Dear Students, SSC Junior Engineer Exam is the next target for the aspirants. We are providing previous year questions especially for SSC JE 2017-18 Exam will be conducted from 22 January to 25 January 2018. We have provided other emphasizing questions from Electrical Engineering in the quiz given below. Attempt this quiz and prepare yourself flawlessly. We wish you good luck for the upcoming Exams.
Q1. The no load speed of DC series motor is
(a) Very small
(b) medium
(c) Very high
(d) small
Q2. A circuit component that opposes the change in circuit voltage is
(a) Resistance
(b) Capacitance
(c) Inductance
(d) All the above
Q3. The curve representing Ohm’s law is
(a) Linear
(b) Hyperbolic
(c) Parabolic
(d) Triangular
Q4. Superposition theorem is essentially based on the concept of
(a) Reciprocity
(b) Linearity
(c) Duality
(d) Non-linearity
Q5. In a R-L-C parallel circuit, the admittance is defined as the reciprocal of
(a) Resistance
(b) Reactance
(c) Impedance
(d) Susceptance
Q6. Higher the Q of a series circuit narrower its
(a) Pass band
(b) Resonance curve
(c) Band width
(d) All of these
Q7. Which one of the following bridges is used for measurement of dielectric loss and power factor of a capacitor?
(a) Maxwell’s bridge
(b) Anderson bridge
(c) De Sauty bridge
(d) Schering bridge
Q8. The scale of moving iron (M.I.) instrument is
(a) Uniform
(b) cramped
(c) Linear
(d) all the above
Q9. Motor used for elevators is generally
(a) Synchronous motor
(b) Universal motor
(c) Induction motor
(d) Reluctance motor
Q10. A PN junction is
(a) An rectifier
(b) An amplifier
(c) An insulator
(d) An oscillator
(a) Very small
(b) medium
(c) Very high
(d) small
Q2. A circuit component that opposes the change in circuit voltage is
(a) Resistance
(b) Capacitance
(c) Inductance
(d) All the above
Q3. The curve representing Ohm’s law is
(a) Linear
(b) Hyperbolic
(c) Parabolic
(d) Triangular
Q4. Superposition theorem is essentially based on the concept of
(a) Reciprocity
(b) Linearity
(c) Duality
(d) Non-linearity
Q5. In a R-L-C parallel circuit, the admittance is defined as the reciprocal of
(a) Resistance
(b) Reactance
(c) Impedance
(d) Susceptance
Q6. Higher the Q of a series circuit narrower its
(a) Pass band
(b) Resonance curve
(c) Band width
(d) All of these
Q7. Which one of the following bridges is used for measurement of dielectric loss and power factor of a capacitor?
(a) Maxwell’s bridge
(b) Anderson bridge
(c) De Sauty bridge
(d) Schering bridge
Q8. The scale of moving iron (M.I.) instrument is
(a) Uniform
(b) cramped
(c) Linear
(d) all the above
Q9. Motor used for elevators is generally
(a) Synchronous motor
(b) Universal motor
(c) Induction motor
(d) Reluctance motor
Q10. A PN junction is
(a) An rectifier
(b) An amplifier
(c) An insulator
(d) An oscillator
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