Reasoning Questions for IBPS PO Mains 2017

November 11, 2017    

Dear Readers,


The reasoning is a game of wits and presence of mind! Yes, it is true and it might seem as the greatest of the challenge after English Section’s surprises but yet this one can easily be dealt with. You just need correct practice and hardwire your brain to quickly make decisions of what to attempt and what to leave. And for same we are providing you questions of Reasoning Question and Answers. Solve these to Practice latest pattern reasoning question for bank exams.
Directions (1-5): Study the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
An input-output is given in different steps. Some mathematical operations are done in each step. No mathematical operation is repeated in next step but it can be repeated with some other mathematical operation (as multiplication can be used with subtraction in step 1 and same can be used with addition in step 2)

As per the rules followed in the steps given above, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Q1. Find the addition of the three numbers obtained in step I?
(a) 123
(b) 124
(c) 125
(d) 126
(e) None of these

Q2. Find the multiplication of two numbers obtained in Step III?
(a) 600
(b) 500
(c) 550
(d) 575
(e) None of these

Q3. Find the difference between the two numbers obtained in Step II?
(a) 28
(b) 17
(c) 37
(d) 27
(e) None of these

Q4. Find the square of number which is obtained in Step IV??
(a) 729
(b) 676
(c) 525
(d) 625
(e) 1000

Q5. If digit is exchanged within the each block then find the multiplication of two new numbers obtained in step II?
(a) 1525
(b) 1456
(c) 1460
(d) 1458
(e) None of these

Directions (6-10): Study the following information and answer the questions given below: 
There are ten candidates i.e. A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T. All of them are seated on two parallel rows, each row consist of six chairs. A, B, C, D, and E sit at Row 1, which is facing South direction and P,Q,R,S and T sits at Row 2, which faces north direction. One seat is vacant in each row. They all have birthday in different month i.e. January, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November and December but not necessarily in the same order.
The one whose birthday is in June sits opposite to P. The one whose birthday is in January sits third to left of T. C does not sits at any extreme end. The one whose birthday is in March sits second from right end of the Row 2. A faces vacant seat and D faces Q. There are three seats between S and Q who does not face the one whose birthday is in April. T sits opposite to the one whose birthday is in July who sits at extreme end. E sits just right of one vacant seat. R faces the vacant seat that is second to right of A. The one whose birthday is in April faces the one who sits fourth to left of the one whose birthday is in March. There is only one seat between the one who whose birthday is in June and the one who whose birthday is in April. The one whose birthday is in November sits immediate right of the one whose birthday is in September. The one whose birthday is in September sits near to B. The one whose birthday is in August faces the one who sits adjacent to vacant seat. The one, whose birthday is in May, sits adjacent to the one who faces the one whose birthday is in June. One seat is vacant between P and Q.

Q6. Who among the following has birthday is in July?
(a) C
(b) E
(c) R
(d) S
(e) B

Q7. Who among the following faces the one whose birthday is in June?
(a) A
(b) P
(c) Q
(d) T
(e) None of these

Q8. Who among following sits third to right of S?
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) T
(d) R
(e) No one.

Q9. Who among the following sits 2nd left of the one whose birthday is in November?
(a) A
(b) C
(c) R
(d) S
(e) B

Q10. Which of the following sentence is correct?
(a) A faces the one who whose birthday is in August.
(b) E sits adjacent to vacant seat
(c) T’s birthday is in March month.
(d) R is not immediate neighbor of P
(e) All are correct

Direction (11-15): See the following structure carefully and answer the given questions.
A student want one book from his college library:-
Data Flow Diagram as follows (DFD).

Q11. If student wants some book from library but he did not raise the ticket online earlier then whether book is issued to him or not?
(a) Yes, book will issue.
(b) Book will not issue. 
(c) It depends on librarian and if librarian will issue the ticket then it may be possible.
(d) Does not mention in DFD.
(e) None of these

Q12. If there is fine which is due on student then book is issued to student or not? 
(a) No, book will not issue.
(b) Book will be issued and student can submit fine in future.
(c) Book will be issued after the student submits the fine.
(d) Cannot determine from the DFD.
(e) None of these.

Q13. If librarian does not issue a ticket to the student who forgot to raise ticket online then what is the step taken by student to issue a book?
(a) Student may have to request to Principal.
(b) Student has to write an application to the librarian.
(c) Student has to pay 100 rupees fine and then book is issued.
(d) Student can take a book without ticket number
(e) Not mention in DFD.

Q14.What is the possible reason that book is not issued by librarian?
(a) Student may have refused to pay fine.
(b) The book is not available in the library
(c) If librarian has not issued a ticket when request made by student.
(d) All of the above.
(e) None of these.

Q15.If particular book is issued to student but after some days the book is lost by student. Then what will be the next seen?
(a) Student has to submit full amount of book. 
(b) Student has to write an apology application to college authority.
(c) The college may restricted to student for one week
(d) Not mention in DFD.
(e) None of these.

Answers will be updated soon...


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Reasoning Questions for IBPS PO Mains 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 11, 2017 Dear Readers, The reasoning is a game of wits and presence of mind! Yes, it is true and it might seem as the greatest of ...

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