7th December 2017 Events - Important Daily Current Affairs

December 7, 2017    

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Dear Great Ambitionists, here are today's (7th December 2017) Important Current Affairs updates. Happy Reading :)

Daily Current Affairs of 7th December 2017

International Current Affairs
  • Today (7th December) is International Civil Aviation Day.
    • Theme for 2015-18 : Working Together to ensure No Country is Left Behind
  • Breaking nearly 70-year-old US policy, the US President Donald Trump has officially recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
    • The US has become the first country to recognise the status of Jerusalem which is claimed as the capital by both Israel and Palestine. 
    • Jerusalem's status is considered one of the biggest obstacles in reaching a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin today announced that he will seek another term in office in next year's presidential elections
    • Putin held the office of President for two terms from 2000 to 2008 and served as Prime Minister from 2008 to 2012 and then won a third term as President in 2012.
MOUs & Agreements
  • India and Cuba have signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for enhanced cooperation in the Health Sector
    • Objective of this MoU : To establish comprehensive inter-ministerial and inter-institutional cooperation between two countries in the field of health.
National Current Affairs
  • Today is Armed Forces Flag Day / Flag Day of India.
    • This day is celebrated all over India every year on 7th of December in order to collect the funds from people all around the country for the wellbeing of the staff of the Indian Armed Forces.
    • It was first celebrated in India on 7th of December in the year 1949.
    • Since 1949, it has become a ritual in order to memorialize this day in the great honour of the soldiers, sailors and airmen of the India.
  • Uttar Pradesh has become the 1ststate to endorse the Centre's draft bill on Instant Triple Talaq.
    • This bill recognises the Instant Triple Talaq practice as a non-bailable offence and proposes three-year imprisonment for defaulters.
Science & Technology
  • Apollo 17, the last manned Moon mission was launched on this day (7th December) in the year 1972. 
    • With the mission, late astronaut Eugene Cernan had become the last person to walk on the Moon, while Harrison Schmitt is the most recent living person to achieve the feat. 
Awards & Honors
  • The TIME magazine named 'The Silence Breakers', the voices behind the #MeToo movement, as the TIME Person of the Year 2017
    • US President Donald Trump, his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un were among the runners-up.
  • India's Kumbh Mela has been recognised by UNESCO as an "intangible cultural heritage of humanity".
    • The Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage under the UN body inscribed Kumbh Mela on the "Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" at its 12th session in Jeju, South Korea.

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      7th December 2017 Events - Important Daily Current Affairs 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 7, 2017 sponsored links Dear Great Ambitionists, here are today's ( 7th December 2017 ) Important Current Affairs updates . Happy Reading :)...

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