After thinking, Sage gave a single currency coin to the king! The king was confused and annoyed with this because what use he has for a single coin while he is already one of the richest kings! He curiously asked a sage, “what’s the meaning of this one coin?”
A Sage explained, “Oh Great King! I found this coin yesterday while …….(6) around the streets of your capital city. But I had no use of it. So, I had decided that I will donate it to someone needy. I strolled around till the evening in your capital, but found no one such. Everyone was living a happy life. It …..(7) that they were satisfied with what they had. So I found no one to give this coin. But today, the king of this state, still have the desire to gain more and not satisfied with what he already has, I felt you were in need of this coin.”
The King realized his mistake and gave up the …….(8) war.
1. Fill in the blank
A. noticedB. find
C. got
D. observed
2. Fill in the blank
A. happierB. dissatisfied
C. satisfy
D. contented
3. Fill in the blank
A. getB. donate
C. release
D. donated
4. Fill in the blank
A. wanderingB. stroll
C. invasion
D. round
5. Fill in the blank
A. happyB. contented
C. richer
D. expanded
6. Fill in the blank
A. strollingB. passing
C. walk
D. wander
7. Fill in the blank
A. looksB. seemed
C. realized
D. portrayed
8. Fill in the blank
A. decidedB. biggest
C. destroying
D. planned
Answer 1: Option AAnswer 2: Option D
Answer 3: Option B
Answer 4: Option C
Answer 5: Option D
Answer 6: Option A
Answer 7: Option B
Answer 8: Option D
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