To express quantity or degree some is used normally in affirmative sentences.
For e.g.:- I will buy some mangoes.
Some is used in questions which are really offers/requests or which expect the answer “Yes”.
For e.g.:- I will buy some mangoes.
Some is used in questions which are really offers/requests or which expect the answer “Yes”.
For e.g.:-
- Will you have some samosa and tea? (Offer)
- Could you lend me some money? (Request)
- Did you buy some clothes? (I expect you did.)
In negative or interrogative sentences. But any can be used after ‘if’ in affirmative sentences.
For e.g.:-
- If you need any money I will help you.
- I will not buy any mangoes.
- Have you bought any chocolates?
Each, Every
- ‘Each’ and ‘Every’ are similar in meaning, but ‘Every’ is a stronger word than each; it means, 'each without exception'.
- ‘Each’ is used in speaking of two or more things; ‘Every’ is used only in speaking of more than two.
- ‘Each’ directs attention to the individuals forming any group, ‘Every’ to the total group.
- ‘Each’ is used only when the number in the group is limited and definite; ‘Every’ when the number is indefinite.
For e.g.:-
- Every seat was taken in the bus.
- Five boys were seated on each bench.
- Every one of these toys is expensive.
- Leap year falls in every fourth year.
- He came to see us every three days. [i.e., once in every period of three days].
- It rained every day during my holidays.
- I was away ten days and it rained each day.
Little, A little, The little: -
(1) Little = not much (i.e., hardly any). Thus, the adjective little has a negative meaning.For e.g.:-
- There is little hope of his recovery. (i.e.:- he is not likely to recovery)
- He showed little concern for his father.
- He has little influence over his old followers.
- He showed little mercy to the thief.
- He has little appreciation of good poetry.
(2) A little = some though not much. 'A little' has a positive meaning.
For e.g.:-
- There is a little hope of his recovery. (i.e.:-he may possibly recover.)
- A little tactics is also required in the game of chess.
- A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
For e.g.:-
- The little information he had was not quite reliable.
- The little knowledge of carpentry that he possessed stood him in good stead.
- [The sentence means-The knowledge of carpentry he possessed was not much; but all that knowledge stood him in good stead.]
Few, A few, The few
(1) Few = not many, hardly any, 'Few' has a negative meaning.For e.g.:-
- Only a few persons can keep a secret.
- Few people are as hopeless as drunkards.
- Few towns in India have public libraries.
- Few workers attended work today.
- Few men are free from faults.
- Few men reach the age of one hundred years.
- Few students passed IBPS exam.
(2) A few = some. 'A few' has a positive meaning, and is opposed to 'none'.
For e.g.:-
- A few words spoken in earnest will convince him.
- A few Parsees write Gujarati correctly.
(3) The few = not many, but all there are.
For e.g.:-
- The few remarks that he made were very suggestive. [The sentence means- The remarks that he made were not many, but all those remarks were very suggestive.]
- The few friends he has are all very poor.
- The few clothes they had were all tattered and torn.
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- http://www.bankexamstoday.com/2017/12/correct-use-of-some-adjectives.html
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