English Synonyms & Antonyms for Competitive Exams - Set 21

December 29, 2017    

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Hello Gr8AmbitionZ readers, here are the set 21 of Synonyms & Antonyms for Competitive Exams. Happy Reading :)

Antonyms & Synonyms for Competitive Exams  with Letter 'U'

  • Ugly (Adjective)
    • Meaning : unpleasant to look at
    • Synonyms
      • Homely
      • Distasteful
      • Frightful
      • Hideous
      • Spiteful
      • Sullen
      • Plain
      • Unattractive
      • Unsightly
    • Antonyms :
      • Attractive
      • Beautiful
      • Cute
      • Gorgeous
      • Handsome
      • Lovely
      • Pretty
      • Pleasant
      • Agreeable
      • Charming
  • Unalterable
    • Meaning : impossible to change or influence
    • Synonyms
      • Variable 
      • Immutable
      • Changeless
      • Unchangeable
      • Permanent
      • Constant
    • Antonyms :
      • Revocable 
      • Mutable
      • Changeable
      • Variable
      • Inconstant
      • Alterable
  • Unanimity (Noun)
    • Meaning :  complete agreement among all the members of a group
    • Synonyms
      • Harmony 
      • Assent
      • Concert
      • Concurrence
      • Unity
      • Unison
      • Like-minded
      • Agreement
      • Accord
      • Concord
    • Antonyms :
      • Disagreement
      • Contention
      • Difference
      • Variance
      • Disharmony
  • Unanimous
    • Meaning : a unanimous decision, vote, agreement etc is one that everyone agrees with and supports
    • Synonyms
      • Agreeing 
      • Concordant
      • United
    • Antonyms
      • Disagreeing 
      • Differing
      • Discordant
      • Deviating
  • Unanswerable (Noun)
    • Synonyms : impossible or very difficult to prove wrong or false
      • Conclusive 
      • Incontrovertible
      • Certain
      • Infallible
      • Irrefutable
      • Undeniable
    • Antonyms :
      • Refutable 
      • Inconclusive
      • Disputable
      • Fallible
      • Weak
Shraboni Chakraborty
Asstt. Professor
English and Foreign Languages University,
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    English Synonyms & Antonyms for Competitive Exams - Set 21 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 29, 2017 sponsored links Hello Gr8 A mbition Z readers, here are the set 21 of Synonyms & Antonyms for Competitive Exams. Happy Reading :)...

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