Changes In SSC CGL Tier-II Exam 2018

February 19, 2018    

Changes In SSC CGL Tier-II Exam 2018:

Dear SSC Candidates,
As we know SSC CGL Tier 2 2017-18 Exam has started from 17 February which will be conducted until 22 February. Those Candidates who have already appeared for CGL Tier 2 are with a notified opinion regarding the level of exam. Today in this brief article, we will discuss with which kind of major changes regarding pattern, difficulty level and repetition of questions in the said exam SSC surprised the candidates this year. The candidates who still have to appear for CGL Tier 2 Exam can note down the highlighted key points related to the Exam shared by ADDA247 accrued via various trusted sources to remain mentally prepared and beware of avoidance of the mistakes in the most desirable exam of CGL Tier 2.


Majority of aspirants utilize their ample of time in practicing Quantitative Aptitude Section and are excessively rely on and confident to achieve a smart score but this time as far as the opinion of the candidates who have already appeared in the CGL Tier 2 Exam and data collection are concerned, Quantitative Aptitude Section might be a reason of the disappointment of many however our motive is to provide above board information to you to remain updated.

You should give priority to these sections:
1. Arithmetic Mathematics: According to the candidates, this section was of easy level as questions from Time & Work, Ratio and Proportion, Time, Speed & Distance and Average were easy and of repeated pattern. 

Time Consuming Questions:- Advance Mathematics

1. Algebra: This section addled the wits of the candidates as leading questions were calculative and puzzling.
2. Mensuration: However, this section was attemptable but didn’t spare lengthy calculation. This should be noted here that questions with mixed concept of Geometry and Mensuration are being asked in Mensuration this time which is surely a new flavour to the exam.
3. Geometry: This section tweak the nose of the candidate at the highest level unexpectedly. No repetition of previous years questions, long and tough proceedings and highly conceptual being the reason for low number of question attempts. What makes it tougher is the combination of Trigonometry and Geometry concepts which is an another surprise by SSC this year.
4. Data Interpretation: The opinions vary regarding this section. However, questions were not legerity demanding but lengthy calculations bothered the candidates once again.


This section comes with extra 100 questions aggregating for 200 questions in CGL Tier 2 Exam. And level of the exam can’t be precise accurately as it varies from one candidate to another’s knowledge of understanding a particular language and source of study material. However English Language section is going to play a heroic role this time as those who didn’t do good enough in Quantitative Section, this section can be a savior to them.
1. Direct/Indirect Speech: Easy
2. Phrase Replacement: Easy
3. Idioms and Phrases: Non-Repeated; New
4. One Word Substitution: Non-Repeated; New
5. English Vocabulary (Synonyms and Antonyms): Difficult and were up to letters ( A-F) 
6. Error Detection: was of Moderate level
7. Correctly Spelt (2-3 Questions in total): Easy (This time one wrongly spelt word was to detect among 3 others correctly spelt words).
So students, go through the above summary of the level of questions prepared under the right direction to make it possible for you to remain updated with the pattern of the exam which you are going to appear for in next 2 days.

Adda247 and Team, wish you all the best. Learn, share and succeed with Adda247.


Changes In SSC CGL Tier-II Exam 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 19, 2018 Changes In SSC CGL Tier-II Exam 2018: Dear SSC Candidates, As we know SSC CGL Tier 2 2017-18 Exam has started from 17 Feb...

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