English Questions For Syndicate Bank and Canara Bank PO 2018

January 27, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

English Questions For Syndicate Bank and Canara Bank PO 2018

This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. Sometimes, even those who can communicate very well in English, fail to perform to the best of their ability in the banking exams. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions.

Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following Six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph.

A. The ASER sample study estimates that 14% of this age group — a total of 125 million young Indians in this category — are not enrolled.
B. Moreover, learning outcomes for those who had progressed to higher levels of schooling were shockingly low: only 43% of the youth could solve an arithmetic problem involving division of a three-digit number by a single digit; among those who were no longer in school, the percentage was sharply lower.
C. If there is one strong message from the findings of the Annual Status of Education Report (Rural) 2017, it is that the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act should cover the entire spectrum of 18 years, and not confine itself to those aged 6 to 14.
D. Unfortunately, the state of rural elementary education is far from encouraging. To begin with, only 5% of the respondents in the survey, which was aided by the NGO Pratham, reported doing any kind of vocational course, and even among this small minority a third were enrolled for three months or less.
E. It is absolutely essential for all of them to get an education that equips them with the skills, especially job-oriented vocational capabilities, if the expectation of a demographic dividend is to be meaningful.
F. Guaranteed inclusion will empower those in the 14-18 age group who are not enrolled anywhere, and help them acquire finishing education that is so vital to their participation in the workforce.

Q1. If C is the First sentence of the paragraph, which of the following should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) B
(c) A
(d) D
(e) E

Q2.  If C is the First sentence of the paragraph, which of the following should be the fifth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) B
(b) E
(c) F
(d) D
(e) A

Q3.  If C is the First sentence of the paragraph, which of the following should be the Fourth sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) A
(e) B

Q4.  If C is the First sentence of the paragraph, which of the following should be the Last(Sixth) sentence after rearrangement?
(a) F
(b) D
(c) B
(d) E
(e) A

Q5.  If C is the First sentence of the paragraph, which of the following should be the Second sentence after rearrangement?
(a) D
(b) F
(c) E
(d) A
(e) B

Directions (6-10): The following question consists of a passage in which certain phrase/Sentences are printed in bold.  Find out if there is an error in any of the bold part of the sentence, find the correct alternatives to replace those parts from the three options given below each question to make the sentence grammatically correct. If the given sentence is grammatically correct or does not require any correction, choose (e), i.e., “No correction required” as your answer.

Free and compulsory education of children in the 6 to 14 age group in India (6) become a fundamental right when, in 2002, Article 21-A was inserted in the 86th Amendment to the Constitution. This right was to be governed by law, as the state may determine, and the enforcing legislation for this came eight years later, as the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2010, or the RTE Act.
(7)With examples from all around hundred countries which having various and similar pieces of legislation or regulations already in place, there were practices drawn from similar experiences. (8) Since its enactment, the RTE Act has been lauded and disparaged. But there has been a concern not only over its provisions but also about the lacunae in the school education system. However, there are clauses in the Act (9) which has enormous catalytic potential but it have gone largely untouched and unnoticed. A focus on three of these provisions can result in an immediate and discernible impact.
The RTE Act is a game-changer in that it establishes that the onus to ensure free and compulsory education lies on the state. (10) However, the ‘compulsory’ and ‘state liability’ part needs to be imbibed by the educational bureaucracy, which is now lacking.

I. Will become a fundamental right
II. became a fundamental right
III. have became a fundamental right
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) Only III
(d) Only I and II
(e) No correction required

I. having examples from over a hundred countries having various
II. With examples over a hundred of the countries having a various
III. With examples from over a hundred countries having various
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) Only III
(d) Only I and II
(e) No correction required

I. Since its enactment, the RTE Act been lauded and
II. Since their enactment, the RTE Act have been lauded and
III. Since its enactment, the RTE Act will been lauded and
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) Only III
(d) Only I and II
(e) No correction required

I. which had enormous catalytic potential though it
II. which must be having enormous catalytic potential but should
III. which have enormous catalytic potential but that
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) Only III
(d) Only I and II
(e) No correction required

I. However, the ‘compulsory’ and ‘state liability’ part needs for be imbibe by the educational bureaucracy, which is
II. However, the ‘compulsory’ and ‘state liability’ part needed to be imbibed by the educational bureaucracy, which is then
III. Though, the ‘compulsory’ and ‘state liability’ are the part needs to be imbibed by the educational bureaucracy, which are in turn
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) Only III
(d) Only I and II
(e) No correction required

Directions (11-15): Which of the words/phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the words/phrases given in bold in the following sentences to make it meaningful and grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and ‘No correction is required’, mark (e) as the answer.

Q11. The global swirl would be caused by the fact that such a finding would go against the current news of the spread of Indo-European languages across Eurasia and also against current generated evidence.
(a) frequent, froth, origin
(b) heave, subside, common
(c) churning, understanding, genetic
(d) subside, see, arising
(e) No change required

Q12. What the world witnessed in the past few days at the United Nations, on a resolution demanding that the U.S. vigorous its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, was an unpredicted display of the arrogance of power.
(a) witnessed, rescind, unprecedented
(b) viewer, equaled, relating
(c) see, encourage, differently
(d) observe, frequent, limit
(e) No change required

Q13. The recent trend of intense in imports indicates that the government may have moved too late to curb them, but flawed market timing isn’t the real issue.
(a) extreme, unmatched, limitation
(b) excess, check, nullify
(c) abate, viewer, disturb
(d) moderation, curb, flawed
(e) No change required

Q14. The government must devise better means to show up farm incomes without thrilling up inflation or upsetting carefully cultivating food security partnerships around the world.
 (a) rousing, change, subside
(b) shore up, stirring, cultivated
(c) bring, brake, excess
(d) put up, distorted, defective,
(e) No change required

The Indian economy’s energy mix needs to be structure through investments in clean renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and low-emissions bioenergy, and by lift the level of energy efficiency through investments in building retrofitting, grid upgrades, and industrial efficiency.
(a) shape, along, causing
(b) remodelled, raising, retrofits
(c) figure, pull, and
(d) component, clear, common
(e) No change required

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- http://www.bankersadda.com/2018/01/english-questions-for-syndicate-bank27.html
English Questions For Syndicate Bank and Canara Bank PO 2018 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 27, 2018 Dear Aspirants, This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. Sometimes, even those who can communicat...

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