SSC MTS Tier 2 Formal Letter Writing for Descriptive exam

November 30, 2017    

SSC MTS Descriptive Paper TIER 2

Hello Students,
  To come across the government exams successfully,we have to be prepared for all the Tiers conducted by the Staff. SSC MTS Tier 1 and  SSC CGL Tier 1 are over now and everybody is looking forward to the Tier 2 & Tier 3 respectively.In a nutshell, just start preparing for the descriptive exams that contain Essays,Letters Or Precis Writing.Considering the importance of the descriptive exam,we are providing Formal Letter to the aspirants to let them know about the proper format and body content of Formal Letter on an important topic.Those who are in need of a proper guidance and don't want to miss the opportunity to get the job they are longing for and are determined about must go through this.We wish the best wishes to all the aspirants out.

Imagine you are Shruti Sharma living at Street No. 40, Raja Colony, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Write a letter of complaint to the executive officer of the Municipality inviting his attention towards the insanitary condition in your locality.

Street no. 40
Raja Colony
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

November 30, 2017

The Executive Officer
Municipal Council


Subject– Request for cleaning garbage in the mentioned locality

I would like to draw your attention to the insanitary condition in our locality. The maintenance of cleanliness in the locality is continuously being neglected for the last couple of months since the rainy season has occurred as the sporadic fall of heavy rain fills the pits making it hazardous to cross the road at night. Vehicles get subsided in the pits full of water. Mosquitoes breed in the standing water. It is feared that some epidemic will break out. People are already facing serious health issues right after the Municipality has left paying attention to the filth gathered in the surroundings of the locality. To get recovery from the illness, once again people are bound to face difficulty as the routes leading to hospitals are in wear and tear conditions. Ignorance for long is surely going to cost high.

The drains are not cleaned everyday and now because of the uncleaned dirt and waste lying here and there, the surrounding area has started stinking. Flies keep buzzing throughout the day. The sweeper allotted to our locality is usually absent and when he is here, our requests are taken in granted. The Sanitary Inspector is oblivious of the whole concerning matter.

It is therefore a sincere request in behalf of every resident of the affected locality that the sanitary staff must be instructed to take necessary steps in the worrying matter. It will be appreciated if you make time to inspect this locality and set it free from the garbage.

Thanking you,

Your faithfully
Shruti Sharma

SSC MTS Tier 2 Formal Letter Writing for Descriptive exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 30, 2017 SSC  MTS Descriptive Paper TIER 2 Hello Students,   To come across the government exams successfully,we have to be prepared for a...

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