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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 2nd January 2018. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial from the HINDU News Paper
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Star turn: on actor Rajinikanth's foray into politics"
- Foray - an attempt at doing something new or something that you do not usually do
- Repository - a place where large quantities of things are stored or kept safe
- Resonance - an emotional effect produced by something that reminds you of something else
- Ambition - something that you very much want to do, usually something that is difficult to achieve
- Disarray - a situation in which people are very confused or things are not organized, especially because something unexpected has happened
- Patriarch - the oldest man in a family or organization, who is respected because of this
- On account of - because of someone or something
- Opportune - something that is opportune happens at a suitable time or at a time that seems lucky
- Cash in on - to use an opportunity to make a profit or gain an advantage
- Ideological - related to a system of ideas and principles on which a political or economic theory is based
- Articulate - able to express your thoughts, arguments, and ideas clearly and effectively
- Comprehensive - including many details or aspects of something
- Verdict - an official judgment
- Messiah - someone who people believe will save them from trouble or a difficult situation
- Sort - a group of people or things with the same qualities or features
- Solicit - to ask someone for money, information, or help
- Grievance - a complaint about being treated in an unfair way
- Charisma - a strong personal quality that makes other people like you and be attracted to you
- Catapult - to throw someone or something with great force
Hindu Editorial Topic2 : "The money trail: on the need for investor awarenesss on cryptocurrencies"
- Investor - a person who puts money into something in order to make a profit or get an advantage
- Cryptocurrency - a digital currency produced by a public network, rather than any government, that uses cryptography to make sure payments are sent and received safely
- Seemingly - in a way that appears to have a particular quality, even though this is probably not true
- Opened up - to create a new opportunity or possibility
- Shot up - to increase quickly by a large amount
- Fluctuate - to change frequently
- Wildly - in an uncontrolled way
- Volatility - liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
- Speculation - ideas or discussion about why something has happened or what might happen
- Lure - to persuade someone to do something by making it look very attractive
- Prospect - the possibility that something will happen, especially something good
- Caution - a warning that you should be careful
- Investment - money used in a way that may earn you more money
- Tremendously - to a very great extent
- Daunt - if something daunts you, it makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do
- Well-established - having existed for a long time, and having been successful or accepted for a long time
- Spurious - not real or sincere
- Scam - a dishonest plan, especially for getting money
- Medium of exchange - something that people agree has value and can be used as money, for example gold
- Firm - a business or company
- Cross-border - going across a border between two countries
- Transaction - the action or process of buying or selling something
- Transparent - open and honest, without secrets
- Intensify - if something intensifies, or if you intensify it, it becomes greater, stronger, or more extreme
- Regulatory - a regulatory organization or company controls an activity, process, or industry
- Scrutiny - careful examination of someone or something
- Undermining - to make something or someone become gradually less effective, confident, or successful
- Anonymity - a situation in which the name of a person who does something such as write a book or give information is not known or is kept secret
- Blockchain - a public record of transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency in chronological order
- Proliferation - a sudden increase in number or amount
- Anonymous - if someone is anonymous, no one knows their name
- Ledger - a book that contains the financial records of a business
- Immutable - impossible to change
- Streamline - to improve a business, organization, process etc by making it more modern or simple
- Oversight - the job of checking that a process or system is working well
- Panel - a group of people who make decisions or judgments
- Caveat - a warning of the limits of a particular agreement or statement
- Caveat emptor - used for saying that when you buy something you are responsible for checking its quality
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