How To Write An Essay | Descriptive Paper of Syndicate Bank PO 2017

January 22, 2018    

An essay is any literary piece of work that is chiefly based on facts that deal with its theme from a limited and often personal point of view. It is a systematic, methodical, and an analytical composition that is usually much shorter and less formal than a dissertation or thesis.

You must examine the question meticulously to make sure that you answer exactly what is asked. Generally, the essay questions have some direction words that give a hint about what is wanted in the essay, such as compare, describe, explain, argue, discuss, critique, etc. These words are actually the task words that help you identify the task that needs to be done. Highlight the keywords and identify the topic words that indicate what the whole essay is going to be about. There should be at least three main paragraphs in an essay that you write.

  • Make sure that your introduction gives the examiner a clear understanding of what your essay is about and tells him/her what to expect in the paragraphs to come.
  • The main purpose of a body paragraph is to explain in detail the examples that support your thesis. Begin each paragraph with a theme sentence that connects the paragraph to the rest of the essay.
  • The conclusion is a crux of all that has been discussed earlier. You can start by summarizing your main ideas by drawing together each component of you previously made arguments in a logical and significant way.

  • Make points in your mind and elaborate it while typing.
  • The essay should be connected from top to bottom and the readers shouldn't feel that you have left some points unexplained.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly links the paragraph to the rest of the essay.
  • Provide supporting evidence for each point that you make.
  • Try to finish with an interesting or thought-provoking, but relevant, comment. It looks good and it shows that you are open for discussion which is a positive thing.
  • Avoid making spelling or grammatical mistakes. It leaves a very bad impression on the readers.
  • Write down quotations that may be particularly useful.
  • If possible, try to make multiple paragraphs based on the particular topic.
  • Do take care of the time management.
  • Last but not least, develop a reading habit for better vocabulary.

So, students, we hope you find these tips helpful for your upcoming Syndicate Bank PO Examination. You can find more of them in our Ebook "A Guide To Descriptive Writing For Syndicate Bank PO" with examples based on the latest topics that are expected in the descriptive paper of these upcoming examinations.

Best of luck!!

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How To Write An Essay | Descriptive Paper of Syndicate Bank PO 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 22, 2018 An essay is any literary piece of work that is chiefly based on facts that deal with its theme from a limited and often personal point...

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