The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary | SSC CGL Tier-II 2017 Exam

November 18, 2017    

Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to stand out and be a success in your chosen field. In SSC CGL 2017 Exams and Other govt. jobs, English section is the most challenging. The best way to improve your language skills is by Reading newspapers. We are providing 10 vocabulary words from The Hindu Newspaper Editorial. Read and learn.

प्रिय विद्यार्थियों, हम आपको The HINDU Newspaper Editorial के Vocabulary Words प्रदान कर रहे हैं. हमारा सुझाव है कि आप दैनिक समाचार पत्र पढ़ते रहिये यदि आप The Hindu पढ़ नहीं पा रहे हैं, तो हम संपादकीय अनुभाग से प्रति दिन महत्वपूर्ण शब्दों को पोस्ट करेंगे. ये vocab words आपकी प्रतिस्पर्धी परीक्षाओं में बहुत मदद करेंगे.  हम अर्थ सहित 10 अंग्रेजी के शब्द उपलब्ध करा रहे हैं इनका अच्छे से अध्ययन करें.

1.Frantically (adverb)-क्रोधोन्मत्तता में, पागलपन में 
Meaning: in a distraught way owing to fear, anxiety, or other emotion, in a hurried, excited, or disorganized manner.
Example: the Election Commission’s decision to de-hyphenate the Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat Assembly election notification which allowed the Central and State governments more time to frantically announce sops, including slashing rates of the goods and services tax (GST) on select items, loan waivers for farmers, and benefits for government employees.

2.Hibernation (noun)-सीतनिद्रा, शीत निष्क्रियता
Meaning: the condition or period of an animal or plant spending the winter in a dormant state, an extended period of remaining inactive or indoors.
Example:This has created opportune conditions for the Congress Party to come out of its self-imposed hibernation since 2014. It suddenly appears to be eager, even aggressive, in taking on the BJP on its home turf.

3.Critique (noun)-विचेनात्मक,आलोचना
Meaning: a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.
Synonyms: analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, appreciation, review, write-up. 
Example: A critique of economic failures is not enough; a party must shape it with a social and economic agenda of its own. Also, the weakness in the Congress’s organisation remains glaring: it has no strong State leader and no organisation. 

4.Shun (verb)-किनारा करना, अलगाव, त्याग  
Meaning: persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution.
Synonyms: avoid, evade, eschew, steer clear of, shy away from, fight shy of, recoil from, keep away from, keep one's distance from, give a wide berth to, have nothing to do with, leave alone, not touch.
Example: Finding itself on the defensive on issues like nationalism, terrorism and corruption, the Congress has shifted the discourse to development failures to preempt Hindu consolidation; it is cornering the government on the economic front and at the same time shunning cultural and emotional issues. 

5.Appeasement (noun)-मनौती, शमन 
Meaning: the action or process of appeasing.
Synonyms: conciliation, placation, pacification, propitiation, palliation, allaying, reconciliation.
Example: The Congress is keen to shed its pro-minority image and deflect attention from Hindu-Muslim tension in order to prevent the BJP from diverting the simmering discontent towards the familiar territory of minority appeasement and the projection of Congress as a Muslim-centric party.

6.Moot (adjective)-विवादास्पद
Meaning: subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty.
Synonyms: debatable, open to debate, open to discussion, arguable, questionable, at issue, open to question, open, doubtful, open to doubt, disputable, contestable, controvertible, problematic, problematical, controversial, contentious, vexed, disputed, unresolved, unsettled, up in the air, undecided, yet to be decided, undetermined, unconcluded.
Example: It is moot whether the Bench entrusted by the Chief Justice would ensure justice or not — the critical point is that such a Bench chosen by the Chief Justice was congenitally defective.

7.Plausible (adjective)-प्रशंसनीय, संभाव्य 
Meaning: (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.
Synonyms: credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, probable, tenable, possible, conceivable, imaginable, within the bounds of possibility, convincing, persuasive, cogent, sound, rational, logical, acceptable, thinkable. 
Example: This episode of plausible administrative impropriety was unfortunately compounded by the Chief Justice constituting a five-judge Bench, including himself, to hear the matter on the judicial side. 

8.Suffice (verb)-पर्याप्त होना
Meaning: be enough or adequate.
Synonyms: be enough, be sufficient, be adequate, do, serve, meet requirements, satisfy demands, answer/fulfil/meet one's needs, answer/serve the purpose, pass muster. 
Example: Again, whether the right decision was reached or not is moot — a decision was reached in which the Chief Justice was unarguably judge in his own cause. That itself suffices to make this judgment bad in law.

9.Cardinal (adjective)-आधारभूत 
Meaning: of the greatest importance; fundamental.
Synonyms: fundamental, basic, main, chief, primary, prime, principal, premier, first, leading, capital, paramount, pre-eminent. 
Example: First, the cardinal principle that the Chief Justice of India is the master of the roster must be re-examined.

10.Tenet (noun)-सिद्धांत
Meaning: a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy.
Synonyms: principle, belief, doctrine, precept, creed, credo, article of faith, dogma, canon, rule. 
Example: Although there can scarcely be any argument against it as a tenet of judicial discipline, it would be naive to consider it an absolute principle of justice delivery.

The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocabulary | SSC CGL Tier-II 2017 Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 18, 2017 Dear students, English language is the flavor of the millennium. In every aspect of life, we need great English language skills to st...

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