Dear Students, Adda247 has always tried to provide its students with best of the study materials in both online as well as offline mediums. We make every possible effort to reach out to you and make every crucial study material available to you to let you make a headway in your career with a government job. Your trust and faith in us will always encourage us to do more and more for you and your bright future. Now that most of the banking, as well as SSC exams, are queued up to be held in the upcoming months, most of you would be wondering if what could be the best way to grab these opportunities without letting them slip through your fingers. Students, Adda247 has now launched a new portal to make learning easier for you and that is Adda247 Publications!!
In the new era of technology, where most of the study material is available in an online mode, many students still want the same thing on papers. So, keeping in mind this particular need of students, Adda247 has launched Adda247 Publications which has become the only platform to provide the students with the best of the latest pattern study material on papers. From the book on Puzzles and Seating Arrangements to a special book on Data Interpretation, Adda247 Publications is providing you all with a wide range of books that explain the core concepts in a way that you will find nowhere else. These books cover a wide range of important topics of the concerned subject for the competitive exams starting from basics to the highest level that one can go to while preparing for them.
Also, an exclusive feature of Adda247 Publications lets you access an e-version of every hard copy book that you purchase which will be updated as per the new changes introduced in future in the pattern of the concerned competitive examination. And nowadays, when one gets to see an exorbitantly changed pattern of examination that is conducted to carry out a government recruitment process, this feature is definitely going do a good turn.
The "30 Previous Year Mock Test of SSC CHSL 2016-17" byAdda247 Publications in both Hindi and English Medium for SSC CHSL, MTS & Other Exams] contains 3000 Questions with detailed solutions and explanations. It is very important for you to Solve previous year question paper of SSC CHSL exam to get an idea about the pattern of exam. Solving previous year question paper is very helpful because your speed will improve and side by side, you will get to know the pattern of the exam that SSC CHSL follows. This Book not only contains previous year papers for practice but also the in-depth and detailed explanations of all the questions and sections- Quant, Reasoning, English and G.A. In 2016 SSC conducted CHSL Examination in online mode for the first time, and we have compiled all the papers of CHSL 2016-17 so you can practice well ahead to crack CHSL 2018.

ADDA 247 has also launched a complete and comprehensive book on "100 Mock Tests Practice Book for SSC CGL Tier-I 2018 " in English Medium which will also be useful for SSC CPO, CHSL, MTS & Other Exams. This book contains 10000 Questions with detailed solutions and explanations. This Book not only includes Previous Year Mocks of 2017 and 2016 but also 22 Mocks of SSC-CGL Tier-I based on latest pattern prepared by the reputed faculties holding veteran experience of years, toppers who are well aware of subtle tricks and methods that create the major difference between a failure and a winner in the real exam. Adda247 Team has included an in-depth and detailed solution for all the sections of each mock to help you prepare to crack this year's SSC CGL Tier-1 Examination.

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