Test of the Day for IBPS Clerk Mains 2017

January 13, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Test of the Day for IBPS Clerk Mains 2017

We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like IBPS Clerk Mains. From this, you can practice questions with the timer that will help you to improve speed. IBPS Clerk Mains is one of the biggest opportunity for you guys to grab on, set you own mark and proceed with full confidence. All the very best for your preparations and All the future exams.

Q1. Kevin Lilliana was recently crowned Miss International 2017 by Verzosa in Tokyo, beating 68 candidates from across the globe. She is from which country?
Sri Lanka
Kevin Lilliana of Indonesia was crowned Miss International 2017 by Verzosa in Tokyo, beating 68 candidates from across the globe.

Q2. What is the full form of NATO?
North African Treaty Organisation
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
North Asian Treaty Organisation
North American Treaty Organisation
None of the Given option is true
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.

Q3. The United Nations officially came into existence on
January 1, 1972
October 3, 1944
October 24, 1945
June 26, 1945
July 12, 1948
The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories.

Q4. Nallamala hills are located in the state of-
Andhra Pradesh
Nallamala Hills are a section of the Eastern Ghats which stretch primarily over Kurnool, Nellore, Guntur, Prakasam, Kadapa and Chittoor districts of the state of Andhra Pradesh and Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda districts of the state of Telangana, in India.

Q5. Name the state that scripted history when it became the first State in the Northeast to launch Point of Sale (POS) facility for electricity bill payment.
Arunachal Pradesh
Nagaland scripted history when it became the first State in the Northeast to launch Point of Sale (POS) facility for electricity bill payment, where the mode of payment will be cashless.

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: 
There are eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, who live in an eight-storey building. The ground floor is numbered one and the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each of them are working in different nationalize bank, viz BOI, BOB, Dena, UBI, CBI, IOB, PNB and OBC, but not necessarily in the same order. There is only one floor between A and the floor on which person that works in OBC. The person who works in OBC does not live on floor number 1. D lives just below B. The one who works in BOI live on even-numbered floor and just above the floor on which person who works in CBI lives. The person who works in IOB lives on an even-numbered floor but not on the 8th floor. Neither D nor H lives on the 1st floor. Only one person lives between the one who works in PNB and D. A lives on an odd-numbered floor and E lives just above A. B lives on the fourth floor. Only two friends live between the one who works in IOB and A. F lives just below the one who works in CBI. D works neither in CBI nor OBC. The person who works in Dena bank does not live on an odd-numbered floor. G does not work in BOB. There are two floors between the floor on which H lives and the floor on which E lives. Only two persons live between the one who works in UBI and the one who works in DENA bank.

Q6. Who among the following works in BOB?
None of these

Q7. How many persons are there between E and B?
None of these

Q8. Who among the following lives on the topmost floor?
The one who works in BOI
The one who works in IOB
The one who works in DENA
The one who works in BOB
None of these

Q9. Which of the following combinations is/are true?
Floor no. 2 – D – UBI
Floor no. 5 – F – OBC
Floor no. 1 – C – BOB
Floor no. 8 – E – BOI
None of these

Q10. A works in which of the following bank ?
None of these

Q11. In what ratio should milk and water be mixed so that after selling the mixture at the cost price a profit of is made?
1 : 2
6 : 1
2 : 3
2 : 5
1 : 6

Q12. Gold is 19 times as heavy as water and copper is 9 times as heavy as water. In what ratio should these metals be mixed so that the mixture may be 15 times as heavy as water?
1 : 2
3 : 2
2 : 3
4 : 5
2 : 1

Q13. A container has a capacity of 20 gallons and is full of spirit. 4 gallons of spirit is drawn out and the container is again filled with water. This process is repeated 5 times. Find out how much spirit is left in the resulting mixture finally?

Q14. There are two mixtures of honey and water, the quantity of honey in them being 25% and 75% of the mixture respectively. If 2 gallons of the first are mixed with three gallons of the second, what will be the ratio of honey to water in the new mixture?
11 : 2
11 : 9
9 : 11
2 : 11
5 : 7

Q15. Two solutions of 90% and 97% purity are mixed resulting in 21 litres of mixture of 94% purity. How much is the quantity of the first solution in the resulting mixture?
15 litres
12 litres
9 litres
6 litres
16 litres

Directions (16-20): In each of the following questions a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank. Pick out the option which when used to start a sentence combines both the above sentences in one. Select the best out of the five answer choices given, to make the passage complete and coherent. 

