One Linear Questions Based on Economic Survey 2017-18

January 29, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

Will you be appearing for SSC CHSL, UPPCL and other Government Job Examinations in 2018? Then to score in General Awareness section it is very important for you to get updates on The Economic Survey and the Union Budget. Economic survey plays an extremely crucial role in the General Awareness Section. Here we are providing you with the most important one Linear questions (Set-01) for upcoming banking and insurance exams based on Economic Survey 2017-18. 

Q1. Economic Survey sees Financial Year 2019 GDP growing at-
Answer- 7.0-7.5%

Q2. Economic Survey sees average crude oil prices rising __________ in FY 2019.
Answer- 12%

Q3. How much GVA growth has been seen in FY17?
Answer- 6.1 per cent

Q4. GST data shows growth of ________ in the number of indirect taxpayers.
Answer- 50%

Q5. By how much percent Real GDP has been notified this FY?
Answer- 6.75%

Q6. Average Financial Year 2018 CPI inflation seen at-
Answer- 3.7%

Q7. By how much Services Growth has been seen at-
Answer- 8.3%

Q8. Agriculture, industry and services sectors are expected to grow at the rate of __________, ________, and ____________ respectively in 2017-18.
Answer- 2.1%, 4.4%, and 8.3% 

Q9. By how much Industries Growth has been seen at-
Answer- 4.4%

Q10. GDP growth has averaged ___________ for the period from 2014-15 to 2017-18, which is the highest among the major economies of the world.
Answer- 7.3%

Q11. The ratio of domestic saving to GDP has reached 29.2 percent in 2013 to a peak of 38.3 percent in 2007, before falling back to _______ percent in 2016. 
Answer- 29 percent

Q12. The foreign exchange reserves has grew by ________ on a year-on-year basis from the end of December 2016 to end of December 2017. 
Answer- 14.1%

Q13. What is the meaning of GVA?
Answer- Gross Value Added

Q14. The survey points out that India can be rated as among the best performing economies in the world as the average growth during last three years is around -------------- points higher than global growth and nearly 3 percentage points higher than that of Emerging Market and Developing Economies.
Answer- 4 percent

Q15. It was pointed out that the ROSL has increased exports of readymade garments (man-made fibers) by about 16 per cent but not of others. What is the meaning of "L" in ROSL?
Answer- Levies

Q16. The survey pointed out that tax departments in India have gone in for contesting against in several tax disputes but also with a low success rate which is below ____________ per cent.
Answer- 30 per cent 

Q17. A preliminary analysis of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) data reveals that there has been a _________ increase in the number of indirect taxpayers, besides a large increase in voluntary registrations, especially by small enterprises that buy from large enterprises and want to avail themselves of ITC. 
Answer- 50%

Q18. ITC stands for-
Answer- Input Tax Credits

Q19. Name the states which has the greatest number of GST registrants. 
Answer- Maharashtra, UP, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat

Q20. Which state have/has seen the highest increase in the number of tax registrants compared to the old tax regime?
Answer- Uttar Pradesh (UP) and West Bengal (WB)

Q21. India‘s internal trade in goods and services (excludes non-GST goods and services) is actually even higher and is about ____________ of GDP.
Answer- 60%


One Linear Questions Based on Economic Survey 2017-18 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 29, 2018 Dear Aspirants, Will you be appearing for SSC CHSL, UPPCL and other Government Job Examinations in 2018?  Then to score in General Awa...

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