Adda247 has proudly added another feather in our cap, with the launch of Adda247 Publications. Our Publications is aimed towards meeting the needs of aspirants, our readers and followers by providing them with updated and latest pattern based Books for Competitive Exams in Hindi and English Medium.
The Adda247 Publications provide one with a wide range of books for IBPS Exams, SBI Exams, RBI Exams, IBPS RRB Exams, SSC CGL Exam, SSC Exams, CHSL Exam, SSC CPO Exam, SSC JE Exam, etc. Some of the books available on Adda247 Publications are "A Complete Book For Puzzles and Seating Arrangements", "Quantitative Aptitude: Arithmetic" and "Quantitative Aptitude: Advanced Maths" for SSC & other Govt. examinations such as CGL, CPO, CHSL, Railways, "English Language" for Banking and Insurance Examinations and there is more!!
Following are new launches in English and Hindi Medium:
Banking and Insurance Entrance Exam Books in English
- A Complete Book on Puzzles & Seating Arrangement
- Computer Aptitude Book for Banking & Insurance Exams
- Reasoning Ability for Banking & Insurance Exams
- Quantitative Aptitude for Banking & Insurance Exams
- English Language for Banking & Insurance Exams
Banking and Insurance Entrance Exam Books in Hindi
- Hindi Edition Book on "Quantitative Aptitude" for Banking & Insurance Exams
- A Complete Book in HINDI on Reasoning Ability for Banking & Insurance Exams
SSC & Other Govt. Entrance Exam Books in English
- "30 Previous Year Mock Test of SSC CHSL 2016-17 " for SSC CHSL, MTS & Other Exams
- "English Language Book" for SSC & other Govt. examinations
- "Quantitative Aptitude: Arithmetic" for SSC & other Govt. examinations
- A Complete Book on "Quantitative Aptitude: Advance Maths" for SSC & other Govt. examinations
SSC & Other Govt. Entrance Exam Books in English
- "Quantitative Aptitude: Arithmetic" HINDI Edition for SSC
- Hindi Edition Book on "Quantitative Aptitude: Advance Maths" for SSC & other Govt. Examinations
- "A Complete Book on General Intelligence & Reasoning in HINDI" for SSC & other Govt. Examinations
Adda247 is trusted by lakhs of govt. job aspirants and now with Adda247 Publication we have taken another step to provide our readers with what they need and demand i.e. updates study and practice material books for banking, insurance, SSC and all other government job examinations. We’ve been delivering the best study material through video lectures, live sessions and now with our Publication, we will be continuing to do so and Adda247 will remain your one-stop solution for preparation as the No. 1 platform to prepare to get a government job.
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