Q16.____________. Our society is still deeply mired in propagating caste and religious prejudices; rather than take up the issue in isolation, we need to strike at the root cause — caste prejudice. I wonder how this marginalized community will be able to attain some kind of social mobility even with reservation when there is a growing anti-reservation sentiment. We need to do something for them which is sustainable and helps them in achieving a social status on their own.
Because there is no support by society to eliminate the most inhuman of professions, manual scavenging still persist which is the basic reason
Because there is despicable practice of manual scavenging which still persist in India, society support inhuman profession
The basic reason why the despicable practice of manual scavenging still persists in India is because there is negligible or no support by society to eliminate this most inhuman of professions.
No support by society to eliminate this most inhuman of professions manual scavenging still persist in India which is a despicable practice
Why the despicable practice of manual scavenging still persists in India is negligible and no support by society.
The basic reason why the despicable practice of manual scavenging still persists in India is because there is negligible or no support by society to eliminate this most inhuman of professions.

Q17. ___________. More than half of the are under cultivation does not have access to irrigation. Agriculture income generated at average size of land holding is not adequate to meet farmers’ needs. 
Modern agriculture requires investment in farm machinery and use of purchased inputs like seed, fertiliser, agri-chemicals, diesel and hired labor. Most often, savings generated from unremunerative crop enterprise are inadequate for such investments. Rising expenses on health, education, social ceremonies and non-food items put additional financial demand on farm families.
Indian agriculture low scale and low productivity. About 85% of the operational land-hold the country below 5 acre and 67% farm house hold one acre.
Indian agriculture is known by low scale and productivity. Operational land –holding in country below 5 acre and 67% farm households survive average.
About 85% of the operational land-holding is below 5 acres and 67% households Indian survive on average landholding on one acre.
About 85% of the operational land-holding in country are below 5 acre and 67% average landholding on one acre.
Indian agriculture is characterized by low scale and low productivity. About 85% of the operational land-holdings in the country are below 5 acres and 67% farm households survive on an average landholding of one acre.
Indian agriculture is characterized by low scale and low productivity. About 85% of the operational land-holdings in the country are below 5 acres and 67% farm households survive on an average landholding of one acre.

Q18. ___________. However, with the declaration of peace, there was a need to do something about the installed capacity. And so, in 1946, Tupperware company came into being. 
At present, the use of plastic has become so ubiquitous that even birds, animals and fish have unwittingly made it part of their diet. Disposed plastic degrades slowly, its chemicals getting leached into surroundings. Further, it breaks down into smaller components over time, entering our food chain and landing up on our plates.
The first synthetic plastic was called Bakelite and was derived from fossil fuels. Large scale production during Second World War, was directed for war effort.
Plastics had their origin in cellulose derivatives. The first synthetic plastic was called Bakelite and was derived from fossil fuels. During the Second World War, large-scale production of plastic was directed towards the war effort.
Plastic originates from derivatives. Bakelite was derived from fossil fuels. Large-scale production of plastic was directed towards war effort.
During the Second World War, large-scale production of plastic was for war effort. The first plastic Bakelite.
During Bakelite was call first synthetic plastic, was derived from fossil fuel. Plastic had origin in cellulose derivatives. Large-scale production of plastic towards war.
Plastics had their origin in cellulose derivatives. The first synthetic plastic was called Bakelite and was derived from fossil fuels. During the Second World War, large-scale production of plastic was directed towards the war effort.

Q19. _____________. The concept, credited to British economist John Maynard Keynes, has been heavily criticized for its assumption that people are naïve. The theory of rational expectations, which among other things states that people learn from experience and can reset their earlier beliefs, was a response to the idea of money illusion.
The people care about the nominal value money rather than its real value. Workers, for instance, would be impressed if their wages double in a year if real money drop more than half
The notion that people care about drop by more than half during the same period. According to this idea, workers, for instance, would be impressed if their wages gets double.
The notion that people care more about the nominal value , would be impressed if their wages double than its real value. Real values of their money were to drop by more than half during the same period.
The notion that people care more about the nominal value of money rather than its real value. According to this idea, workers, for instance, would be impressed if their wages double in a year even if the real value of their money were to drop by more than half during the same period.
The notion were to drop by more than half during the same period. According to this idea, workers, for instance, would be impressed if its wages double.
The notion that people care more about the nominal value of money rather than its real value. According to this idea, workers, for instance, would be impressed if their wages double in a year even if the real value of their money were to drop by more than half during the same period

Q20. ___________. Down the ages, man has tried to discover life’s meaning, the purpose of living, whether there is a God or release from suffering… and to attain to some spiritual state where all the questions are understood by some experience, a transcendent mystical union with the ultimate.
Trying to be something that you are not is not possible. The very want is no different than any other want that we might have.
The very want is no different than any other want. It is not possible.
Trying to be something that you are not is possible. The vary want is not different.
We might have, something that we are not, is not possible. The very want is no different.
No different than any other want that they might have.
Trying to be something that you are not is not possible. The very want is no different than any other want that we might have.



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Test of the Day for IBPS Clerk Mains 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 13, 2018 Dear Aspirants, We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like  IBPS Clerk Mains.  From th...

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