Dear students, as you all know that SSC Exam is conducted in online mode and SSC CGL Tier-II 2017 will be conducted from 18th to 20th January 2018. Not enough time is remaining to stick to the books and capture the vast course. To add more quality in your CGL Exam preparation, At Adda247 we have created Free PDFs For All SSC Exam Topics which will help, guide and improve your learning manifolds. Since SSC exams are very competitive and challenging, you all need to practice a lot. In this Post, you can download free PDFs containing Notable Vocabulary for all SSC Exams which are going to help you precociously in boosting up your grasp on Vocabulary, a must required tool in English Section. To come across the rub, we provide a great collection of error-free content for SSC exams and keep practicing. We wish you all the best for your exams.
1. PROTEAN (Adjective): रूपांतरणीय, भिन्नरुपी
Meaning: tending or able to change frequently or easily.
Synonyms: ever-changing, variable, changeable, mutable, kaleidoscopic.
Antonyms: fixed, endless, incessant, constant
Usage: The diverse and protean nature of mental disorders
2. TREPIDATION (Noun): घबराहट
Meaning: a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen
Synonyms: fear, apprehension, dread, fearfulness,
Antonyms: contentment, bravery, assurance, happiness, delight
Usage: He sat in the waiting room, full of trepidation
1. PROTEAN (Adjective): रूपांतरणीय, भिन्नरुपी
Meaning: tending or able to change frequently or easily.
Synonyms: ever-changing, variable, changeable, mutable, kaleidoscopic.
Antonyms: fixed, endless, incessant, constant
Usage: The diverse and protean nature of mental disorders
2. TREPIDATION (Noun): घबराहट
Meaning: a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen
Synonyms: fear, apprehension, dread, fearfulness,
Antonyms: contentment, bravery, assurance, happiness, delight
Usage: He sat in the waiting room, full of trepidation
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