and they were very much impressed with it, and at last, I felt satisfied.

M1: Ok, Srinath you can leave now.
Me: Thank you, sir, and came out.

It lasted for 12-15 minutes and my interview was done in both Telugu and English. The panel was friendly and cooperative particularly M1, he helped me a lot in answering.

Mail your IBPS PO Interview Experience at

All the Very Best for IBPS PO Interview.

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Interview Experience 2017 -12 (Srinath Chowdary) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 15, 2018 Dear Aspirants, IBPS PO  is one of the most sought-after Government Sector job these days. Personal Interview is the final round of...

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