SSC JE Tier 1 2017: Last 13 Days Exam Tips

January 9, 2018    

Hello Students

To acquire a government job has been a dream of almost every single youth of the country. The number of aspirants is proliferating every year thus creating a cut- throat competition. Considering this, a devoted candidate must give his best performance in the very first attempt. Unnecessarily relying on the next attempt can make your chances of cracking the exam a hard nut to crack for you. And when it comes to SSC, you need to be meticulous even more fervently. SSC JE Paper 1 Exam dates are scheduled on 22 January to 29 January 2018. Adda247 and team continues the trend of providing an effective planned strategy for the respective exams. Now almost 13 days are in your palm and since we care for your dreams with all the probity, 13 days exam tips for SSC JE Paper 1 Exam being provided by SSCADDA is all that you need in the moment to boost your confidence and polish your preparation where we will sum up all the noted points regarding the SSC JE Exam.

SSC JE Exam consists of Three Sections namely (i) General Intelligence & Reasoning (ii) General Awareness and (iii) General Engineering (Civil & Structural or Electrical or Mechanical).

In the first week, have a go through of all the important topics you studied this far, Solve questions topic wise as it helps to be aware of the question pattern in a subtle way. Then appear for online tests each single day. It will improve your question judging efficiency and time spent on each question accordingly. 
In second week, following the same adamant attitude towards your goal adjoined with fruitful strategy, keep the track of your performance, if you need to improve even more sharply, then increase the number of study hours where a lion’s share must be allotted to the practice part. If possible, download online papers and practicing videos for afterwards when you are running low in networks. The most important factor behind the victory of a winner is his positive attitude, confidence and believe in himself. Success is destined to meet them who prioritize it, fight for it, and do everything to fulfill what success demands for. Keep your mind away from distractions, sleep well and be on a healthy diet. Do not overthink, if you find lack of preparation in a particular section, start working on it. Skills can be made sharpened if you have that will. Utilize these 13 days to see your name in the final merit.

 To have a command over three mandatory sections in SSC JE PAPER 1 Exam, follow the tips as mentioned below.


Here by playing smart, aspirants need to practice more on topics holding a heavy weightage in the exam.  This section holding 50 Questions can either make or mar your chances of cracking paper 1 if you go on haste in exam while solving this section. Keep revising all the important tricks you have learned so far. Practise questions to give your utmost in the exam so that you can save time for solving time demanding sections effectively. Take online exams and Mock Tests to bring celerity in your attempts. The important chapters have already been discussed in previous strategy post. 


However, GA section is vast enough to hinder you from attempting all the questions with 100% accuracy but revising important one liners, reading current affairs on daily basis and learning important history, general science and geography notes by heart can help in vanishing your phobia. You will find yourself aware of more than half of the questions in the exam. 
Develop a habit of reading notes on daily basis. Attempt quizzes and revise all you studied during the whole day before going to bed. Gradually, it will get imprint in your memory and you won’t have to exhaust yourself. Nowadays students don’t want to lack behind in any section as it may cost them heavily in the long run. Having weightage of 50 questions from this section keeps its importance equally. Here, Revision is a must to do task if you want to be on a safe side in the exam.

GENERAL ENGINEERING (Civil And Structural), (Electrical & Mechanical)

This section can be the most challenging as long as you don’t follow a hard and fast strategy to sum up all the important topics with continuous revision and improve your pace of calculation and dealing with logical questions using adequate skills. Let us recall that General Engineering section includes satiable theoretical portion to ease and balance the time for Calculation demanding questions. Learn important terms, definitions and formulae and revision must be a part of your effective strategy to buckle down for the awaited exam. The syllabus and important chapters for General Engineering Section have already been discussed in previous SSC JE Paper 1 strategy post. Have a go through of that if needed.

Cracking any illustrious exam demands dedication and time management and SSC JE exam is no exception. Clear your doubts while you still have them. Be prepared for everything so you can increase your chances of a high score. At Adda247, Quizzes for SSC JE Tier-1 2017 Exam are available. Solve them on daily basis to have a fresh question frame in your mind. 
Every time you solve a question put yourself on a timer and keep trying until you manage the speed coinciding with the allotted time. Make your weaknesses your strength. Practice previous years question papers, appear for online tests, solve test book series to not leave behind in the race of your dream job.

                                Best thing to do in your life is to believe in yourself.
ADDA277 and team wish a very successful new year 2018 to all the aspirants out. 

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