Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2017: Exam Schedule

December 29, 2017    

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Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2017: Schedule Of Exam

Dear Students, In reference to Navodya Vidyalaya Samiti's recruitment advertisement for the various non teaching posts published in the Employment News dated 11-17 November, 2017, Samiti has released schedule for online examination (Computer Based Test) for different post.

Exam Schedule :

DATE Session -1
(09.00 A.M to 11.30 A.M)
Session - 2
(02.00 P.M to 04.30 P.M)


Laboratory Attendant
Female Staff Nurse
Female Staff Nurse

Lower Division Clerk / Store

Lower Division Clerk / Store
Hindi Translator
Stenographer Catering Assistant

Reporting Time :

Scheduled Dates Time Schedule TIMING

12th January to
14th January 2018
Session - 1 Session - 2
Reporting TIme 07.30 AM 12.30 PM
Gate Closing Time 08.30 AM 01.30 PM

Admit cards will be available shortly on the NVS website.E-Admit card link will be made available at the registered/updated E-Mail Ids of candidates to download it.

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti 2017 Exam Pattern:

Audit Assistant Exam Pattern:

Component Of Test Marks Duration
1. Hindi and English (15 marks each) 30 150 minutes
(Two and
Half hours)
2. Mental Ability/ Reasoning/ Arithmetic 30
3. General Awareness & Current Affairs 20
4. Subject Knowledge 20
Total 100

Hindi Translator Exam Pattern:

Component Of Test Marks Duration
1. Translation English to Hindi 30 150 minutes
(Two and
Half hours)
2. Mental Ability/ Reasoning/ Arithmetic 30
3. General Awareness & Current Affairs 20
4. Subject Knowledge 20
Total 100

Stenographer Exam Pattern:

Component Of Test Marks Duration
1. Hindi and English (15 marks each) 30 150 minutes
(Two and
Half hours)
2. Mental Ability/ Reasoning/ Arithmetic 30
3. General Awareness & Current Affairs 20
4. Subject Knowledge 20
Total 100

Staff Nurse Exam Pattern:

Component Of Test Marks Duration
1. Hindi and English (10 marks each) 20 150 minutes
(Two and
Half hours)
2. Mental Ability/ Reasoning 20
3. General Awareness & Current Affairs 20
4. Subject Knowledge 40
Total 100

Catering Exam Pattern:

Component Of Test Marks Duration
1. Hindi and English (10 marks each) 20 150 minutes
(Two and
Half hours)
2. Mental Ability/ Reasoning 20
3. General Awareness & Current Affairs 20
4. Subject Knowledge 40
Total 100

Lower Division Clerk/ Storekeeper Exam Pattern:

Component Of Test Marks Duration
1. Hindi and English (10 marks each) 20 150 minutes
(Two and
Half hours)
2. Mental Ability/ Reasoning 20
3. General Awareness & Current Affairs 20
4. Subject Knowledge 20
5. Arithmetical Ability 20
Total 100

Lab Assistant Exam Pattern:

Component Of Test
Hindi and English (10 marks each)
150 minutes
(Two and
Half hours)
Mental Ability/ Reasoning/ Arithmetic
General Awareness & Current Affairs
Subject Knowledge

  • There will be no negative marking.
  • Test Paper will be bilingual: Hindi & English.

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Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2017: Exam Schedule 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 29, 2017 Dear Readers, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2017: Schedule Of Exam Dear Students, In reference to Navodya Vidyalaya Samiti...

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