11 Effective Ways to Improve Your English

January 11, 2018    

11 Effective Ways to Improve Your English

Hey readers
The English language is the section of all competitive exam that can either help you to score the best in the exam or it will destroy your chance to secure your place in the merit list. Why does this happen? This happens because English is a marks-securing section. Students who have a very good command over the language crack good scores but there are some students who think that this language is not meant for them. They try a lot of strategies but all in vain. There can be many reasons behind your fail attempts in English section, but most common and strong reasons are as follow:

1. The medium of your study was not English language.
2. You never paid attention to grammar.
3. You cram vocabulary.
4. No reading habits
5. No one to clear doubts
6. Ignorance in your offline coaching centre
7. Hesitation of speaking English
8. You don't write regularly
9. You only practice the questions
10. Fear of failure

If the above-written reasons are behind your failure in exams, then let us try to find out the solutions.

1. Take it easy

English is just a language and you don't need to be terrified when you start learning. Because even the native speaker of English does not speak it without making errors. So, before piling up a burden on your brain, you should sit back and relax. Try to find out the best method of learning. 

2. Think in English

Ever wondered, how can you speak your native language with ease and comfort. The reason is that you think in your native language. To get a command over the English language, you have to start thinking in English. This might seem impossible, if you practice thinking of a sentence in English you will feel the lack of vocabulary and then you will search for the words related to the things you want to speak or write. Never translate your sentences word-to-word because you may end up making wrong sentences.
मैं वहां जा रही हूँ - I there going am. It is the result of your lack of your grammar.

3. Learn Grammar 

We have an inbuilt grammar of our native languages that is why we can speak or understand it easily. But when it comes to English, the knowledge of grammar is a must to crack any exam. Without a clear idea of the grammar, your efforts will go in vain. In school, we are never taught the grammar rules properly for us,

Noun means- a word that denotes the name of a person or thing
Pronoun means- a word used in the place of nouns.
Adjective- a word that denotes the quality of a person or a thing
Verb means- words that show our activity.
Adverb means- a word that qualifies a verb

But what next? How will you know where to place a verb and adjective? What comes first a verb or adverb? For this you must learn the rules of grammar from the basics. That is what we are doing in our
60-Day Basic to Advanced English Course. We are teaching you the language with the help of grammatical rules.

4. Develop Reading Habits

Reading is a must to understand a language. If you are extremely weak in English, then you should start from reading the English books of Class VIII to Class XII. The English textbooks have small chapters and easy vocabulary and thus it helps you to develop the reading abilities. If you start from the difficult-level, you will miss the basics. You may learn difficult words but you will never be able to understand the meaning of easy and useful words.

5. Art of Newspaper Reading

Reading newspaper plays a vital role in all competitive exams related to banking and finance industry. But if you are unable to understand the context of the sentences, the hidden meaning of the words and phrases, you can never succeed in reading the paper. 
To develop a habit of the reading newspaper you should start from your favourite section like sports, fashion, entertainment and small stories. This will help you to build interest and then move to the editorial. 
  • Only read one editorial a day that you think has the most important and relatable information. 
  • Try to comprehend the passage in your own language. 
  • Summarise it into a small passage which helps in improving writing skills. 
  • Try to find the questions that can be asked in the exam.
  • Search for the difficult words using mobile dictionary or Google because if you think you will find the meaning later and note it down in the notebook, you won't be able to understand the editorial.

6. Contextual Understanding

If you come across a difficult word in a book or newspaper, find its meaning and think in which sense a word is used in the paragraph.
For example:
The robbers wore large coats to camouflage their weapons from the security guards.
Camouflage is the colour of military uniform which they use to wear in jungles in order to hide from the enemy and mix well in the greenery of the jungle.
Thus, camouflage means to hide or to disguise. 
Thinking of the contextual uses of words will develop the vocabulary. 

7. Vocabulary Development

Having a strong vocabulary is a weapon that can help you to understand the English language easily. But the question is "How to Develop Vocabulary?"
The answer is quite simple: One can develop vocabulary by using it.
Starting from the easy words and moving to the difficult words. Each word in the English language takes various formations like an adverb, adjective, noun etc. Taking one word and using it in different ways will help you to learn quickly. 

For Example
Transition  (Noun) refers to the change, move, adaptation.
Transition is also a verb
Transitional (Adjective) and a related word is Transit which means moving from one place to another

Once you get the ability to quickly transform the words into various forms, the words will be imprinted on your mind.
You can use the word Transition in following way

The transition from farm life to city life is often difficult. (noun)
The transitional period in education brought great reforms. (adjective)
They transitioned their business-areas. (verb)

We have provided our students who enrolled for our English Course, with a Whatsapp group where they use words in various forms and get their sentences checked and rectified.

8. Writing Practice

Writing regularly is an effective method of learning English, write at least 500 hundred-word paragraph every day using new words and modified forms of verbs. Once you inculcate the habit of writing daily, you will be able to express yourself. You will start looking for new words and will be able to find your errors yourself.

9. Clarify Your Doubts

Most of the students studying in offline coaching centres hesitate to ask questions and clarify your doubts. Never hold back yourself from asking questions. Your teacher is supposed to be interested in your development and if he/she doesn't help you to improve your skills then what is the use of paying a huge amount of coaching fees.

10. Get Your Work Checked

You must get your write-ups checked regularly to know about your mistakes and their solutions. Writing without being able to get is assessed is waste. Approach your teacher or a person with good command over English. In our course, we assign a topic to our students daily and they come up with their write-ups to be checked and assessed. We tell them their mistakes and the methods to improve them.

11. News and Movies

Listening to English is also an effective method of learning English. You should at least watch one news bulletin on any English news channels. Watch English movies with subtitles. These subtitles help you to grasp the small phrases to express your emotions. If you do not find this suitable, then start watching videos of Indian who speak fluent English in their web-series or movies. There are several English news channels that are run by Indian companies. The Indian-anchors and journalists speak in their own accent which is quite easy to understand

The last tip I have for you is "Practice is the Key to Success" the patiently you practice, the more you learn and improve. Never give up because you think you cannot do it. Always have faith in yourself and keep taking small steps towards your success. These steps will surely lead you to a better future. 

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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2018/01/11-effective-ways-to-improve-your.html
11 Effective Ways to Improve Your English 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 11, 2018 Hey readers The English language is the section of all competitive exam that can either help you to score the best in the exam or it wil...

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