Test of the Day for OICL AO Mains 2017

November 12, 2017    


We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like OICL AO etc. From this, you can practice questions with the timer that will help you to improve speed.

Q1. The scientists of which country have developed the world’s smallest surgical robot which could transform daily operations for tens of thousands of patients?
British scientists have developed the worlds smallest surgical robot which could transform daily operations for tens of thousands of patients. A team of 100 scientists and engineers have used low-cost technology originally developed for mobile phones and space industry.

Q2. When is the World's Diabetes Day?
14th November
11th December
15th October
1st July
21st June
World Diabetes Day is the primary global awareness campaign of the diabetes world and is held on November 14 each year. It was introduced in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in response to the alarming rise of diabetes around the world.

Q3. According to area, which Union Territory is smallest in India?
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Daman and Diu
Lakshadweep formerly known as the Laccadive, Minicoy, and Aminidivi Islands is a group of islands in the Laccadive Sea, 200 to 440 kilometres off the south western coast of India. The archipelago is a Union Territory and is governed by the Union Government of India. The islands form the smallest Union Territory of India: their total surface area is just 32 km square.

Q4. Mohiniattam dance from developed originally in which state....?
Tamil Nadu
Mohiniyattam is a classical Indian dance from Kerala. Mohiniyattam, also spelled Mohiniattam is one of two classical dances of India.

Q5. Textiles Ministry has recently inaugurated Jharkhand’s first textiles manufacturing and export unit ‘Orient Craft Ltd’. Who is the present Cabinet Minister of Textiles in India?
Prakash Javadkar
Smriti Irani
Uma Bharati
Kalraj Mishra
Ravi Shankar Prasad
Textiles Ministry has recently inaugurated Jharkhand’s first textiles manufacturing and export unit ‘Orient Craft Ltd’. Smriti Irani is the present Cabinet Minister of Textiles in India.

Directions (6-10): Study the information and answer the given questions: 

Ten friends are sitting in two parallel rows containing five people each in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1 – A, B, C, D, and E are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing south. In row 2 – P, Q, R, S and T are seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. All of them belong to different states like Bihar, Punjab, Kerela, Odisha, Tripura, Manipur, Assam, Rajasthan, Gujrat, and Nagaland but not necessarily in the same order.
A sits third to left of one who belongs to Punjab. Either A or one who belongs to Punjab sits on the extreme end of the row. Immediate neighbor of A faces T, who belongs toTripura. Only one person sits between T and Q, who belongs to Odisha. Q does not sit any extreme end of the row. E belongs toBihar and faces Q. Immediate neighbor of Q faces the person who belongs to Kerela. There are two persons sit between B and the person who belongs to Kerela. R belongs to Gujrat and faces B. Immediate neighbor of C faces the person who belongs to Nagaland. Immediate neighbor of Q does not face the person who belongs to Manipur. P belongs to Assam.

Q6.Who sit at the extreme ends of the row?

Q7. D belongs to which of the following state?

Q8. B faces which of the following person?

Q9. Which of the following information is NOT true regarding D?
D is immediate neighbor of B.
D sits second to left of E.
D sits second to right of A.
D faces P
D belongs to Rajasthan

Q10. Who belongs to Kerela?

Q11. In what ratio milk & water should be mixed so that after selling this mixture at its cost price there is a profit of 100/9% ?
8 : 3
8 : 1
9 : 1
4 : 9
None of these

Q12. In a pot, the ratio of milk and water is 4 : 1. In another pot, the ratio of milk and water is 7 : 4. In what ratio mixture should be taken from both mixtures to make final mixture so that in final mixture the ratio of milk and water be 41 : 14?
3 : 2
2 : 1
4 : 3
5 : 2
None of these

Q13. In a 40 litre mixture of alcohol & water, the ratio of alcohol and water is 5 : 3. If 20% of this mixture is taken out and the same amount of water is added then what will be the ratio of alcohol and water in final mixture?
5 : 2
3 : 1
4 : 1
3 : 2
1 : 1

Q14. How much quantity of rice of the price 18 rupees per kg should be mixed with 45 kg of rice having price 26 rupees per kg so that after selling mixture at 25.2 rupees per kg there is a profit of 5%? 
30 kg
25 kg
20 kg
15 kg
None of these

Q15. In what ratio three types of rice whose cost prices are Rs. 5.20, Rs. 5.70 &Rs. 6.40 per kg respectively should be mixed so that of selling this mixture at the rate of Rs. 6.72 per kg there is a profit of 20%? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) S15. Ans.(a) Sol.
2 : 8 : 1
3 : 6 : 4
5 : 8 : 3
7 : 5 : 2
None of these
Q16. Please select the most appropriate option, out of the five options given for each of the following sentences, which, in your view, should be grammatically and structurally correct. Please note that the meaning & context of the sentence must not change.
I saw a beautiful ,young,andwell dressed woman.
I saw a young, beautiful and well dressed woman.
I saw a well- dressed, beautiful and young woman.
I saw a young,andwell dressed beautiful women.
I saw well dressed woman a young, beautiful.
When several adjectives are used before a noun to qualify it, then these adjectives should be placed in such an order that the adjective showing / indicating the basic nature of the noun is placed as near as possible to its noun/pronoun.

Q17. Please select the most appropriate option, out of the five options given for each of the following sentences, which, in your view, should be grammatically and structurally correct. Please note that the meaning & context of the sentence must not change. (a) Every son and every daughter of the country was a volunteer. (b) (c) (d) (e) S17. Ans.(a) Sol.
Every son and every daughter of the country was a volunteer.
Every son and every daughter of the country were volunteer.
Every son and every daughter of the country were a volunteer.
Every son and every daughter of the country was a volunteering.
Son and every daughter of the country was a volunteer.
If two singular subjects are connected by ‘and’ preceded by ‘each, every, no’ then the verb is used in singular form. 

Q18. Please select the most appropriate option, out of the five options given for each of the following sentences, which, in your view, should be grammatically and structurally correct. Please note that the meaning & context of the sentence must not change.
Two-thirds of the village are in ruins.
Two-third of the village is at the ruins.
Two-thirds of the village are at ruins.
Two-thirds of the village is in ruins.
Two-thirds of the village is in ruin.
When a plural noun denotes some specific quantity or amount that is considered as a whole, the verb is generally used in singular form.

Q19. Please select the most appropriate option, out of the five options given for each of the following sentences, which, in your view, should be grammatically and structurally correct. Please note that the meaning & context of the sentence must not change.
She is good at neither Mathematics or Science.
She is neither good at Mathematics nor in Science.
She is good at neither Mathematics nor Science.
She is neither good at Mathematics nor at Science.
She is neither good at Mathematics or at Science.
When conjunctions are used as correlatives, each of the correlated words should be placed immediately before the words ti be connected.

Q20. Please select the most appropriate option, out of the five options given for each of the following sentences, which, in your view, should be grammatically and structurally correct. Please note that the meaning & context of the sentence must not change.
He were promoted to the rank of a General manager.
He was promoted to the rank of General manager.
He was promoted to a rank of a General manager.
He was promote for the rank of General manager.
He was promoted to the rank of a General manager.
He was promoted to the rank of General manager.


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Test of the Day for OICL AO Mains 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 12, 2017 We are providing you with the test of the day which will help you in upcoming exams like OICL AO  etc. From this, you can practice ques...

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