All The Best For MTS Tier-II Descriptive Paper

January 27, 2018    


Dear Students, the descriptive paper of MTS Recruitment process is scheduled to be held tomorrow. The time has come when you need to put in the best of whatever you have learned through all these months of your preparations for MTS Tier II Exam. And the most important of all is to be calm and stay positive so as you are able to handle the examination pressure with poise. And what makes you do so is the confidence that you have in your preparations and capabilities.

It's the time when you are very close to the goal that you have been dreaming for since the day you started your preparations for the competitive examinations. Now, the only thing that you have to bear in mind is not to let this opportunity go in vain and perform to the best of your ability to live the sybaritic life lying ahead post your selection in this recruitment process.

The exam will be held in an offline mode. You will be given four boxes in every single row to write one word in each of them. You need to bear in mind that every single word in each box will be counted, be it "a", "the", or any other word. So, try writing to the point so that much of your words are not wasted mentioning unnecessary points. Although +/- 30% of word limit can be crossed, try not to exceed the actual word limit that is 150 words for letter and 250 words for the essay. Also, avoid unnecessary repetition of words, giving the reader any false information about the topics you are writing on, and making silly grammatical mistakes, and that comes only through practice that you have done so far. 

Now take a print out of your admit card, two passport size photographs, and photo identity proof in advance as waiting for the last moment is not in your favor. Do reach the exam center well ahead of time to avoid any unnecessary tension. Do confirm the location and all other important things that you need to know about your center in advance so that you don’t waste much of your time in search of your center.

Adda247 wishes you all the very best. Perform to the best of your ability in the MTS Tier II Descriptive Paper and bring the house down!!

All The Best For MTS Tier-II Descriptive Paper 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 27, 2018   Dear Students, the descriptive paper of MTS Recruitment process is scheduled to be held tomorrow. The time has come when you need to ...

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