Much / Many :
- Many: It refers large quantity of plural countable noun.
- Example: There are much cows in the field.(incorrect)
- There are many cows in the field.(correct)
- Much: It refers large quantity of uncountable material noun.
- Example: There are many water in the river.(incorrect)
- There are much water in the river.(correct)
Elder / Older:
- Elder: It is used for family members only.
- “ To” is used after elder
- Example: Shyam is elder than Sohan. (incorrect)
- Shyam is elder to Sohan. (correct)
- Older: It is for persons out of family or non-living things.
- “Than” is used with older.
- Example: I am older to you.(incorrect)
- I am older than you.( correct)
Few / a Few / The Few:
- Few: It means hardly any or nothing. It is used in negative sense.
- Example: There were few members in meeting so the meeting was cancelled.(correct)
- There are few rupees in my wallet, I cannot go home.(correct)
- A few: It means some or small amount. It is used in positive sense.
- Example: A few politician are hard working.(correct)
- There are a few students present in the school.( correct)
- The few: It means all the amount which is present or remained on said time.
- Example: I have read the few books present in library.(correct)
- The professor taught the few student that had come.(correct)
Little/A little/the little:
These are used to express quantity of Uncountable Material noun.
- Little: This implies “hardly any” or “nothing”. It is used in negative sense.
- Example: There is little ink in my pen so I cannot write. (correct)
- There is little water left in tank, so we cannot bath.(correct)
- A little: It means “very small amount “. It is used in positive sense.
- Example: There is a little water left in tank, so you can bath.(correct)
- The little : It means all the amount , which is available.
- Example: I drank the little milk present in the bottle.(correct)
less / fewer:
These are used to express quantity of material
60 Days Basic to Advanced English CourseJoin Here- Less: It is used to express the quantity of uncountable material noun.
- Example: Not fewer than five litres of oil Is present in tanker.(incorrect)
- Not less than five litres of oil is present in the tankers.(correct)
- Not fewer than five hundred kilograms of rice present in stock.( incorrect) .
- Not less than five hundred kilograms of rice is present in the stock.(correct)
- Fewer: It is used to express the quantity of plural countable noun.
- Example: Not less than hundrerd students were present last monday.(incorrect)
- Not fewer than hundred students were present last Monday.(correct)
Next/ Nearest:
- Next: It is used to express order. Example: left, Right etc.
- Example: Sita is sitting next to geeta. (correct)
- Ram is my next bench classmate. (correct)
- Nearest: It is used to express distance.
- Example: Sent Paul school is nearest school to my home.(correct)
- Ram-lila ground is nearest playground to my school.( correct)
later/ latter:
- Later: It is used to express time (in the after ).
- Example: He came later than me. (correct)
- He came latter than me.( incorrect)
- Latter: It is used to express order.
- Example: Ajay and Amit are brothers but the former is more handsome than later.( incorrect)
- Ajay and Amit are brothers but the former is more handsome than latter. (correct)
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