English Practice Questions For IBPS Clerk Mains 2017

January 18, 2018    

Dear Aspirants,

This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. Sometimes, even those who can communicate very well in English, fail to perform to the best of their ability in the banking exams. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions.

DAY-17 Practice Set-1

Directions (1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.

Although broad scientific consensus has identified the loss of biological diversity as one of the world’s most server environmental threats, public recognition the scale of the danger is lagging. Ecologist and other environmental scientists bear some of the blame for failing to make their concerns meaningful to ordinary people.
But their challenge is made more difficult by nay-Sayers who claim that fears about declining biodiversity are a tree-huggers' conspiracy to elevate Nature above people.
Nothing could be further from the truth: the threat to biodiversity can mean the loss of critical features of humanity's life-support systems, and therefore threatens our personal and economic well-being. Remedial action can no longer be delayed.
Those who maintain that the biodiversity crisis is manufactured, or at least over-hyped, often point to the sometimes exaggerated estimates of extinction rates that appear in the press. Critics seize upon these embellishments to argue that there is really not much of a problem.
Wrong. Extinctions are only the tip of the iceberg. To focus on how many species have become extinct, or will go extinct, obscures the fact that a large number of species have become greatly contracted in the range of their habitats, primarily due to human activity. We appropriate land and resources for our purposes, release harmful wastes, and introduce alien species that displace natives.
Extinct or endangered species are indicators of a much bigger problem. Little comfort can be taken in the fact that a species survives if it persists only at a fraction of its historical abundance, or if it is restricted to a narrow part of where it once thrived. Such relics may escape the graveyard of species, but they no longer provide the services to humanity that they once did. We must then find substitutes that are more costly and less satisfactory.
For example, marine fish populations that were once reliable sources of food for billions of people, and vital parts of the economies of nations, have been decimated. Many such stocks, such as Newfoundland cod, which supported huge fisheries for centuries, have been reduced to a tiny proportion of their former levels.
Salmon stocks are endangered up and down the West Coast of the US, and ecologically unsustainable aquaculture is now the major source of salmon supplies for restaurants and supermarkets. We are reducing fisheries to smaller and less attractive fish, and the situation could get much worse as those disappear.
Why care about the loss of biodiversity? Clearly, the loss of fish stocks deprives our palates and puts parts of our food supply at risk. But much more is at stake. In natural and managed systems alike, biodiversity supplies us with food, with fibre, and with fuel. We also mine natural systems for pharmaceuticals. Indeed, the majority of commercially available drugs owe their origins directly or indirectly to the diversity of plant and microbial life. This is not just ancient history, irrelevant in the era of molecular biology: naturally derived compounds, such as taxol, still provide some of the most promising avenues for the treatment of cancers and other diseases. As biodiversity shrivels, we lose a vast store of information and potential cures.
Natural systems also provide natural purification systems for air and water, supply pollinators for agriculture mediate our climate and recycle the elements upon which our life-support systems depend. As we lose natural systems and biodiversity, we diminish our quality of life, threatening our existence.
So why haven't the world's peoples united to solve the problem? The answer is all too familiar. Competition among nations and among people trumps cooperation, and regional and global conflicts obstruct the pathways. s to a sustainable future. There is insufficient incentive, even at local levels, for taking the long view, and for restraining our tendency to consume in order to benefit all of humanity.
As a result, we discount the future heavily. As individuals, we ask, If others are not going to restrain their activities, why should I? Governments use the same logic, and this makes it difficult to agree upon effective biodiversity conventions to sustain vanishing resources.
For biodiversity loss, as with so many global environmental challenges, the problem is that the social costs are not captured in market prices. Human nature is such that voluntary actions, either by individuals or by nations cannot be relied upon to lead to the essential constraints on profligate tendencies at such a large scale. So we need to tighten the feedback loops and create stronger incentives for behaviours that advance the common good, including that of future generations.
To cite one example: because Costa Rica's government pays private landowners for biodiverse conservation and other ecosystem services, deforestation rates in that country have diminished dramatically We also need international conventions to change systems of accounting to include fully the social costs our behaviour, as advocated by organizations such as the Stockholm-based Beijer Institute for Environment Economics.

Q1. Which of the following best serves to contradict the "tree huggers' conspiracy"?
(a) Fears about declining biodiversity are based on threats perceived to personal and economic wellbeing.
(b) The so-called tree huggers' value nature more than they value people and their sustenance.
(c) Many animals eat more than one thing, and each link in each chain is important and integral to the entire system.
(d) Ecologists and environmental scientists have been unsuccessful in making people aware of the real dangers of environmental threats.
(e) Humanity' life-support systems are not entirely dependent upon local the biodiversity.

Q2. The writer considers extinctions...
(a) A direct consequence of human activities.
(b) Will necessitate finding substitutes.
(c) Are less important than other problems.
(d) Not as important as the reduction in species population.
(e) Are merely the manifest part of the crisis.

Q3. It can be inferred from the passage that...
(a) Extinction rates show that the biodiversity crisis is a manufactured one and overhyped.
(b) Extinction rates do not communicate the gravity of the existing problems.
(c) The cultivation of natural marine produce is ecologically unsustainable.
(d) Fisheries are environment-unfriendly.
(e) Aquaculture helps maintain ecological balance.

Q4. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
(a) Incentives that reinforce practices that preserve biodiversity must be applied at all levels if they are to influence individual actions and social norms.
(b) Human activities are causing the disappearance of biodiversity; and without collective action, we face a bleak future of steadily declining quality of life.
(c) Most ecosystems are experiencing loss of biodiversity associated with the activities of human expansion, raising the issue of the functioning of ecosystems impaired by a loss of species.
(d) Human activities including over-exploitation for food and medicine, habitat destruction and introduced species are the main reason for most species' decline, which threatens the survival of the global ecosystems.
(e) The destruction of the earth's biological diversity is brought about by one species—humanity, and the loss of biodiversity is approaching unsustainable levels.

Q5. According to the passage, why is there no effective consensus to sustain depleting resources?
A. Consumerism.
B. Competition for resources.
C. Lack of incentives.
D. Social costs are not translated into financial terms.
(a) A, B, and C
(b) A, B, and D
(c) B, C, and D
(d) A and D
(e) None of the above.

Q6. Which of the following is most nearly similar in meaning of the word consensus as used in the passage?

Q7. Which of the following is most nearly similar in meaning of the word decimated as used in the passage?

Q8. Which of the following is most nearly similar in meaning of the word thrived as used in the passage?
(e) flourish.

Q9. Which of the following is most nearly opposite in meaning of the word shrivels as used in the passage?

Q10. Which of the following is most nearly opposite in meaning of the word vanishing as used in the passage?
Answers will be updated soon...

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English Practice Questions For IBPS Clerk Mains 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 18, 2018 Dear Aspirants, This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. Sometimes, even those who can communicat...

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