Previous Years English Questions SSC CGL Tier-II 2017

November 7, 2017    

Dear Students, English section of CGL Tier-2 Exam is very challenging. You need to mug up all the grammar rules, vocabulary and practice a lot of mock tests to score maximum marks. Today, in this English quiz we are providing questions based on RC, One word Substitutions. Attempt this quiz, learn better and be prepared for the CGL Tier-2 2017. We wish you good luck for the CGL Exam.

Q1. In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word and click the button corresponding to it.

Q2. In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the given word and click the button corresponding to it.

Q3. Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word and click the button corresponding to it.

Directions (4 – 6): In the following questions, one part of the sentence may have an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and click the button corresponding to it. If the sentence is free from error, click the "No error" option.

Q4. Each child (A) / was given a (B) / red beautiful balloon. (C) / No error (D)

Q5. She has had the best medical facilities available, (A) / but she will not be cured (B) / unless she does not have a strong desire to live (C) / No error (D)

Q6. As if aware of my condition (A) / the infuriated bird suddenly doubled back on its course (B) /and charged straight after me (C)/No error (D)

Directions (7 – 9): The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it.

Q7. The passengers were afraid but the captain ___________ them that there was no danger.

Q8. I insisted ________ his leaving the place.

Q9. Please don't ________ me when I'm speaking.

Directions (10 – 12): In each of the questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and click the button corresponding to it.

Q10. Beat around the bush
(a)Walk around the forest
(b)Clean the bushy areas
(c)Avoiding the main topic
(d)Play around the forest

Q11. Make room
(a)Clean the room
(b)Make space
(c)Attain the room
(d)Make a clean sweep

Q12. Mend your ways
(a)Happy with one's behaviour
(b)Sad with one's behaviour
(c)Destroy one's behaviour
(d)Improve one's behaviour

Directions (13 – 15): Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and click the button corresponding to it.

Q13. A record of one's own life written by oneself

Q14. Belong to the same period

Q15. One who listens secretly to private conversation
(c)Eaves bearer

Previous Years English Questions SSC CGL Tier-II 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 7, 2017 Dear Students, English section of CGL Tier-2 Exam is very challenging. You need to mug up all the grammar rules, vocabulary and practic...

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