English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 29th November 2017

December 2, 2017    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 29th November 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial from the News Paper
  • Long overdue - if something is long overdue, it should have been done before now
  • Custody - the legal right or duty to care for someone or something
  • Emphasise -  to give particular importance or attention to something
  • Curtailing - to reduce or limit something
  • Radicalise - to make someone become more extreme in their political or religious beliefs
  • Allege - to say that something is true or that someone has done something wrong or illegal, even though this has not been proved
  • Involuntary - happening or done without being intended
  • Ploy - a way of tricking or confusing someone in order to get an advantage or to make them do what you want
  • Communal - relating to a particular community
  • Abroad - foreign country
  • Internship - a temporary job that a student or recent graduate takes in order to get experience in the area they want to work in
  • Homoeopathy - a way of treating illness by giving small amounts of natural substances that in large amounts would cause the illness
  • Ironic - strange because of being very different from what you would usually expect
  • Confinement - a situation in which someone is forced to stay in a place and not allowed to leave
  • Annul - to state officially that something such as a marriage, an agreement, or an election has no legal authority
  • Sham - something that people pretend is good, serious, or honest but is really not
  • Ruse - a plan or trick used for hiding your true intentions
  • Scuttle - to make a plan, agreement, attempt etc fail or stop
  • Vulnerable - weak or easy to hurt physically or mentally
  • Aghast - shocked and upset
  • Primacy - the fact of being more powerful or important than anything else
  • Probe - an attempt to find out the truth about an issue, problem, or accident
  • Lawful - officially accepted by the government or another authority
  • Campaign - a planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim
  • Overseas - happening or existing in a country across the sea from your country
  • Phenomenon - an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist
  • Indoctrination - to teach someone a set of beliefs so thoroughly that they do not accept any other ideas
  • Brook no something - to not allow or accept something, especially a difference of opinion or intention
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "A new phase? Nepal's historic vote"
  • Alter - to make something or someone different
  • Fragmented - consisting of several separate parts
  • Alliance - an arrangement between two or more people, groups, or countries by which they agree to work together to achieve something
  • Hammer out - to reach a decision or agreement after discussing it or arguing about it for a long time
  • On the face of it - used for saying that something appears to be true but might not be true when you have examined it in more detail
  • Distinguish - to recognize the differences between things
  • Fits and starts - stopping and starting again many times, rather than progressing steadily
  • Short-sighted - dealing with things that are happening now but failing to consider what will happen in the future
  • One-upmanship - a way of behaving in which someone tries to get an advantage by appearing to be more skilful, important etc than other people
  • Patronage - used in a negative way for talking about help, especially in the form of a job, that is given to people in return for their support
  • Consequence - a result or effect of something
  • Discourse - a long and serious speech or piece of writing on a particular subject
  • Decentralisation - to take power from a central government or organization and give it to several smaller and more local ones
  • Adequate - good enough or large enough for a particular purpose
  • Subsume - to include something in a larger group and cause it to lose its own individual character
  • Fledgling - new and without experience
  • Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
  • Significant - very large or noticeable
  • Flux - a condition of continuous change
  • Foreground - to give something more importance than something else
  • Concern - a feeling of worry about something, especially one that a lot of people have about an important issue
  • Squabbling - to argue with someone about something that is not important
  • Cynical - someone who is cynical believes that people care only about themselves and are not sincere or honest
  • Turnout - the number of voters in an election
Read Previous Posts of THE HINDU English Vocabulary from here 

Note : Vocabulary of The HINDU Editorials dated 30th November and 1st, 2nd December 2017 will be available soon. 

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 29th November 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 2, 2017 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated...

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